
The Devil Boy crypt of souls

The devil boy, accompanied by the golden and the Crimson Order, goes to a crypt in order to obtain the forbidden books, but it is said that everyone who went did not return. But what is the devil boy's real goal and what is he hiding? What are King Asmodeus's plans?

sultan_ilpop · Horror
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15 Chs



• Ark of the Souls

• Part of Reality

• Battle of the Forest

• Battle of the Forest Part Two

• Crossroads

• Deceived the Malevolent

• The Last Members

• Curse of Separation

• ‏*********



A strange figure in a white suit, wearing a Japanese mask with red eyes, enters a cave where everyone inside bows to him.

Masked Person: Are the preparations complete?

Someone inside: Yes, sir. The preparations are complete.

Masked Person: Okay. Step back a little.

The masked figure stands in front of a desk with a piece of paper on it, reading aloud, then spinning and dancing, screaming and dancing rhythmically.

Suddenly, a giant demon emerges from behind him, injures the masked figure, then disappears.

The masked figure raises his hand before it touches the ground.

Forbidden Technique: Soul Revival

"Bring out the Demon Clan Master!"

A terrifying figure emerges from the ground, its scream shaking the entire place.