
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: Ivanovich Avery

Mysterio's POV

"Everything's ready boss" Dante's usual gruff voice broke me out of my disheveled thoughts.

My mind has been pretty preoccupied lately.....and for the first time it wasn't about Barbie.

There was just something about this Avery guy that seemed sketchy.

As a sketchy person myself I'd say I could smell the rat he was, but not finding out anything about him just seemed so downright suspicious.

And that was the mistake he made.

If you wanted to get all the attention then make sure there was a mystery to you.

But why would he do that?.

Attention screamed FBI and the TEA on your backs, so if anything he was making himself a walking target.

But I could sense there was a bigger plan here, a wider picture that the Russians were aiming at.

And I was going to find out.

So that's the exact reason I'm skipping the playground visit I had planned out with the twins.

I hated dissapointing them!

But this was beyond my hands. Whatever the Russians had planned out, I needed to find out soon, before much damage was done.

Shit! I should have gotten rid of that stupid family sooner than now!.

I knew the Russians were not a threat.

I'd even been close friends with the Galentino's myself.

What I didn't expect was for them to be foolish enough to work with a bunch of snitches.

If the son couldn't even stay to avenge his own father, then it was really bad.

Only one snitch can't ruin a mafia family so much. It means whoever ruined the Russians was someone very skilled and dangerous.

To eat them out without them even expecting it!.

My feelings were never wrong and I sure as hell could smell a war.

"But Wio you pwomised" Jackie whynes probably for the hundredth time since she found out we couldn't go out anymore.

I wanted to be upset with her for her continuous whyning but I honestly just couldn't.

She was way too cute and I wasn't completely not at fault.

Heck I never agree to being at fault anyway.

"I promise Jackie..... Jake" I called Jake who looked more pissed than ever , he turned away from me though "We'll go tomorrow Promise".

I tried again.

Jackie shuffled her feet and mumbled an incoherent "ok" which I'm sure would have come out as "owkay".

I turned to Jake again, but he stormed off angrily"You always promise!".

I rubbed my temple harshly.

I honestly to God didn't have the time or the patience for this.

If I didn't leave for the meeting now, I'd likely snap at someone.

Then I felt a hand rest on my shoulder softly "Don't worry, they'll come around Mysterio" Celine said.

I was disgusted.

Her kids were feeling like shit and that apparently was the perfect opportunity to try and flirt with me again?!.

This woman was a disgrace to all women out there Really!.

I shrugged her hands off my shoulders and stormed out before she paid for her son's behaviour.

When will she get it into her head that I'd never be with her?.

I won't even sleep with her!.

More or less get married or make her Mrs Kieran and no amount of ass-kissing would change my mind.


The place where the meeting was held was always beautifully arranged, after all it was the house that belonged to a cartel dealer.

And you could count on alot of money in drugs.

I wonder the surprise they'd feel when I released the new drug I'd discovered?!.

They'll more than worship the ground I work on , cos I would rule the drug business world exquisitely.

The meeting was scheduled for 5:30 but I got here 5 on the dot.

You must have thought I'd be late right?

Well Wrong!.

In this business, observation was everything.

If you were slow to notice anything, then that's a loss for you.

Here you watch your enemies very precisely.

One wrong observation and you're gone. Like that!

One thing the mafia didn't offer was mercy.

You either kill or be killed!.

And I might have killed more than my fair share of people.......but I wasn't ready to be killed.

I sat down comfortably on one of the sofas, the place was surrounded by sofas of different colours.

Something I found too prissy since we were men after all, Cold hearted men not ball girls.

But this was Clovers choice of housing decorations and I was but a guest anyway.

I couldn't kill him for that?.

I realized I loved killing when I was a little kid.

Growing up beside the most feared mafia had it's unfortunate perks. I was forced to kill an older cousin of mine who had betrayed him.

I never really liked him though so I couldn't say I hated getting rid of him, and he also broke the code of Omerta.

The infinitesimal code.

Breaking Omerta was worse than dying so he did deserve to die.

What didn't need to happen was making a 9 year old child be the one to take his life.

Not like he was worth anything anyway. I was so young.

Yes, I might have seen blood and death and felt I was ready but the first time haunted my dreams for weeks.

And it wasn't helping that the face of the murdered was my sleazy cousin.

From that day onward, something shifted in me.

It was like all my life I'd been made for this.

It didn't help that after that day, my parents marriage was destroyed for good and when mom finally left dad, it had a huge hand in ruining him completely.

My father was a cold hearted monster......but he loved my mother more than anything in this world.

He called her his light!.

I love my mom, but she lived in self-deception all the days of her life, always hoping my dad would end all this and move on to somewhere quiet in a place like Hawaii.

I often wondered if she was still alive. I didn't dare look for her as I knew she wouldn't want to come live with me.

And I didn't want to be tempted to make her stay, so I respected her decision and stayed very far away from her.

A small part of me hated her though, I loved my dad and after the first day he made me kill, he never once let me pick a gun again because of her.

I practically had to sneak in on some missions to quench that fire in me.

But she still left him!.

I prayed to a God I knew wouldn't answer a man like me, to never love a person the way my dad loved mom.

If there was anything I learnt from their love, it was that the power always resided with the one who loved less.

But here I was going against my very jurisdiction and falling for a girl who didn't even know me.

I'd tried so hard all my life to not be like my dad. To be better, stronger, more powerful and dangerous.

But once again another Kieran was down on his knees in love.

How Ironic!.

The first member of the more than 20 guest who were supposed to attend today finally arrived.

The head of the Los Angeles mafia. He gave me a firm nod and walked over to take his seat.

Then I began my work of observation.


The meeting had been going on for more than 30 minutes when the man I was expecting finally arrived.

There weren't alot of people that had my attention no matter how much they wanted it, he was lucky he did.

Even if it could mean his untimely death.

He stepped in slowly glancing around with wondering eyes, like he couldn't believe he was here.

Two things were fishy:

One, either he was trying to play dumb and get us all to think he's stupid and harmless when he's clearly not!

Or two, he was just an underdog and there was likely to be a bigger catch, one which he was working for!.

As much as I wanted to agree with the latter since it made more sense that he had no profile. My senses kept making me consider the former.

He looked too lost, came too late!. Almost seemed like he was trying too hard to be taken for a fool.

And if he was working under someone, the person should have prepared him on how to act around powerful men.

So something was definitely wrong!.

I gave him a tight-lipped smile when he beamed in my direction.

I just hope he wasn't taking the Simpering Suck Up approach.

I hated them the most, the ones who sucked up to everything you did no matter how wrong it was.

"Mysterio" Denver's voice broke into my thoughts.

I guess he figured out I was never listening.

But what did he expect?.

I raised my head to him, giving him a cool look, and I definitely relished in the shiver that passed through his skin at my stare.

He was the bravest of their stupid lot.

As you already know I hated the Deans. If I was gonna die in this business, I'd rather that, than try to lead a bunch of power hungry kids who were too pompous for their own good.

Myself included.

But the Deans always avoided speaking directly to me, so if Denver was finally wearing his big boy pants then I wasn't gonna like it.

No matter what they had to say!.

I saw the shift in Denver's expression, he must have noticed my dark look. "What?" I asked gruffly.

Staying around Dante definitely had it's perks.

"Um yes... We just thought, you know? , since everyone here is either married or atleast engaged....... The Deans have come to a conclusion that you should.....well consider getting someone,...... Especially after what happened with The Gelatino's and everything." He took a deep breath like he was going to have a heart attack just considering the conversation. " We decided it'd be better if you got married" he finally stated.

I stood up slowly never taking my eyes off the squirming coward in front of me.

Honestly enough,I didn't care what they decided........ They could go fuck themselves for all I care.

But the prospect of getting married didn't completely disgust me...... As long as the woman was Babara obviously!.

" You think I care about your decision?" I deadpanned my Italian accent coming on strongly although I wasn't upset.

But I knew their plan, what he didn't say in that rambled up bullshit he spurted out was that , they wanted me kept under the control of a woman just like my father. They wanted me easily conceptible. They wanted my stance weakened by the love of a woman just like my fucking father!.

And that was exactly what made me upset.

They didn't know I'd already fallen in love myself and they didn't need to know.

But knowing they wanted to trick me ticked me off.

"But Mysterio......" He quickly shut up with the look I gave him.

" Look Romano.......I couldn't care less what you and your bunch of slimy cock suckers decided. But I would only say this once, your decisions should never have me in it ok?" I said sharply. He stood there frozen in shock!.

"I said do you understand?" I deadpanned. He seemed to break out of his reverie cos he finally answered.

"Y.....yes...yes" he stuttered.

Simpering Suck Up!!.

I left the meeting, passing Ivanovich Avery a cold look on my way out. And just for a minute he flinched, but quickly got himself back.

Hmmm.....there was a lot about Ivanovich Avery I needed to know. I didn't like surprises.

I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been really busy lately. First, working on another mind blowing story which I would be releasing once this gets to 1k reads. This story is quite long and an emotional rollercoaster while the next one I'm creating is shorter so I might release it completed soon.

You know I don't earn for writing here, so I had to focus on other apps where I get paid for Ghostwriting as a freelancer.

Also pls don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE. I'd really appreciate it 🥺 pls. That's the only way others can reach this book you're enjoying so much!.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜