
The Devil's Prey

Whitney Warmer had a simple dream to be happy and keep her siblings safe. But her father chooses to leave a bounden for her owing his tyrant boss, secretly known as the Devil, a huge sum of money. Kevin Smart, everyone's nightmare, popularly known as the devil. Rich, handsome, but ruthless. Mercy is a word that did not exist in his dictionary. He grew up without love and trust. He destroys whoever betrays him. Mr. Warmer, his formal Secretary, sold the trade secret of his company to a competitor causing the company to lose out on a billion dollar deal. Although Mr. Warmer dead before Kevin could touch him, Kevin was unwilling to let it go. So his wrath was taken out on his children. Whitney was the oldest, and she protected her younger siblings. If she were destroyed, the others would be miserable. So he singled her out. But why does his heart skip a beat anytime there is tears in her eyes? Find out.

Juliet_Omuadona · Urban
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122 Chs

Return to school

In the next few days, Whitney paid for a garage space in Natalie's house and moved out. She did not go to work or school. Her manager was so angry that he served her a query. He did not directly sack her because he still wanted to sleep with her.

That Sunday morning, Emily decided to go to work. She knew that her boss would take the chance to make things difficult for her. After her sister got R*** and almost lost her life, Whitney could care less about a clean record.

When Whitney arrived, a colleague told her that her presence was needed at the manager's office. She was not surprised to hear this. So she dropped her bag and went over to the office.

*knock knock

When the manager heard this knock, there was a warm smile on his face. No one would come to look for him on weekends, so he was sure it was Whitney.

He had waited for her on Friday and Saturday, but she did not show up. "Come in," He said in a cold voice. He was putting on the air of a boss. Whitney took a deep breath and walked inside.

"Miss Warmer," The manager said as he handed over the envelope. Whitney took a deep breath.

She knew that the man would try to make things difficult for her. She did not just expect him to sack her.

She sighed and collected the envelope. She was planning to go to Smith cooperation the next day. She was unsure how long it would take her to see and convince Kevin Smith, so she thought it was better to start earlier than later.

After taking the envelope, she turned to leave. The manager was surprised, after all, this was not the reaction he had expected. She needed money and should beg him.

"Although what you have in your hand is just a query, if I am not satisfied with your answer, you might not be needed anymore," The manager threatened. He thought she was not begging because she knew it was a query.

"I understand," Whitney said and walked out of the office. Coincidently it was already the end of the month. Whitney decided that it was best to write her resignation letter. She also wanted to write a letter to her school and take a two years leave. She did not know how long she would have to serve the devil, but she believed that after two years, she would have a little freedom to attend classes during the day.

Whitney got back to her table, she first answered the query, and then she wrote her resignation letter. It was a Sunday, so she could only submit it the next day. After thinking for a while, she started working. There were a few reports that she needed to make. She wrote them and submitted them.

She worked till eight pm at night before she could wrap up all her outstanding work. She knew that leaving any unfinished work would mean her salary getting cut. Even if this was not the case, she wanted to leave as little black spot as possible.

When the manager heard that she had worked so late, clearing all her outstanding work, he felt she was doing all that to stay in the company. Since it was her first-time offence, he realised that no matter how bad her excuse was, she would not be fired.

"As long as you are here, I don't believe there would be no other chance," The manager comforted himself.

It was already nine pm when Emily got home that night, Kelly was already asleep, and only Gracey was waiting to open the door for her. "Why are you returning so late," Gracey asked. It seems like she was pretty worried about Whitney.

" I had so much to do, "Whitney answered as she served herself a cup of water.

" oh, " Gracey did not know what to say. After the incident, she had not gone to school. When her sister did not return by six, she wondered if she had met the same fate.

" What did you make for dinner?" Whitney asked. She was tired and hungry.

"Rice, I will heat it for you," Gracey said as she walked over to their small kitchen space and started heating up the food.

After she was done, she served it and arranged it on a tray, then she brought it over to Whitney.

"you have to go back to school. No one knows what happened," Whitney said. She was worried about her sister dropping out of school.

"No," Gracey shook her head. She knew that many people would be curious about what had happened to her. A lot of rumours about her would be everywhere.

"Do you not want to make anything out of your life?" Whitney frown. Going to Scholls was important if one wanted to live a better life.

"I did not say I would not go. Let the rumours blow over first," Gracey said. She was still scared that someone would notice something.

"I took a two-week break for you, and Rumors would not die down. No one knew what had happened. Sandra's family would not say anything. Just say you drank too much and wander away. The suicide was an accident," Whitney said.

Gracey thought about it, " alright, I will go on Tuesday, " she said.

" Why not tomorrow? " Whitney raised her brows. She did not know what her sister was thinking.

" Because I need a day to prepare myself mentally, " Gracey answered. She planned to contact a few friends and find out the situation at school. After all, this was the only way she could plan accordingly.

Whitney could not be bothered to argue with her. There was no difference, so that she could give her one more day. After all, lying was not easy for anyone. She knew what it felt like to be in high school. Girls always revival each other. Gracey had been a proud person, so it was not strange if she felt reluctant.

If she could, Whitney would have helped her clean the mess, but other than coming up with excuses, there was nothing else she could do.