
The Devil's Unrequited Love

The Devil's Unrequited Love is a steamy friends to lovers romance with a male lead who's lost all his values, and the woman who helps him discover a new purpose in life. Prepare for hot romance, raw determination, love and a few twists a long the way. *Exert* The most beautiful part of our story is… I wasn't looking when I found you and in an instant, I fell. It was beautiful, there was no forcing chemistry. Just a pure and beautifully raw connection.' Xavier whispered. ________________________________________________ Xavier never told the love of his life how he felt and she died tragically in his arms. As a greater demon, he lived over a thousand years without her in anguish. Then one day he meets Selena, she has ancient healing powers just like his love had. She is fierce and feisty with a heart of gold. She reminds him in every way if his long lost love. But will she feel the same? Can he finally tell her his feelings? Will she accept his love or tell him to get lost? Their life with be full of highs and lows and some steamy romance scenes, with a war impending between humans and demons. Will Xavier finally get his love? ________________________________________________ Instagram: alexia_author Discord Channel https://discord.gg/VeHkknJ6A2 Mature content 18+ only Cover art is not mine, will take it down on request.

xAlexiax · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Let's Go

"No, Xavier is far to busy." Selena objected straight away with a slight flush to her cheeks, she didn't know how to make small talk with such a handsome man, nor did she want to.

"No he isn't, all he does is laze around and brood." Cass jumped in to aid his buddy. But he was met with Xavier's seething eyes. "Sorry buddy, but its the truth." He apologised earnestly.

"Let's go." Xavier announced as he walked out of the door and straight past Selena.

Selena fixed her coat around her shoulders and sighed, "Okay then, we wont be long. Text me if you need anything else."

When Xavier heard the word 'we' from Selena, his mouth twitched upwards in a rare smile.

"Have fun!" Oriana shouted as she pushed her out the door. She and Cass both wanted to give Xavier and Selena the opportunity to spend some time with one another to get acquainted.

Selena joined Xavier's side and they fell into silence as they walked side by side at a steady pace.

Xavier slowed down his steps to match her pace and enjoyed her company, his heart felt light and free once again after centuries.

But their peace didn't last long as her phone was incessantly buzzing in her pocket. As they walked side by side it kept going off in her pocket but she ignored it. But the constant noise was making her frown and without her even being aware of it her footsteps had also got a lot faster, Xavier kept up with her.

She knew that ringtone all too well, what used to make her smile only filled her heart with sadness now. Why couldn't he move on? Why couldn't he just et her go?

Seeing her ignoring her phone and her swift change of mood Xavier asked, "Who is it?"

"Mmm?... Oh, It is my ex." Selena had blocked his number and removed him from her contact list, not wanting to hear from him again. She had few friends as he had isolated her from them and it could only be him incessantly ringing her phone.

Xavier sighed, he wished that he was her first, like she had been his all those centuries ago. She wanted her only to have the love she deserved but if she had got that from her ex then he would not be allowed to pursue her and just watch her live happily from a distance, even the thought of that made his heart ache.

He wanted to see her smile again so he gave her some advice, hoping to help, "People will come back into your life when they get disappointed by the people they had left you for. If you left him then you already know you deserve better and I believe you will find it."

Selena focused on her feet as she walked, "He wants answers in a hope to win me back, but I am not going to explain why I need respect, I simply wont tolerate anything less anymore." Selena felt she was destroying a cycle that was no longer serving her, she wanted to birth new ones instead.

She stared straight ahead as she continued, "It took me a whole year to realise that sometimes a person doesn't even really love you. They just know you are a good person and they would hate to see you loving someone else the way you loved them. That's just toxic in my opinion."

Xavier smiled at her strong and independent attitude to life, "Then he was immature and was not ready for the love and affection you offered him. A man will see your worth and embrace every part of you whole heartedly."

Selena laughed light heartedly not heeding his words instead she decided to joke with him, "Maybe I don't want a nice guy, after all I thought he was one. Maybe I want my man to be worse than the monsters under my bed, who will corrupt me more than the devil himself." She smiled up at Xavier, it was the best she could do at the moment though the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Xavier's eyes held hers as they strolled down the street, she didn't realise the impact of her words on him, he had been in too many wars to think of himself as a good man, but for her he would be. He wanted a genuine smile from her not the forced one that she had just showed him. He had never been in this position before, he didn't know how to make her smile or comfort her properly.

They had reached the supermarket and Selena walked forward and grabbed a cart, she placed her bag in it and had started to push it forward.

Xavier had never been to the supermarket before, so he had no idea of what he should do. But one thing he didn't want was for her to do any heavy lifting. Frowning he took the cart out of her hands pushing with one hand as he made her walk beside him, he held her hand.

Selena giggled, realising he was being chivalrous she let him do what he wanted. But she wasn't used to this. She supposed that this was the bare minimum and she had not even experienced that before. It felt exciting and bitter at the same time.

Xavier glanced to the side and noticed her movements, "Here." Xavier pulled her in front of him, she pushed the cart and he was behind her. His warm muscular body caging hers.

Her cheeks flushed red as embarrassment filled her, "Emm maybe..." Selena was about to protest when Xavier's voice came from behind her, his breath tickled her neck and sent shivers down her spine. He was warm and she was cocooned in his arms, she felt safe.

"What do we need?" Xavier asked. He did notice her flushed cheeks but he knew if he pointed it out she may pull away and he didn't want that. So instead he reminded her focus on the shopping and not his presence.

"Ohh!" Selena remembered her task and took out her phone to see Oriana's list. She read through everything and glanced around the super market. She pointed to the right, "That way."

Xavier nodded and pushed the cart in the direction she pointed.

As they reached the fresh vegetables, she slipped under his arm and started to fill the cart but after each item she returned to his arms. They walked down each isle and she pilled in all the things that she needed. She reached down for the big bag of 6kg rice that Oriana had asked for and she saw Xavier's arm reach down and lift it before she could.

Xavier was very helpful, she had never had this before. She was hyper independent to a fault because she had never had anyone to lean on but Xavier's actions made her feel relaxed.

As they continued to shop, if anything was heavy she without knowing would point out the item for Xavier to get for her. Relying on someone didn't seem as daunting if they where as willing as Xavier. But she also felt he was rare in this world.