
The Devil's Unrequited Love

The Devil's Unrequited Love is a steamy friends to lovers romance with a male lead who's lost all his values, and the woman who helps him discover a new purpose in life. Prepare for hot romance, raw determination, love and a few twists a long the way. *Exert* The most beautiful part of our story is… I wasn't looking when I found you and in an instant, I fell. It was beautiful, there was no forcing chemistry. Just a pure and beautifully raw connection.' Xavier whispered. ________________________________________________ Xavier never told the love of his life how he felt and she died tragically in his arms. As a greater demon, he lived over a thousand years without her in anguish. Then one day he meets Selena, she has ancient healing powers just like his love had. She is fierce and feisty with a heart of gold. She reminds him in every way if his long lost love. But will she feel the same? Can he finally tell her his feelings? Will she accept his love or tell him to get lost? Their life with be full of highs and lows and some steamy romance scenes, with a war impending between humans and demons. Will Xavier finally get his love? ________________________________________________ Instagram: alexia_author Discord Channel https://discord.gg/VeHkknJ6A2 Mature content 18+ only Cover art is not mine, will take it down on request.

xAlexiax · Fantasy
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30 Chs

New Boss

Her eyes shot up to him, the surprise there shot sadness through him. He would give her anything and everything he could. This shouldn't be surprising, had she never been doted on or gifted anything he wondered. Well if she hadn't he wanted to fix this.

"I couldn't possibly." She shot him down shaking her head. "These are all expensive, and one of a kind. I can see most of these are first editions. They must have taken a long time to accumulate and cost you a lot of money."

Her gaze returned to the books longingly. "What I would love is to curl up in a comfy chair." She looked around and found no chair, just an empty floor space. "And sit and read for hours. When you find a book you love, you can disappear and immerse yourself into the story… Sorry I am babbling again."

Xavier reached out and stroked her cheek with him thumb, he loved her talking, especially when she was this passionate. Her eyes lit up and her smile brought light to his dark world.

"I bought them from collectors over the years, they are treasures. You should know though nothing would make me happier than to come home and see you curled up here enjoying a book." Xavier confessed.

"Emm, I don't know what to say to that either." Selena felt shy, he caressed her cheek and spoke so passionately.

Xavier wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, but now wasn't the time, she needed time and he would give it to her.

"One day you will know exactly what to say and I am sure I will enjoy hearing your reply… who knows it may leave me lost for words." Xavier teased, and glanced around. "Find a comfy chair for here, I'd like to see what you just described one day."

Xavier walked Selena round each room. He noticed her eyes sparkle with ideas and she had taken her phone out to make notes and photos of the rooms.

Once the tour was over they returned to the living room, Xavier took his new phone out of his pocket and handed it to her.

Selena glanced up at him questioning.

"Lets swap numbers. I am not sure how to work it yet do help me put your contact information in." Xavier requested.

Selena nodded and opened up his phone contacts, "You only have Cass's number?" she questioned, surely a handsome CEO like Xavier would have more contacts than that, she wondered.

"It is a new phone and I don't need anyone else's, yours is enough." Xavier stated as if it were a fact.

Selena blushed, did he not realise the impact of his words she wondered. She put in her contact information into his phone and then rang her own phone.

She held out his phone returning it to him, "Now I have your number. I am the same I only have yours, Oriana's, Cass's and Elijah's number."

As if suddenly on alert Xavier's eyes focused on hers and he asked, "Who is Elijah?" He better not be that scumbag ex he thought.

"Elijah, he is a friend I grew up with. I suppose we became like family where we grew up it made us have that special bond." Selena's eyes went misty at the memories they had shared and it made her want to reach out to Elijah again.

Xavier didn't like her sudden change, only a moment ago she was happy and now her memories had taken her somewhere dark.

Xavier stepped forward and put a fallen piece of hair behind her ear, she glanced up and smiled at him but he could tell it wasn't the same as before, "Where did you go? He asked concerned by her abrupt change.

"Nowhere, I'm here." She knew what he was asking but she wasn't ready to share, she only met Xavier and she was sure he didn't want to know her life story.

"Yes you are." He leaned in closer, his warmth surrounded her. "And I am not letting you go anywhere without me again." He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her nose and finally kissed her lips. Each brief butterfly kiss was a promise and it tugged at her heart.

She looked up at Xavier, his eyes so deep and warming, unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was so easy to get caught up in them.

They both stood in silence for a moment more.

"Would it be rude if I said I really want to kiss you right now? He asked, his expression shifting.

"I think you just did… so no." She replied biting her lip in anticipation.

"Good." He smirked, he leaned down again one hand coming up to cup the back of her head, guiding her lips to his.

Their lips met, soft at first, a slow tender kiss.

Selena made a slight moaning sound, her heart frantic for more, pounding in her ears, need heating her body.

Xavier snapped, his mouth became greedy, his tongue licking at her lips until she opened for him, allowing him to taste her again. He groaned, shifting closer.

After another moment they parted and stared at each other, their breaths laboured.

Selena searched his face, reading utter delight on his face. She has happy to see the he also felt the same after their kisses.

"We should go." Selena announced.

Xavier nodded, taking her hand and leading her out to his car, he opened her door and waited until she was seated before closing the door.

Selena lifted her shaking hand, pressing her elegant fingertips to her overly sensitive lips.

"I just kissed my new boss." She said in a quiet voice to herself as she watched Xavier walk round the front of his car.