
The Devil Boy crypt of souls

The devil boy, accompanied by the golden and the Crimson Order, goes to a crypt in order to obtain the forbidden books, but it is said that everyone who went did not return. But what is the devil boy's real goal and what is he hiding? What are King Asmodeus's plans?

sultan_ilpop · Horror
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15 Chs

Black Storm Squad Arc**

### Demon Boy (9)

#### The Second Arc

**Table of Contents:**

1. **Black Storm Squad Arc**

- Moonlight Party

- Deadly Squads Challenge Part 1

- Deadly Squads Challenge Part 2

- Deadly Squads Challenge Part 3

- New Leader

- Golden Dream

- The Lunatic

** ** ** ** **

**Demon Boy**

**Black Storm Squad: Moonlight Party**

** ** ** ** **

In the dungeons of the Castle of Sins, where traitors are tortured and anyone standing against the sins is imprisoned, lies a dark corridor stained with blood and symbols that tell of the horrors that occur there. At the end of the corridor is a torture chamber.

In this chamber, Demon Boy is bound by steel chains, while a masked figure tortures him.

The sound of harsh whipping fills the air as the masked figure lashes Demon Boy, speaking with evident enjoyment in his voice.

_"What a shame, you let that being control you and failed the mission. What a disgrace to call yourself Demon Boy when you don't deserve the name. How could you let the sins down on such a simple task?"_

The masked figure's joy turned to anger as he continued to whip Demon Boy, frustrated by the lack of response.

_"Why don't you feel pain? Why don't you say anything?"_

Despite the harsh blows and the marks left on Demon Boy's body, he showed no sign of pain, as if his emotions had dulled.

The whipping intensified, and blood splattered from Demon Boy's body as the masked figure screamed in rage.

_"Where are your emotions...where is your pain...I want to hear just one scream... Wait, I know what to do. Should I...kill the golden boy?"_

Before he could finish his threat, one of the chains holding Demon Boy's hand broke. With a psychopathic look and a terrifying smile, Demon Boy said:

_"I swear... I swear if you touch the golden boy or any of my friends, I will rip your heart out and eat every piece of your damned body. Do you understand me?"_

The masked figure stepped back in fear as the darkness enveloped the room, leaving only a red glow from Demon Boy's eyes.

Whispers filled the masked figure's mind, and he said: _"You can leave now. The sins are waiting for you in court."_

The other chain broke, and Demon Boy headed for the door. As he passed the masked figure, he spoke arrogantly:

_"I swear if you touch the golden boy, I will torture you to death and leave you here to rot."_

Demon Boy made his way to the Court of Sins, walking through the castle's beautiful corridors, each light revealing the marks of his lashes. Despite the castle's beauty, he felt as if he were walking on stones built with the blood of the weak, especially after learning in the torture chamber that a group of prisoners is always chosen to work in the castle until they starve to death.

He entered the court and stood in the center, under a circular spotlight.

The sins looked at him, as if they were studying him, and King Zarx spoke:

_"Demon Boy, since we respect and care for you, we chose a minor punishment instead of killing you. But don't worry, we forgive you and accept the idea of the books being inside you. But when we find a way to extract the books, we will use it."_

_"Do whatever you want. The books don't benefit me at all."_

_"Then let me say that we are not upset."_

_"Wait, are you saying that those who were with us were not the real members?"_

_"Yes, and now, come out of the darkness, true members of the Crimson Order."_

From the shadows emerged the true members of the Crimson Order, wearing blood-red armor, each with a distinctive weapon. They stood proudly before Demon Boy and spoke in unison:

_"We are the Crimson Order, the strongest knights of the demonic family and the leaders of the Eighth Army of Sins. We congratulate you on defeating the imposters alone; it shows your strength, and we hope to fight alongside you."_

King Mammon spoke to Demon Boy: _"As a reward for your efforts and for bringing the books, even though they stayed with you, we reward you with the Book of Blood Magic. Use it wisely."_

A book appeared out of nowhere before Demon Boy, who took it calmly. Leviathan then said: _"Now go and change your clothes, as there is a party at the Demonic Family Castle to celebrate our entry into the deadly squads' rankings. Enjoy yourself."_

Demon Boy left and went to his room. Everyone in the court disappeared, each heading to their own kingdom.

However, there was a visitor waiting in Leviathan's room. Leviathan spoke with a tone of expectation:

_"Come out, I know you're here, my old friend!"_

A man in a black suit with red hair and a human appearance stepped out. It was Mephisto.

_"So, how is the boy?"_

_"The boy is fine, don't worry about him. Worry about yourself first."_

_"It doesn't matter... I didn't expect to see your prophecy come true."_

_"I told you, I see the future and predict what will happen."_

_"Then I'll leave now, but don't forget our deal."_

_"It doesn't matter. Leave now."_

Mephisto flew high in the sky, looking at the Castle of Sins, and laughed wickedly: _"Soon... soon the kingdom will be mine."_

A black portal opened in the sky, and Lilith emerged. Before she could raise her head, Mephisto grabbed her neck and said angrily:

_"Why did you interfere without my knowledge?"_

Lilith spoke with difficulty due to Mephisto's grip, her voice breaking:


He let her go, and Lilith took a breath with difficulty. Mephisto looked at her and said: _"It doesn't matter, do what you want, but inform me before you act next time."_

Meanwhile, Demon Boy entered his room to find Alexander waiting for him with his suit ready.

_"Why did you take so long? Because of you, we'll be late for the party,"_ Alexander said happily.

_"You're in a hurry as if it's your sister's party,"_ Demon Boy said arrogantly while putting on his suit.

_"No, you moron, there are many beautiful girls there, ready to fulfill my desires."_

_"You filthy scoundrel, I never knew I was like this."_

_"It doesn't matter, you fool. Hurry up, we need to go quickly. I'm already imagining the girls there."_

Demon Boy put on his suit, styled his hair, and opened a portal that brought them to the stairs leading to the celebration hall.

They ascended the stairs to find the golden boy, Fantine, and the others waiting for them. Everyone stared at Alexander in surprise due to his striking resemblance to Demon Boy and because they had never seen him before.

Demon Boy spoke: _"I present to you my twin brother, Alexander, the representative of the sin of lust."_

Everyone welcomed him, and Alexander greeted them warmly as they entered the hall together.

After entering the hall, the dim lights illuminated the space, and the soft music echoed throughout. The hall was decorated in bright colors, reflecting the joy and happiness of the attendees. Alexander exchanged glances with everyone, as if he could read their thoughts without uttering a word. Whispers circulated among the guests about the power this mysterious young man possessed.

Everyone moved to dance with the guests, while Demon Boy and the golden boy went to the balcony to share their stories.

Alexander watched the place and the women with joy and amazement, then approached and took Erika's hand, asking her if she would dance with him.

Erika, stunned by the sudden move, blushed and shyly said: _"Yes, I will."_

The duo began to dance to the rhythm of the beautiful music, each move enhancing their elegance under the colorful lights.

Meanwhile, Fantine and Eric enjoyed food and wine.

Demon Boy: _"Look, Alexander has charmed Erika."_

_"Let them have fun. They've seen enough blood and corpses for a long time."_

Alexander entered and took out cigarettes, offering each of them one.

_"Hey, why don't you smoke? Are you worried about your health or what? Try it."_

They both lit their cigarettes.

_"Your brother is a bad influence."_

_"Yes, he is."_

Fantine came in and said: _"Come quickly, Alexander is about to sing."_

Demon Boy: _"I hope it's not a lewd song."_

Alexander stood up, took out a microphone, and began to sing:

_You're special... you're special._

_In a crazy world... the underworld will ignite..._

_The news spreads the word..._

_I love you, my dear, let's dance under the moonlight, no matter what._

_No matter the trials, my heart changes and breaks, yes, you're special._

_Look at the remains filling the ground... yes, death..._

_Look at my face... it always ends in blood, yes, you're special..._

_Please don't leave me alone..._

_This is my curse and my fate... you're special._

_You're special... don't leave me alone... it ends in blood..._

_And tell anyone special about it._

_You're special... in my heart, you always remain._

_In the quiet night... where the stars shine in the sky._

_I always dream of you... and