
The Devil Bride Reappear

After living in Wild forest and experiencing life with different Wild animals for 20 years, Luciana grew the urge to explore the outside forest. even when she was told that outside the forest is very dangerous, she still insist on going. "I promise, I won't cause trouble, please let me go". she finds some words to convince her mother and even promise to make vow with that. the vow is not a easy something and her mother forbid her from doing it.she told her somethings about the vow and in the end she was allowed to go. ..... getting to the outside forest, she is used to destroying things. in school, she was forced to make the second vow which turned her body to blue colour. I swear I will give her the same fate. that was her promise. she was angry, very angry because she was forced to disobey her mother. she was hiding the fact from her mother but how long will she hide it? what will her mother do if she finds out?.

Lovegold · Fantasy
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33 Chs

chapter 5: messed.

in the morning.

Luciana woke up and found herself in an unfamiliar room, she stare at everything around her with unexplained expression. She stand up and start jumping up and down on the soft bed with a happy smile on her lips. This scene last till she broke the bed, out of adding too much strength. The room soundproof is very high making it difficult to hear anything from the room. After looking around for quite some time and seeing no one, Luciana exit the room by breaking the door as usual. The mansion is a man fit style, the room was located across high stairs. Luciana who was just a forest girl did not find the high as a threat, instead of her to climb down through the stairs, she directly jump down and land skillfully on the floor startling a man in dark suit that seems to be going somewhere.

The Man was shocked and he quickly pull out his short gun, ready to fire Luciana but surprisingly, Luciana was a step ahead of him. Before he could shoot, Luciana has already gifted him a rough kick and he was a few meters away from her. He look horrified.

Luciana seems happy with her kick that sent the man flying and she look at the man with her usual cute expression. Anyone who see her and the man will easily misunderstood the scene and think that the man is bullying her.

"who on earth is this crazy woman?". The Man curse under his breath and gather his remaining strength to stand up so that his boss won't witness his disgraced side. Beaten up by a lady is really a stain on his image as a guard captain. He get up but before he could vent his anger on Luciana, a Cold voice sounded, gaining their attention.

"that's enough".

The guard captain and Luciana stare at the direction of the voice and the guard captain quickly go down on one of his kneel with a bow, respectfully paying his respect while Luciana just stare dumbly at the handsome man almost drooling. She walk up to his and circle him twice before her eyes light up, without any warning she jumped on the man back and hold him tightly as if she was afraid of losing it.

The guard captain who was mocking Luciana inwardly and secretly calculating how to prepare a grand funeral for Luciana soon to be corpse was dumbfounded at what he witness. Luciana made body contact with his emotionless boss not only that, the most shocking Scene is that his cold blooded Boss show no sign of annoyance. It's the most shocking Scene that he never dare to imagine in his life.

"will you get down?" The blond haired man asked Luciana calmly..

Luciana did not speak and instead, she hug the blond haired man tighter, resting her head on his back like a baby with her fair legs around his waist.

The blond haired man sigh helplessly and went upstairs, the scene that was played in front of him is not what he has imagined. The whole room is in mess, almost everything was destroyed including the door. The blond haired man watch emotionlessly and he did not know what to do. "i thought she is only crazy when she is drunk but in reality, she is even crazier when she is sober".

He thought to himself and rub his forehead, not knowing what to do. "will you explain this?". He asked Luciana.

Luciana peep behind him and give him a proud smile calmly waiting for a praise from him.

The blond haired man understand Luciana and his brows raised lightly. "Are you dumb?". He asked.

Luciana who was expecting a praise from him pout angrily at the blond haired man question, she was expecting some praises from him as her mother always did but this man only care if she is dumb or not, she wish to kick him away but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She get down from his back and look away angrily with her hands folded together across her chest and her cheek puff up. Her expression is so cute that the blond haired man couldn't bring himself to get mad at her.

"perhaps she is really dumb". He thought to himself and then look at the angry little dove. "you did well". He praised and as expected, Luciana eyes light up and she smile charmingly. "but can you stop destroying things, it is really a headache". He speak seriously.

Luciana stare at the man and notice that he was serious. Her mother has never scold her before but this man that has the similar Aura as her mother around him is a little strange. She is always obedience and thinking that her mother send her someone to protect her, she decide to be obedient. She stare at the man and nod her head.

The Man also nod his head and he was about to tell Luciana to go and bath, when he notice that Luciana style of dressing is completely strange. She was wearing a short white silky thread skirt as well as a tube with a long coat in oily colour, covering her exposed body. The tube and skirt design is attractive yet scary, it looks more like a snake skin, and the oily coloured clothe looks like a well made fox hair. The blond haired man frown and carefully studied Luciana more,he remember her strange strength as well as her abnormal behavior which cannot be found in a normal human, it's rather strange to call her a human. "this girl...." . He thought to himself. "she is really strange, I should keep her first". He was lost in thought.

The blond haired man was drive back to reality by Jack voice who appear all of a sudden and said. "boss your grandmother is here". He speak but his attention was focused on Luciana and his jaw dropped down by the broken door and messed room. "this...." He subconsciously give Luciana a deadly glare.

Luciana was not threatened at all by Jack deadly glare, she even give him a warm smile which add more fire to Jack anger.

The blond haired man notice the silent war between the two and said. "mind your way of looking at her".

Jack was taken aback, his master never care about any woman except his grandmother that is why he dare to hold guards against Luciana but this boss of his looks really different from his usual self, he actually speak up for a woman, it's unbelievable. He hesitate for a moment before finally submitting. "yes".