
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Drunken mistakes Not!

Theo's POV

As per my favor which she owed me and had absolutely no choice but to follow through with, I was locked in Barbies's room while she struggled with the zipper of her white tube top.

I was dressed in a casual midnight black vest and pants with a black leather jacket.

Actually the jacket was a pair I had gotten with her, and she was also wearing it too.

I won't lie, it pleased me greatly!.

While after hours and hours of indecision for someone who wasn't even a party person she finally settled for a tight black leather miniskirt, white tube top and leather jacket.

Tommy was right, she was a walking superstar time bomb!.

It definitely won't take long before someone noticed the really obvious resemblance between the young girl and the famous superstar Catalina Santana.

I was proud of Her mom for what she did........ Making sure her family wasn't bothered by her own celebrity lifestyle.

My dad on the other hand couldn't wait to show me off to his so called friends!.

I stared at Barbie through the side mirror she was trying to use to handle the zipper problem........ I internally counted till she finally gave up and asked for my help......



1.... Before I could even get to zero, my thoughts were interrupted as expected

"Are you going to continue standing there ogling me, or come help me with this zipper problem?" »» she asked not so nicely.

I pretended like I wasn't listening and turned all my attention to her headboard like it was the most beautiful thing in the world...... If she wasn't going to ask nicely then she could kiss ass!

"What? You aren't going to help me out?" She huffed again. "Fine I'll just leave like this anyway".

That snapped me back to reality as I saw her pick up her jacket to throw over her exposed back.

I let my gaze roam over her smooth white porcelain skin........it looked so soft like it could melt under your touch.

I couldn't help but fantasize how her skin would look glistening with sweat from a mind blowing orgasm. Shit!.

Getting a boner before a party wouldn't bode too well though.

I organized my thoughts and grabbed her arm spinning her such that her back was facing me directly now.

Her back was bare and open to my skin and I had this huge» urge to run my tongue down that glistening whiteness.

I caught a faint red hue growing from her neck downward.

Fuck! I could only imagine how far down that blush went!

Thoughts like this aren't helping Theo!

I mentally groaned before placing my palms on her warm back...... Her skin almost heated under my touch.

I knew she wouldn't let herself feel that way towards me, but she had also never been this close to another man.

The reaction was almost spontaneous.

I trailed my hands softly down her back. It must have been the growing bulge in my pants or my reckless desire for her that made me act so unrestricted, but for some reason I ached to have a taste of her skin.

Atleast a desperate touch!.

She didn't stop me, probably still in shock.

But her skin felt hot under mine. I pulled the zipper slowly, my breath stilling as I got slowly upward.

My eyes caught sight of her untainted neck that begged to be stained with a love bite so badly.

Kissing her there would look so beautifully perfect on her porcelain skin.

"When last ya get laid Mathamoros?" A voice broke me out of my thoughts.

Turns out that voice was Barbie's.......

Wait what?

What sorta question was that anyway?.

"Don't look so shocked Mathamoros...... Just noticed you getting all handsy on me... Um I'm sorry you missed a chance with Natasha" she mumured softly, her head hung down.

She probably thought I was sex starved.  If only she knew I wanted the one person I couldn't have.

I didn't care for Natasha Roosevelt!.

Only her, but she didn't even know it!.

I picked her chin up slowly, tilting her head so we could be on an eye level. What I really wanted to say was " I don't care about Natasha, Barbie. It's you I want. I fucking love you!".

But I knew I couldn't so I said instead " I'm fine B, I'll probably pick someone up at the party" she nodded softly at my words but I wished she wouldn't.

I wished she wouldn't be so accepting of me being with someone else!.


The music was too loud, and the lighting was so red you barely saw the person next to you.

I held Barbie's hand tightly as we walked in, pushing drunk bodies away.

Alot of guys ogled Barbie on her way in, although she was oblivious to it! I wished I'd made her wear more clothing.

What are you saying Theo?

Those curves can't be covered with anything bro!.

I pulled her until we got to the VIP section where I knew a few people "Hi Parks! What y'all doing over there? " I asked an oblivious Parker who was busy staring at Barbie like a fucking lost kitten.

I gritted my teeths and the urge to punch him really hard was almost overpowering.

"Who's this hot stuff bro? He asked shooting Barbie a flirtatious wink.

She stepped closer to me, but I could see the blush rising up her cheeks from being complemented.

She was so fucking adorable!.

Parker saw her little gesture and raised his hands in defeat

"Fine bro, I know she's yours" then lowly whispered in my ears so no one was listening " But when you're done with her, pls let me have her ok?".

It took everything in me not to fucking break his ugly ass nose.

"Get your slimy breath off me, before I break your fucking nose" I seethed coldly.

He took a step back letting out a weird laugh.

He was the kind of guy who didn't know how to treat women!.

Looking at his ugly as fuck face, his nose looked like it'd been broken way too many times. Probably cos he was a major prick!

I pulled Barbie along with me to a circle where a lot of people gathered round.

Barbie gave me a confused look but I ignored it, I didn't get what she was implying until I noticed that the people in the circle were playing a game.

"Um...... I think we'll just leave" I said pulling Barbie up again.

This time she pulled me back down, her eyes shining in astonishment.

Oh no!.

She probably thought playing whatever game this was, was a good idea.

"Don't mind him. We'll stay, what y'all doing?" She asked seeming way too interested in a game a bunch of horny high adults were playing.

"We were playing Truth or dare, but since you're here why don't we play Seven minutes in heaven?" That idiot Parker asked with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.

I gulped, this wasn't good......  not at all.

"Since I'm here?..... What do I have to do with anything?" She asked , her nose scrunched up in confusion.

Something she always did when she was confused.

"Come on Baby doll. Look why don't we make it 15 minutes in heaven instead?" Parker replied, not taking his eyes off her.

God! Barbie, could you not be so fucking oblivious for just a second. He's practically screwing you with his eyes!.

I internally screamed at the oblivious girl beside me.

She didn't seem to hear my thoughts..... Obviously!.

"Uh ok then" she pulled me down to sit beside her...... Thankfully far away from Parker before I did something I would definitely regret.

Almost 30 minutes into this dumb game and thankfully the bottle hadn't landed on me or Barbie yet!

But you know how you jinx your own self when you think of something you shouldn't be thinking of?.

Yeah, it finally landed on me!.

I took a calming breath, before raising my head to see who the lucky girl was.

Oh Shit!.

No no no no no.....no fucking way!.

Barbie! Really?

Before I could even gather my thoughts together, she looked up with a horrified look on her face, that brought a deep pang to my heart.

"No, we can't" she paused before adding " We're bestfriends".

A few gasps, snickering......hell yeah! Who would deny a chance to make out with Theodore Mathamoros?

Definitely Barbie!.

"Nope! We don't care, get in there and make the fuck out!.

And come back with proof". A tall blonde girl named Jade said.

She'd been the one doing the spinning all these while.

"So she's not your girlfriend Mathamoros?" Parker snickered.

"Shut the fuck up!" I stated calmly. Luckily for him, he kept his mouth perfectly shut.

The girl who spoke earlier nudged me and Barbie until we were in front of the door leading to the tight corner we'd be trapped in for the next 15 minutes.

Damn that stupid Parker for making it 15 minutes!.

We stepped inside quietly closing the door behind

Barbie finally snapped out of whatever trance she was trapped in while being led here.

"Shit! What do we do? What proof?" She asked panicked.

I couldn't help but laugh at her worried expression. She was taking all this too seriously. If we didn't do it, nothing would happen. It was a dumb game anyway.

But I decided to play with her just a little bit.

I took slow steps towards her as she stepped back too, her back finally hitting the wall.

Placing my hands on both sides of her gorgeous face, I bent down to lowly whisper in her ear " We have to give them something B....... Maybe a kiss or even a hickey?" This time she snapped out of her trance very quickly and pushed me back.

"Hell no! I'm not kissing my bestfriend....... Besides who knows what you've gotten from all your years of frolicking around with girls?" She gave me a scared look.

I was mildly offended

"Are you saying I have a disease?" I asked in fake hurt.

She ignored me completely and only shrugged, while standing at the far end of the wall away from me. I stared at the faint blush that stained her neck where the jacket didn't cover.

She was blushing?

I decided to release the tension in the atmosphere by offering her the drink I'd kept in my own flask since I came.

"Want some?" She turned giving me a weird look

"Don't worry, I'll drink something when we're out of here"

Was she that uncomfortable?

"You'd rather have a drink that may or may not be spiked than drink this?" I asked.

"I don't want it either way.... You could spike this too"

What the??.

Was she freaking kidding me right now?

"Whatever! You're just scared to handle alcohol....... Probably think you'd jump my bones since I'm so hot!" I taunted giving her a dark look before turning away.

I hadn't even taken two steps away from here, when she grabbed the flask , and took a large gulp.

"See! I can take it Mathamoros" she said defiantly.

I stiffled a laugh....... She might be a lightweight but I knew she could take it.

Before I could respond, she took another large swig, taking more than half the bottle down.

Shit! She could get high, I never took my drinks plane, so the drink was mixed with a few stuffs.

"You can stop now B. I get it. You can handle the alcohol" I tried taking the already almost empty flask from within her grasps.

"You think I'll jump y... you" she slurred. Shit! I shouldn't have messed with her head.

"Y...y...you wouldn't even know what to do with me Theodore Mathamoros. I... Actually I'm too much of a woman for your sleazy ass" she said while still dealing with the problem of keeping her balance on her own too feet.

I wouldn't deny. I was extremely turned on!

Fuck! I'd probably never been this turned on in my whole life.

I struggled to adjust myself in my pants. This was the worst time to have a boner.

But it seemed like Barbie was having none of it, cause she leaned into me slowly. Like I was her fucking prey and whispered against my ears

"I'm a lil seductress ain't I?" She must have not meant for her  voice to sound so sultry and hot.

But with the alcohol in her system, there wasn't alot she had control of.

I groaned. Fuck I needed some sort of release. When would this 15 minutes of pure torture end?.

She stayed right in place above me. Giggling softly.

I tried teasing her again. Maybe...just maybe she'd release a bit of control and help me here.

Deep down I knew it wouldn't work but... Fuck atleast a man could try right?

"You're drunk right now, but still lack the balls to even handle an easy 15 minutes in..."

Before I could even complete that statement. Warm lips met mine stealing my breathe away.

I'd fantasized for ages what it would feel like kissing Babara Santana. And every stroke of her lips on mine was even better than I'd ever imagined.

Don't get me wrong.... Babara wasn't an expert kisser. She'd barely kissed anyone any way. So she wasn't so great in the kissing department. But she fucking floored it.

The feel of her lips on mine...full and succulent. The taste of my drink mixed with her own sweet taste from always sucking on something sweet. She was just too damn perfect!.

The tiny sounds that came from the back of her throat as I sucked on her lips.

She might have been the one who initiated the kiss. But I was definitely going to dominate it.

I tried prying her lips open with my tongue but she was hesitant. Sealing her lips shut.

I'd waited too long to have her shut down on me.

No fucking way!

I squeezed her hips sharply, causing her to open her mouth in a gasp and I didn't waste any time in shoving my tongue down her throat. If this was going to be the only time I ever got Barbie Santana, then I was going to memorize every inch of her skin. Every fucking touch!

I gripped her hips tighter sure to leave a sore mark there but I didn't care.

Right now all I wanted was to give her so much pleasure she would practically be begging for more...

A knock cut us short


It seemed Barbie had heard the knock too. I heard a distinct "Shit" from Barbie. Obviously her eyes were more than clear enough.

But I wished they weren't though, cause the look in her eyes broke me to pieces

She gave Jade a dead look as she ran out of the closet leaving me staring at her...hurt.

Hey guys»»

I know nothing I say would atone for my late update but I'm really really really sorry.

Been busy lately and I was just so tired and preoccupied.

Also I  know I swear like a fucking sailor...oops. But I'm really an Angel y'all.

From now on I'll try to upload chapters more regularly so we can round this up soon.

And yeah, pls if you're enjoying the story, then whyyyyyyyy don't you tell your friends about it. You know you wanna...

So tell me what you think so far... I really love reading your comments.

Don't forget to show some lovin' to the sweet Vote button😍.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜