
The Devil's Game of Thrones[Dropped]

In a world of darkness and despair, of evil and corruption, one being has been given a second chance at life. But this is no ordinary being. He is a fallen angel, a being of immense power and intelligence who cares only for his own benefit. And so, the tale of the Reincarnated Fallen Angel begins. The fallen angel was once a member of the divine host, a powerful and respected being who served the will of the Almighty. But he grew arrogant and prideful, and began to question the authority of his Creator. He rebelled against the divine order, leading a legion of angels in an uprising against the heavens. But the rebellion was crushed, and the fallen angel was cast out of the divine realm, stripped of his power and glory. He fell to the mortal realm, where he was reborn as a transmigrator into a world plagued by darkness and evil. The fallen angel quickly aligned himself with the most powerful and corrupt beings in the land, using his charm and manipulation to gain their trust. With his immense power and intelligence, he became a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected by all who knew him. As the fallen angel's power and influence grew, he crossed paths with some of the most evil beings in the land, using his manipulations and schemes to further his own goals. He cared nothing for the suffering of others, and will stop at nothing to achieve his own ends. The Reincarnated Fallen Angel is a tale of power, manipulation, and redemption. It follows the journey of a transmigrator who becomes a fallen angel, The Reincarnated Fallen Angel is a thrilling dark in fantasy novel that will appeal to fans of the supernatural and high-fantasy series. It is a tale of exploring the consequences of pride and rebellion, and the power of atonement and second chances. Readers will be captivated by the fallen angel's journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Monster22 · TV
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31 Chs


Dear Readers,

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that I have decided to drop my book, "The Unfinished Journey," and it will no longer continue. As the author of this work, I take full responsibility for this decision and would like to explain my reasons for doing so.

In hindsight, I believe I was rash in writing and publishing this book. It was my first attempt at writing, and I had no prior experience in the field. I naively believed that my passion for the subject matter would be enough to carry me through the writing process. However, I now realize that this was not the case.

One of the reasons for my decision is the hate that I have received from some readers. I understand that not everyone will enjoy my work, and I respect their opinion. However, the level of negativity and personal attacks that I have received have been overwhelming and have taken a toll on my mental health.

Furthermore, I must admit that I simply do not have the time to give this book the attention it deserves. I have other commitments that require my focus and energy, and I cannot continue to divide my attention in this way.

However, I want to assure my readers that I have not given up on "The Unfinished Journey." I plan to continue working on it in my spare time, refining the plot and characters until it is ready for publication. But until that time comes, I will not be releasing any further chapters or updates.

I hope that you can understand my decision and that you will continue to support me as I navigate this difficult time. Writing has always been my passion, and I am confident that with time and dedication, I will be able to produce a book that truly reflects my abilities as an author.

Also I would like to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to those few readers who enjoyed my book, "The Unfinished Journey." Your support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for your kind words and positive feedback.

I also want to offer a sincere apology to those readers who may feel disappointed or let down by my decision to drop the book. I understand that you may have been looking forward to the continuation of the story, and I am sorry for any inconvenience or frustration this may cause.

Please know that this decision was not made lightly, and I have considered all options before coming to this conclusion. I am truly sorry for any disappointment that this may cause, and I hope that you can understand and respect my decision.

Once again, I want to express my gratitude to those who have supported me throughout this journey. Your love and encouragement have been a source of inspiration and motivation, and I am truly blessed to have you in my corner.

