
The Devil Bride Reappear

After living in Wild forest and experiencing life with different Wild animals for 20 years, Luciana grew the urge to explore the outside forest. even when she was told that outside the forest is very dangerous, she still insist on going. "I promise, I won't cause trouble, please let me go". she finds some words to convince her mother and even promise to make vow with that. the vow is not a easy something and her mother forbid her from doing it.she told her somethings about the vow and in the end she was allowed to go. ..... getting to the outside forest, she is used to destroying things. in school, she was forced to make the second vow which turned her body to blue colour. I swear I will give her the same fate. that was her promise. she was angry, very angry because she was forced to disobey her mother. she was hiding the fact from her mother but how long will she hide it? what will her mother do if she finds out?.

Lovegold · Fantasy
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33 Chs

chapter 13: According to Mom.

The next day.

Luciana woke, get dressed in her school wear and went to school. It is Mr Albert that is lecturing them today, they were to do practical on venom animals. 

"Alright, to make the practical lively, am grouping you into groups. 3 in a group and am sure it will be lively". Mr Albert said.

Mr Albert idea is very good and suit our taste but which Lab are we using?. "One of the student asked".

Good question, we are using PC Lab, so I will give you the chance to group yourself, choose any partner of your choice and am giving you just 15 minutes for that, good luck. "Mr Albert said and left the class".

After Mr Albert left, the whole class start choosing their partner. many people asked fakelon out but she turn them down. She stare at George who was on the seat ahead of her with his always serious expression. She smile, took in a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she stand up and walk closer to him. Yesterday, he did not reply the question she asked him and that means he is deliberately hiding his feelings for her, he is just too shy and won't confess to her. That doesn't mean she is tired, she won't give up at all.

"You seems not to have a group partner, should I join you?". She asked with a sparkling eyes.

George raise his head and look at her before starting at Luciana who seems to be out of world and said. "You are new here, you should be My group partner so that I can guide you, since no one wants to choose you, you can as well be with me". He said, visibly rejecting fakelon indirectly.

Fakelon was dumbfounded. is hearing things or her imagination is out of limit?, The almighty George really asked a girl out to be his group partner, what is happening??.

Luciana understand George, he was using her to shake this annoying fakelon off. She remain expressionless and continue reading without wasting a glance at both cat and rat.

George raise his brows in surprise but did not comment. He look at the shocked fakelon and said. "Two of us will do it together, no need for third wheel". He immediately pack his books and left the class, not allowing fakelon to reply. 

Fakelon stare at Luciana angrily, not knowing how to vent out her anger on her. She point at Luciana who never bother to pay any attention to her. She was about to act rashly when the black short haired girl appear out of nowhere and grab her hend. She shake her head and whisper something in her ear.

Fakelon eyes was wide open and she stare at Luciana before calming down with a satisfied smile on her lips. She humped before leaving.

Luciana frown and stare at fakelon back view. "Wanting to vent out anger but stopped when someone appear and whisper something to her. Isn't this the tragedy that mom thought me?, She is definitely up to no good. According to Mom, In a situation like this, the host must be careful. What is she up to?". Luciana was lost in thought until someone Pat her shoulder lightly, driving her back to reality. She stopped looking at the the direction that fakelon took and stare at the person that want her attention. In front of her was a average looking girl in white lab coat.

"Hi, My name is Hannah Barron from M class, I heard that student in A class also have practical in PC Lab. Am the only student that studied poisonous cause in my class so I have no group to join, you also seems to studied the same so please can I make a group with you?". Hannah asked uncertainly.

Luciana stare at Hannah for a while and couldn't find any abnormalities in her, she hesitate for a while before agreeing with a nod. "As long as you are not rowdy". She thought to herself, refusing to speak.

Hannah was suprise that Luciana agree without questioning her or have a disgust for her. Student in M class were always looked down on, especially by the A class. aside from their low IQ, student in M class are poor. Those with cheep money could only avoid to send their children to M class even when they know that the education given to them is very poor and Hannah is not exception. We can say, her family is even poorer than a church rat. It was by luck that she was transferred to M class.

Luciana notice the tears that was about to fall down from Hannah eyes and she was dumbfounded. "I clearly did nothing". She thought to herself and give Hannah a confused gaze.

Hannah fight her tears back and explain herself. "I just want to try My luck, I really did not expect you to accept me. It is really a great honor to me". She said.

Luciana made a carefree expression and nod her head. "According to her mother lecture, human with the top sincerity can always be found among those who experience suffering or those who are suffering. It's rare to find a loyal Rich fellow. Seeing Hannah in her undisguised expression, she subconsciously take a liking of her. She couldn't help praising her mother ". 'mom is really good at studying humans and their character'. She give Hannah a assuring smile and remain silent.

Please can I know your name?. "Hannah hesitate for a while before asking the question that was bothering her when she notice that Luciana did not open her mouth to speak".

Luciana was very fast at reading people's thought through their expression and of course, she understand the confirmation under Hannah question. She did not feel any disgust toward her but she did not want any attention too. She love being alone in a silent and quiet place, just like her mother. She shake her head lightly and pick a pen and joter. She jot her name down and give it to Hannah.

Hannah feel sad as if her expectation is not what she received. She take the joter and read out the name that was written by a beautiful lady with a beautiful handwriting. Very clear and readable, it makes people fall in love at a glance.

Luciana, it is so pretty, you end your name with my first name, that is really cool. I will be calling you Ana. "Her sadness washed away and she speak happily".

Luciana was a bit suprise but later nod her head.