
The devil's proposal

Welcome my dearest reader to the world of Afro fantasy .This novel will explore the mythical creatures in African fantasy world . The story is set in a fictional African kingdom known as the Bahle kingdom. Which means land of the beautiful. To save her father's throne in a civil war. The crown Princess Nomazwe.Her name means mother of nations. Princess Nomazwe seeks the help of an infamous demon warlord Diliza who resides in the Evil forest. She asks for the demon's help in exchange the demon demands something that she finds impossible to give, her hand in marriage. Will the crown Princess Nomazwe risk her crown and her dignity for a demon? . Evil forest it was a cursed forest in which all the magical creatures lived both evil and good.No one was supposed to enter the evil forest ,if one enter the evil forest he or she will be cursed and he or she will be exiled from the land . The novel culture is rooted from the Ndebele culture ,which originates from Southern Africa.The book will explore their culture and customs . Below is a list of Names that you will find in the book ,and their meanings in English. Name : Meaning Nomazwe :Mother of nations Busani :reign Mandla:Power Bahle :They are beautiful Langa: sun Manqoba : conquerer Diliza :Destroy Zibulo :First born Hey ,hit me up let's chat , please share your thoughts about the story,my writing ,your contribution and support will be greatly appreciated .

blessing_Radmen · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Virtue or Vice


Nomazwe's tongue was caught by a cat, Diliza repeated himself," hey let's go! ''. Nomazwe was still haunted by the shock.Diliza grabbed her tightly, his long arms wrapped around her waist, his wings unfurled and he flew out of the cave through the open ceiling wall. Nomazwe couldn't believe her eyes, she was flying.

Nomazwe was battling for her breath, fear surged through her body, she becomes more terrified when she tried to look downwards. The jealous wind lashed at her, its burbling noise, screamed at her, as if it hated her presence in the air. The blustery wind pierced her skin, her heart skipped to her throat: it was surely trying to escape the madness; the surging adrenaline filled her body. Diliza wings adorned the sky, he was married to the sky.

Diliza saw the fear that shimmered in the princess's eyes, he laughed at her, his laugh made the sky bird less: it rumbled like the thunder. Diliza knew that humans belonged to the ground and were not familiar with the laws of the sky. "Hey, relax, take a deep breath, you need it, "Diliza instructed Nomazwe: she nodded and followed Diliza's instruction.

The demon's instruction helped Nomazwe, she felt relieved, the demon laughed Nomazwe had never felt such ease in her life. The cool breeze soothed her body, and she could smell the godly scent of fresh air. Nomazwe no longer belonged to the ground but belonged to the soaring, cascading blue sky. The precious hands of the azure blue sky carried her, she became jealous of the birds. Nomazwe's mind was at ease, she almost forgot about the war.

Nomazwe saw the beauty of the land, as it unfolded itself. From the fauna to the flora: the rays of the mellow sunlight baptized the land, unearthing its beauty; from the small antelopes to the majestic elephants that graced the land; the rugged mountains that seemed to impale the sky with their summit and the gem –blue streams and rivers were the liquescent souls of the land. It was an exhilarating experience for her.

Suddenly the beauty-full scene of nature faded into a theatre of death: the ungodly smell blessed the battlefield, Nomazwe saw the spitefulness of the battlefield, the numerous dead bodies that decorated the ground, the wailing and whimpering sounds of men, as they were clubbing and clobbering each other. How ugly it was, Nomazwe felt what the gods felt, when they observed men in disappointment.

Nomazwe 's father's army was losing: they were surrounded by the enemy-Prince Mandla's army, their shields were close to their bodies as they tried by all means to fight their dominating enemies. Clunking and clattering sounds of the enemies' axes as they tried to break their defensive line, haunted King Busani's army. Nomazwe was infuriated by this, Diliza felt Nomazwe's adrenaline rush through her body. Diliza knew the Princess was hungry for blood.

Diliza flapped his wings and plunged into the battlefield, he dropped Nomazwe , as he landed to the ground ,dust covered the battle field .All the men abruptly stopped fighting ,as they shifted their focus towards Diliza , his presence haunted them . It was a skin-crawling moment, they all knew that effluvium of death had surrounded them.

Diliza took advantage of their fear and pulled out his spear ,his spear shimmered like the full moon, its doubled headed spear tips flickered even more .Diliza threw his spear, the shrilling and sissing sound his spear, could only be heard ,as the spear plunged into any men that was in its direction, killing them at once .The screaming and screeching sounds of men filled the battlefield, as their innards anointed the battle ground .Diliza commanded it ,to come back , like gravity ,it went back to its master slaughtering , enemies that blocked its way. Diliza spear, was magma red with blood .Diliza wings, shielded him against the swords and spears, as men tried to kill him.

Nomazwe, on the other hand, fought mercilessly, her spear moved from one enemy to another, she could taste the salty tastes of blood, the wailing sounds of men, were music to her ears. "Come, lets fight, victory is near!,'' Nomazwe shouted, motivating her father's army that had become an audience to the battle that they had started, slowly they joined their crown princess.

King Busani couldn't believe his eyes, a demon was assisting him to win the war, and surely darkness had imposed itself. They was surely an explanation, her daughter wouldn't betray her like this ,the old King comforted himself . The tales that his fore fathers told him were true indeed: demons existed. "My lord, we are gaining much ground, princess Nomazwe is leading the troops, the battle will soon be ours, " Manqoba reported to the king. "And the demon?,'' the king queried, "My lord the demon came with princess Nomazwe ,it is helping us to win the war " Manqoba responded with joy .King Busani's face become gloomy .

It was a taboo: the laws of the Bahle people , forbbided the Bahle people to make alliance with magical creatures .The favour and confidence that he aimed to get from his people had been fed to the dogs .He felt betrayed by his daughter ,but that was a storm he had to face ,after the war .

Diliza 's eyes were tundra cold and merciless, he walloped his enemies ,his lighting speed couldn't be outmatched by Prince Mandela's army ,his body was crimson red with the blood of his enemies ,he could taste the acrid taste of human blood ,it had been centuries since he had tasted it ,how he hated it, how he hated the battle field, yet ironically he had plunged himself into the battle field again .

Diliza shielded himself, with his wings from the blizzard of spears and arrows: the arrows and spears bounced back .He smirked and laughed at human stupidity. A demon could only be killed by a blade of another demon.

Prince Mandla's army efforts were futile .The victory that Prince Mandla had anticipated was turned into the dream of a beggar .Prince Mandla knew his only option was to retreat, he ordered his army to retreat . "Retreat!" Prince Mandla's men shouted as they retreated .King Busani's army celebrated the victory, yet Nomazwe was still pursuing the enemy, slaughtering them.

Diliza approached Nomazwe, "the battle is over, you have won princess, " Diliza stopped the princess from finishing off her enemy. "Victory will only be certain, if l have my uncle's head, if you want our deal to stand, I want my uncle's head," Nomazwe demanded, finishing off her enemy. "That was not our agreement, I have done my part," Diliza protested. " As long as he is alive ,he will build another army ,so you haven't done anything," Nomazwe clarified her position .

Diliza grabbed Nomazwe and sprung to the air "Where are you taking me?,"Nomazwe protested ." To get your uncle's head,"Diliza responded. "Do you know him?, ''Nomazwe queried. "You are going to show me," Diliza replied. Nomazwe and Diliza searched for their Nomazwe's uncle and his troops.

" Over there ! , that is my uncle " Nomazwe had recognised her Uncle .Diliza flew closer and intercepted, Prince Mandla and his men .Prince Mandla was startled ,his efforts to escape ,the unbearable fate of death were futile ."They is nowhere to run uncle ,"Nomazwe stopped Prince Mandla .Prince Mandla commanded his men to attack them , his men disobeyed his orders and retreated .The old prince Mandla became helpless ,he tried to flee , but Nomazwe's threw her spear ,which struck the old Prince Mandla at the back .There he was, groaning in pain ,blood surging from his back wound ."So your father sent her daughter to fight his brother, how pathetic ,his weakness disgusts me," Prince Mandla mocked her niece while whaling in pain.

Although he was weak, his eyes were cold ,they lacked remorse .His uncle spit , on Nomazwe face ,it made Nomazwe angry and disgusted ,mixture of blood and saliva ,that made its way into Nomazwe mouth ,she spitted .

"How can a lion negotiate with its prey ," Nomazwe responded with great pride ."Tell your father ,that he is no man ,how can he allow demons to fight his battles ,he doesn't serve the title ",his Uncle spoke with great spite .It made Nomazwe angry ,his father's honour was her joy, and anyone who despised his father would face her wrath.

Nomazwe abruptly pulled out ,her spear from uncle back ,he groaned in pain like a helpless baby ,blood gushing out of his wound . Nomazwe stepped on his uncle's wound, he cried out in pain. " Today you are going to die by my hands ,and everyone ,will know that ,you were killed by a woman, " said Nomazwe her teeth biting her lips .

Nomazwe stabbed his uncle straight to into heart: his body fought for his life ,but Nomazwe's spear crushed it. Nomazwe took one of the battle axes and decapitated his uncle's head .Nomazwe was covered in her uncle's blood.

Diliza had never witnessed such a courageous and strong woman. Nomazwe's courage made him more drawn to him .Was it love he thought, but he quickly dismissed the thought. Demons were incapable of loving humans it was against their nature .

"Let's go!" Nomazwe interrupted the demons thoughts. Diliza grabbed Nomazwe and flew away, leaving prince Mandla's headless body .The demon dropped , Nomazwe by the battle field .King Busani's men stepped back in terror .Diliza looked at Nomazwe and said ,"l have kept my side of the bargain , in three days' time, l will come for you," Eliza said his peace and sprung to the sky.

Nomazwe lifted his uncle's head and got the attention of the men who were still watching the demon as he skimmed through the sky. The men roared in the oy they celebrated the victor, they carried their princess. Men sang songs of victory as they made their way to the capital.

Hey hey thank you for reading the chapter .

The story is an afrofantasy ,its roots and it's culture is borrowed from the Nguni tribe :the Ndebele tribe ,which is found in Southern Africa

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