
The Devil's Prey

Whitney Warmer had a simple dream to be happy and keep her siblings safe. But her father chooses to leave a bounden for her owing his tyrant boss, secretly known as the Devil, a huge sum of money. Kevin Smart, everyone's nightmare, popularly known as the devil. Rich, handsome, but ruthless. Mercy is a word that did not exist in his dictionary. He grew up without love and trust. He destroys whoever betrays him. Mr. Warmer, his formal Secretary, sold the trade secret of his company to a competitor causing the company to lose out on a billion dollar deal. Although Mr. Warmer dead before Kevin could touch him, Kevin was unwilling to let it go. So his wrath was taken out on his children. Whitney was the oldest, and she protected her younger siblings. If she were destroyed, the others would be miserable. So he singled her out. But why does his heart skip a beat anytime there is tears in her eyes? Find out.

Juliet_Omuadona · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Seb nodded his head, he understood that his boss wanted to use others to deal with her. Whitney had a clear record. If she suddenly lost her job, she would know Kevin had made a move. Why do that when her life can be unbearable if she thought she was just unlucky? The more people attacked her, the more she would be in despair. A person like her would need a lot of pressure to break her hope for a future of sunshine.

" I will make the arrangements," Seb said and walked out of the office.

"Are you not being too kind to them?" the other assistant asked. He was known as Stone, the right-hand man of the Devil in the underground business.

"Kind? I want my money back. Since he dared to betray me after getting my money, I would just take my money. When the bunch of you followed me out, I promised not to drag the family into it. Moreover, Mr Warner worked in our legitimate business. We cannot use the rules of the underworld. You know that he is trying to catch my mistakes to pull forces together, " Kevin shook his head.

Stone, who was still standing at the side, took a deep breath. He knew Kevin was right. Ten years ago, a group of three friends pulled a rebel and pulled out of an international drug gang. At that time, they planned a root. The battle was won in blood.

After the successful escape, they started to make their plans to survive. The only way to buy their life was to build a more vital organisation. Because even if they successfully broke free, the organisation would not let them stay alive. It was only a matter of time before another attack was launched on them.

Kevin was the smartest among his friends, he had connections to possible buyers of goods. Customers that have traded with him and trust him, not the organisation. Moreover, he learned how to design weapons. So it was only natural for him to take the leadership position.

Those small members of the international organisation followed Kevin. Initially, his friends did not have a problem with being behind the scenes. They made more money and gained back their freedom to do as they please, but man was greedy.

Kevin becomes known as the devil because of his skills. The organisation grew, and his friends benefited from their little contribution. Later Kevin started Smart cooperation in other to leave the darkness. After cleaning up his past. The Smart company was started with his own personal money, it had nothing to do with the organisation, but as the leader of a mafia, it was impossible to separate the two.

So Kevin used some of the business to clean the money gotten from the mafia. His friends and everyone benefit. His two friends also got identify and could step out of the darkness. Who knew that among the three, one became jealous and greedy? He felt that Kevin was taking advantage of his position and cheating others. They started the organisation together. Why should Kevin have more power and money?

He tried to start his own company twice but failed. Since then, he started targeting Kevin Secretly. He did not believe in his inability to run a company but felt that Kevin only succeeded because of his position in the mafia organisation. The third friend refused to get involved without evidence.

The second could not take down Kevin alone, so he started plotting and playing tricks to pull the third friend into his boat.

Kevin could tell he was being targeted, but he also had no evidence after all, his friend was not a fool. So the Mafia organisation had not been at peace, even if everything seemed normal. It was basically divided into two fractions, and the cold war was getting stronger each day.

Kevin's hands were tied, he could not kill the Warmer's children, but he could not let go of a traitor, not because he could not overlook Mr Warmer but because this was a tricky situation. If he did not manage it well, he might lose everything he used his life to fight for. The Warmer was just testing his limits. He had to punish the children, but he could not be so mean. The best approach was to use the hands of others.

Even if his second friend knew this was his making, without his direct involvement, there would be no evidence. Kevin was not scared of his two friends joining forces, he did not just want the innocent members of the organisation to lose their lives for nothing


Whitney had no idea what was going to happen since she was already in her last year of college. She planned to return to school. Anyway, this was not the time when there was no freedom.

She wanted to finish school, even if she could only see darkness in her future. Maybe if she can finish college and have a good recommendation, there might be hope in the future.

So the following Monday, Whitney returned to school. All through class, she could not hear anything the lectures were saying. All she wanted to do was meet her attendance record to be qualified to sit for her final exams.

After class, She returned home, she noticed the neighbours were looking at her strangely and whispering something one to another, but she was so tired and did not pay any attention.

When she got into her apartment, she saws her brother trying to console her sister. The scene was funny, but Whitney could not laugh. She understood that no matter how spoiled her younger sister was, she tried to act bravely in front of their baby brother. So what would make her forget her domine as the elder sister and cry like a child in the presence of Kelly?

Whitney panicked so much that her backpack fell on the floor. "What is going on? " she asked.

When Gracey heard her sister's voice, her voice became even louder. Her body shook so much as she tried to speak.

Kelly, hugging her with his tiny hands, was also in tears. "A bad man beat up sister?" Kelly replied. He did not understand what had happened.

What he saw was a man pushing his sister against the wall. He seems to have bitten her or something. His sister kept trying to resist. He even tried to help her but was pushed, and his little butt still hurt.

"Where?" Whitney held Grace and tried to comfort her, but her heart beat like it wanted to leap out of her chest. She had a lot of wild imagination that she tried her best to suppress.

"close to the house on our way back from school. The evil man even pushed me to the ground. Fortunately, I was smart and started crying at the top of my voice attracting the attention of people passing by. When the uncle saw this, he threw some money at Sister, I did not hear what he said at that time, but he left, and those big mouth neighbours did not try to stop him, " Kelly recounted what had happened.

The more Whitney listened, the more she felt scared. Indeed she had been too reckless to think that the devil would give her three months of peace to settle her siblings.

This was just her wishful thinking after listening to what her brother said. How could she not understand that her sister was molested on the street?

If her neighbours did not dare to stop the man, it only meant he was related to Kevin, the devil. Whitney trembled as she took a closer look at her sister.

Her clothes were indeed messy. Her heart went blank. She was not sure how to comfort her sister. She wanted to ask if the man had successfully raped her, but the question was too heavy. Even if the man did not manage to take the last step, it was already so embarrassing to be seen in public like this.

Those foolish neighbours only care about gossip, and her sister's part in the future might be blocked. The news would spread, and knowing her sensitive sister, she might be pushed into depression.

Whitney hugged her sister, not knowing what to do or say. She was just a girl with no support from anyone. How could she fight against the devil with her small means?

Gracey continued to cry until she was out of breath and fell asleep. Whitney helped her lay down on the couch and asked her brother to bring the blanket.

Kelly cleaned his face and went into the room to get the blanket. Whitney covered her sister, but her heart was empty. She had no idea what she should do next.

"Get away, Get away," Gracey, that hand had just fallen asleep, started to struggle in her sleep. She was kicking and throwing her fist.

Whitney stood rooted. Her sister must have been traumatised by the incident earlier. "Is sister having a bad dream?" Kelly asked, seeing that his sister still had her eyes closed.

"Yes," Whitney nodded and hugged Grace. "It's okay. You are home. No one would hurt you here," Whitney consoled.

"Dad, I want Dad, don't die, save me," Grace continues to struggle. Whitney could not stop the tears that escaped her eyes as she continued to comfort her.