

"It won't happen, I won't let it. Listen to me Azam, will you listen to what I have to say?" asked Sheisha with a serious look.

"I will listen to what you have to say Sheisha, say.. what should I do?" asked Azam not wanting to lose his body which would later be without his soul. 

"Why don't you just live in a religious place? you can relax there. Just for a few days, so you can have a solid foundation to be able to fight against that demon soul?" said Sheisha with a serious look.

"Do I have to do that? Then what about my treatment of someone I've trusted all this time to be able to heal me," said Azam who felt bad if he disappointed Aunt Etin.

"Who is someone you choose to be able to heal you? can I meet him?" Sheisha asked with full eyes.