
The Devil boy

Out of 2000 students, only one woke up with a strange power. A power from another world. When humans unite with demons and make deals, what will happen to our current world? I am not responsible for what you will see. What you will see is a story from another world

sultan_ilpop · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Choice

After he is gone , I looked at the dagger, which had a very distinctive shape, enough to make The person obsessed with it

Darkness covered the dagger and Aspectus disappeared. Darkness appeared on my hand, along with the dagger. I hide the dagger again and fell asleep. I dreamed of an extremely horrific nightmare about a person with nothing visible from his features, violently and ferociously killing people and strange thing, and then... then...

He disappeared and appeared in front of me with a strange speed and stabbed me. This person was me, but his features indicated that he was older than me.

I woke up the next day, which was Friday, I went to the mosque to pray, I finished and went home, I finished my diary and played a little, no problems, no school, no fights, a beautiful and quiet day.

At eight o'clock at night, my phone rang and it was a strange number. It was 666. I hung up on it but it was

It was still ranging, hung up at the same second, rang two seconds, repeated that

I open and say : who is with me

No one answered, shut down, ranging again (hello?)

(Calm breathing sound)

It closed and rang again. I left my mother as I was sitting with her watching TV and entered my room. Hello, who are you? Speak Arcvan Dew Vanca Arc Dew Vanca

Someone spoke incomprehensible words, but after I heard these words, I was frozen in my place. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. All I did was listen to his words, which made terror in my heart.

Duo Vanca Conservha Co Vanca Arc Duo Vanca Canva Schist

When my body calm down I hung up the phone before he finished speaking and took the SIM card out of the phone. Five minutes later, I inserted the SIM card and opened the phone while my heart was like a bomb. When it opened, I found 600 missed calls from the same number, 600 calls in five Minutes, how is this?

I searched in the Internet, Google, YouTube, nothing was written about the number

I tried to call him, but the number was not available at all, so I slept a lot

The questions in my mind are, what did I hear, what is this number, and why did he choose me?

In the second day, I opened the phone, I did not find the number, no calls, no unusual Something , I felt like I was dreaming or hallucinating, I go to

School, and in the classroom I saw three people stealing someone's bag

and after the class ended, this person started looking for his stuff ,but I know where they went. I looked for the three and saw them entering the bathroom. I entered and angrily told them where the things that You stole it.

.... Hey Ali, weren't you bored? I found a little game for you.

.... No, I'm not interested in beating up a second grade kid.

Saeed : but I'm interested in beating up bastards like you.

.....What did you say now? I'm interested in hitting you up.

(Spectus) I showed my dagger and before I stabbed myself, there was a strange sound

Hack my mind, be careful, you'll kill him

(hits the wall).

He got distracted and hit me hard, causing me to crash into the wall

But what was this sound? I quickly gathered myself and stabbed myself

This time on my feet,


I did not transmit the pain to him, but the wound was also transmitted to him.

.....what the fuck you do to me ? Beat him !!

But before he can move saeed stabbed himself in his hand and his feet

..... What is this? When did he get hurt like this?

Saeed : then, that's how the dagger works with my power. I can hurt and injure My enemies without touching them.

Saeed, listen to me carefully. Give me the stuff thate you stole and no one will be harmed.

...Okay, take the bag, the stuff is inside.

I took the bag and confirmed that the stolen stuff were in it. One of them moved towards me and grabbed me by the neck, but suddenly he and the other two looked behind me with horror on their faces. The heads of the two behind me quickly collided with each other, and the one holding me fainted and fell On the ground.

I felt a strong heat behind me, afraid to look behind me. I don't know how much time had passed, but I felt like I had been standing for a while. I looked behind me cautiously to find a huge, hairy creature, with bloodshot eyes, smiling a terrifying smile, motioning for me to get out. I came out of the bathroom not knowing what this creature was.

Then I went to class and returned the stolen items. The kid thanked me

Its owner asked me how I found it. I told him: it's just matter that you got it back."

He thanked me again and left. After the day was over, I went home

Then I went to class and returned the stolen items. The kid thanked me

Its owner asked me how I found it. I told him: it's just matter that you got it back."

He thanked me again and left. After the day was over, I went home , and I found my mother and father fighting as usual.

The rest of the wweek passed, and the next week went by without any problems of any kind, and on the night of the first day of the fourth week.

As I went to sleep, I heard Mephisto's voice in my mind and he said, "The month is almost over, and with the power , I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for choosing my services."

Then his voice fell silent. (I remembered) I completely forgot that I would die at the end of the month. How could I forget something like this? What i have to do? Am I going to die like this or is there a solution?

I skipped school, all day searching for a way to save myself from death, but I found nothing that would help me at all. , It's been four days into the last week and I don't know what to do.

What did you do when you agreed? I agreed to take revenge, but I didn't think carefully about the consequences ,On the second day, after six o'clock at night, I went for a little walk alone. I don't know how long I walked and entered many streets

Because of thinking a lot, until I entered a dark and narrow street, there was nothing but only one lamppost that barely illuminated the street. As I was walking along it, I noticed a girl running from a far with someone behind her trying to catch her.

When she got a little closer, he grabbed her and tried to take her bag. I ran and took out my dagger and cut my hand and his hand that was holding the bag.

Saeed : , stop, leave, or you'll get hurt again. He ran towards me but I stabbed my left foot and said a strange word.

Saeed : No way there seem to be a lot of them around.

And he ran away. I went to the girl who sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. I went to her and said: "Are you okay?"

Saeed : No time, I've had a concussion and I'm bleeding internally.

Saeed : Give me your hand quickly.

She took my hand and looked at it, then looked at me and said:

The girl :Good, you're demon-blooded. I'm sorry to assign you to do This task that may leave a mark on you forever, there is no help.

Saeed: What is the mission, what is the sign of what, and what does syphilis mean? I did not understand anything .

...I'm sorry, I can't explain. Take this book, you will find all the answers in it.

Saeed ,wait, what does syphilis mean? I did not understand anything

.....I'm sorry I can't explain. Take this book, you will find all the answers in it. Read it, learn everything in it, and most importantly, find the demon girl, give her the book, and tell her that the Prophecy Boy has appeared, right, Prophecy Boy? Huh?

Saeed : Hey, wake up who is the demon girl? Who is the prophecy boy? I did not understand anything. Hey, is she dead? Ah ah ah.

This traumatized me for a while. I didn't realize that she was dead. I ran

Rushing home and not understanding who the devil girl is. What is this book , why this girl died and why this man was trying to take the book and how she got hurted and more of questions but there is no answers as I think I will find all of answers in this book

Saeed : Hey, wake up who is the demon girl? Who is the prophecy boy? I did not understand anything. Hey, is she dead? Ah ah ah.

This traumatized me for a while. I didn't realize that she was dead. I ran

Rushing home and not understanding who the devil girl is. What is this book , why this girl died and why this man was trying to take the book and how she got hurted and more of questions but there is no answers as I think I will find all of answers in this book , When I went home, my mother was worried about me and asked me: Why is there such emotional fear on your face? I left her and entered my room with the book. The following book has a black leather cover with red symbols on the back and a five pointed star on the front, and at the top of the cover is written:

(The Seven Kings)

I opened the book and the introduction is as follows: To whoever opens this book, you are about to enter the other world, you are about to meet the Seven Kings, you are about to learn everything about the other world and what it hides, but be careful when you enter, there is no way back.

I turned the page, and a white piece of paper fell from the book. I read what was written : To whoever is reading now, if you are reading what is written, this means that I have die and my body will disappear into the darkness. My name is Maria, I made a deal With a demon to gain knowledge and to protect me. I've known a lot of Their secrets and a lot about them and their world and I lived in the underworld for a while For a long time, and later I found a book that contains many secrets

I discovered that the book gives power to whoever holds it, but no one can The book it can only be used by those who choose it. I tried to translate it and use it, but unfortunately this book has great energy and attracts demonic creatures to it, and I know that I might die soon.

(Find the demon girl, the game has begun)

The book ended and I understood a small part of the story of this girl, but it didn't explain anything about the demon girl, how to find her, and what her real name is. I left the paper behind

Then I returned to the stranger book and continued reading it. I found some incomprehensible words.

(On the roof of the house)

Mephisto : It's seems time is almost up. You've really entertained me, now it's time to take your body. At the end of the day, you'll be mine


I Searched on the internet but nothing. I looked for the book, but it disappeared. I lost hope, I will die at the end of the day. Was...was...it worth it? Was he worth my life? (Crying) I was stupid. I let anger control me. I accepted the contract without thinking carefully about the consequences