
The Devil's Prey

Whitney Warmer had a simple dream to be happy and keep her siblings safe. But her father chooses to leave a bounden for her owing his tyrant boss, secretly known as the Devil, a huge sum of money. Kevin Smart, everyone's nightmare, popularly known as the devil. Rich, handsome, but ruthless. Mercy is a word that did not exist in his dictionary. He grew up without love and trust. He destroys whoever betrays him. Mr. Warmer, his formal Secretary, sold the trade secret of his company to a competitor causing the company to lose out on a billion dollar deal. Although Mr. Warmer dead before Kevin could touch him, Kevin was unwilling to let it go. So his wrath was taken out on his children. Whitney was the oldest, and she protected her younger siblings. If she were destroyed, the others would be miserable. So he singled her out. But why does his heart skip a beat anytime there is tears in her eyes? Find out.

Juliet_Omuadona · Urban
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122 Chs


The nurse turned around and left the room while Whitney held onto the bed and managed to get her phone.

She noticed a few missed calls from Natalie, so she decided to call back.

"Whitney, thank goodness, I got so worried when you were not taking your calls," Natalie worried voice came from the other end.

"I am fine. I was so tired and had to get some sleep. Sorry for making you worried," Whitney said.

"Alright, I wanted to bring breakfast over, but I was unsure which hospital," Natalie said from the other end.

"Oh, it's the central hospital," Whitney replied.

"Okay, I will be there within an hour. How is Gracey?" Natalie asked.

"She is out of danger, but I am yet to see her," Whitney replied.

"Great, see you soon," Natalie said and ended the call before Whitney could ask about her brother. Whitney sighed and got up from the bed.

She felt weak with each step she took, but she was determined to find out how Gracey was doing. Even if she knew it was not her fault that Gracey got kidnapped, she still blamed herself.

The warmers did not have money or special status, so Gracey shared her room with two other patients. One of the patient's beds was empty, the other had an old woman

When Whitney arrived, Gracey was sleeping. Whitney pulled a chair and sat down beside her.

Looking at her sister, She wondered what she had gone through that made her give up on her life and want to die.

Whitney thought about Felix's words, their father had betrayed Smart cooperation, which was why the devil was after them.

Whitney knew that she should not judge and blame her father but thinking of the situation, this was not possible. Her father has ruined the life of his three children.

She even felt that the accident that claimed her father's life was not a drunk driving case. She wondered what her father thought when he decided to betray his boss.

"No, no, don't touch me," Gracey suddenly screamed in her sleep. She struggled and struggled, throwing her feet and her arms. Whitney wanted to wake her up, but at that moment, she felt dizzy when she made to get up from her bed, so she was forced to sit down.

"Gracey, wake up," She managed to call out, holding her hand.

Gracey held the hand tightly, but she did not open her eyes. "Gracey wake up," Whitney called again. But there was no response. Gracey struggled for a while and finally quieted down.

Whitney took a deep breath, a few minutes later, Gracey opened her eyes. "am I dead," That was the first thing she thought as she looked around.

Soon she realised that she was in a hospital. Memories of what happened to her flowed into her head. Gracey immediately pulled off the drip attached to her hand. "I want to die," She declared.

Whitney was shocked, she had not expected Gracey to have such a strong reaction. She got up and hugged her. "Gracey, stop," She said in between her tears.

Seeing that her hand were stopped, she decided to bite her tongue to death. Fortunately, at that time, a nurse walked in, she was attracted by the noise from the ward. Gracey had lost so much blood and was weak, so she managed to stop her.

"Why are you stopping me? It is better to die now," Gracey cried. She thinks of the humiliation and has no confidence to face herself in the future.

"What are you saying,? You are still so young. You gave Kelly such a big fright yesterday," Whitney tried to talk to her.

"What am I living for? You know the devil has no mercy in his vocabulary. Death is the only thing waiting ahead, or do you have the money to pay him back," Gracey shook her head.

"I will think of something. There are still two months. Why are you in a hurry to die?" Whitney said? She was scared that Gracey would continue to seek death.

"What can we do in two months other than wait for our death? Daddy should have let me die in the hospital rather than make me go through this," Gracey pushed Whitney away.

Seeing that she was crying so much, Whitney let go of her. She hoped that she would not do something that would endanger her life.

" When there is life, there is hope. Allow me to think of a way out, " Whitney said.

"No, I don't want to live like a lamb waiting for the butcher. If I die now, I can determine how I die, but if I Wait for the butcher, who knows if he will give me a quick death," Gracey argued.

"There are still two months, right? Give me a month, and I will think of something. I promise I will not hold you back if I don't think of something in one month," Whitney said. She had no idea what to do, but she made this promise to calm her sister down.

" What can you do? You just want to prolong my suffering, " Gracey did not believe her, but she calmed down a lot.

" I am not sure yet. I will think of a way out," Whitney insisted. Gracey looked at her with doubt, but she nodded her head after some time.

At that time, the nurse who was still waiting at the corner checked the drip and adjusted it. She had listened to the conversation between the two and felt sorry for them.

She wished she could help them pay the money, but she was only a small nurse who earned very little.

"Your sister risks her life to save you. You must live well. She is right. Hope is what the living can not give up," the nurse said. She knew that a person that has suicidal thoughts needed to be encouraged.

"Thank you, nurse," Whitney said. The nurse nodded her head. She looked at Gracey. She seemed to want to say something else but kept quiet and left.

"You should not have taken the risk," Gracey said once the nurse was out.

"I could not watch you die," Whitney replied.

"That was what I wanted," She said and closed her eyes. She felt that her big sister always likes to play the hero and make her look like the evil child.

Whitney was surprised at her reaction. She did not expect her sister to be grateful after all. As the senior, that is what she should do. What surprised her was the fact that she was angry.

'Could it be that she wants to die so much ?' Whitney wondered. She felt a chill in her heart when she thought in this direction. So she made up her mind not to tell Gracey what Mr Felix said for the time being. As she was scared that she would give up if she found out