
The Devil's Game of Thrones[Dropped]

In a world of darkness and despair, of evil and corruption, one being has been given a second chance at life. But this is no ordinary being. He is a fallen angel, a being of immense power and intelligence who cares only for his own benefit. And so, the tale of the Reincarnated Fallen Angel begins. The fallen angel was once a member of the divine host, a powerful and respected being who served the will of the Almighty. But he grew arrogant and prideful, and began to question the authority of his Creator. He rebelled against the divine order, leading a legion of angels in an uprising against the heavens. But the rebellion was crushed, and the fallen angel was cast out of the divine realm, stripped of his power and glory. He fell to the mortal realm, where he was reborn as a transmigrator into a world plagued by darkness and evil. The fallen angel quickly aligned himself with the most powerful and corrupt beings in the land, using his charm and manipulation to gain their trust. With his immense power and intelligence, he became a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected by all who knew him. As the fallen angel's power and influence grew, he crossed paths with some of the most evil beings in the land, using his manipulations and schemes to further his own goals. He cared nothing for the suffering of others, and will stop at nothing to achieve his own ends. The Reincarnated Fallen Angel is a tale of power, manipulation, and redemption. It follows the journey of a transmigrator who becomes a fallen angel, The Reincarnated Fallen Angel is a thrilling dark in fantasy novel that will appeal to fans of the supernatural and high-fantasy series. It is a tale of exploring the consequences of pride and rebellion, and the power of atonement and second chances. Readers will be captivated by the fallen angel's journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Monster22 · TV
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31 Chs

Dark knowledge

In the years before Azazel's army swelled to threaten the peace of the realm, he traveled the land with his band of mercenaries, pillaging villages and terrorizing towns. But his goals extended beyond merely gaining wealth and power.

As a fallen angel trapped in mortal form, Azazel saw the world around him with an outsider's curiosity and disdain. Though limited by his human body, his fallen intellect remained keen and hungry for knowledge. He scoured the land seeking information - any histories, accounts, or rumors that could shed light on this unfamiliar world he now inhabited.

Azazel and his men would raid villages under cover of darkness, overwhelming any meager defenses the villagers could muster. While his mercenaries focused on looting gold and valuables, Azazel sought out any scrolls, manuscripts, or journals that could enlighten him. He interrogated villagers, pressing them for any tales or traditions passed down through generations. He even tortured scholars and maesters, demanding they recount everything they knew of history, politics, and war.

Nothing was too minor or insignificant. Azazel greedily absorbed anything that could help him understand and manipulate the inhabitants of this world for his own ends. His intellect, honed over millennia of dominion over mankind, quickly sorted the truths from the fabrications and assembled the scattered fragments of information into a cohesive whole.

After each raid, Azazel would retreat to a hidden encampment deep in the woods to pore over his newly acquired spoils. He devoured texts on military history, strategy, and terrain, analyzing past campaigns for insights he could apply. He studied genealogies and lineages of the great houses, analyzing the strengths and vulnerabilities inherent in their family ties. He surveyed maps of kingdoms, countries and cities, committing every detail to memory.

Anything that could grant him even the slightest insight or advantage was seized upon and analyzed with ruthless efficiency. Gradually, a vast and intricately connected web of knowledge took shape within Azazel's mind, encompassing political, military, social and economic truths about this world.

As his knowledge and understanding grew, so too did Azazel's ambition and arrogance. His intellect, unmatched by any mortal, fueled his sense of superiority. He began to see the petty squabbles of kingdoms and rulers as insignificant distractions, hindering mankind from reaching its true potential under his benevolent reign.

He became obsessed with seizing the Iron Throne and uniting the realm under his dominion. He plotted ways to sow discord and chaos that he could then swoop in to resolve, establishing himself as a savior and claim the undying loyalty of the grateful populace. All the while, his army of mercenaries continued to swell as more outlaws and cutthroats were drawn to his rising power and influence.

Years passed as Azazel scoured the land, seeking any knowledge that could help him realize his grand ambitions. Villages were sacked, scholars were tortured, and libraries were plundered - all to satiate Azazel's insatiable hunger for information and aid his quest for domination. Though he acquired wealth and followers in abundance, true power remained beyond his grasp.

As Azazel's knowledge and understanding grew, so too did his ambition and arrogance. His unmatched intellect fueled his sense of superiority and desire to rule over mankind.

Azazel was delighted to learn of the magical creatures that inhabited this world, seeing their powers as tools that could serve his plans. He sought out information on giants, direwolves, mammoths, and any other creatures that could augment his forces and instill fear. But it was the Targaryens' who control over dragons that captured Azazel's imagination the most.

He obsessed over accounts of Aegon's Conquest and the ease with which three dragons allowed the Targaryens to seize the Iron Throne. Azazel coveted that kind of absolute power that dragons could lend an army. His quest for knowledge increasingly focused on finding any remaining dragon eggs or clues to tame the last remaining dragons in the world.

using his dark magic and spells to evolve his vessel, rather than ritualistic tortures Azazel soon realized the people of this realm had no knowledge of angels or demons, but he did retain his vast arsenal of fallen magic and spells. He resolved to replicate these powers within his weak human vessel, evolving it into a formidable form worthy of ruling.

He experimented with sinister enchantments meant to strengthen his body and amplify his fallen abilities. Azazel uttered curses and incantations in the language of the Abyss, hoping to resonate with his true demonic nature still trapped within.

But the magic of this realm proved foreign to him, the spells dying upon his lips or fading into nothing. Frustrated, Azazel captured scholars and wizards, forcing them to teach him their primitive arts of sorcery in hopes of adapting his dark magics to this world.

Yet Azazel's prowess far outstripped their shallow understanding of magic. Eventually he realized he must evolve his vessel on his own, without the crutches of ritualistic tortures or the magics of this limited realm.

Azazel retreated into seclusion, delving deep into his inner wellsprings of fallen power. He meditated for months,Visualizing ways to reshape and transform his body from within using only his own original magics.

Slowly, Azazel began to sense the tiny fractures between the spiritual and physical within his mortal form. Like a master illusionist, he learned to tease apart the subtle threads binding spirit to flesh.

If he could isolate and manipulate those fragile threads, Azazel might unravel and reform his vessel into whatever shape he desired.

Azazel retreated into seclusion, delving deep within himself to reshape his vessel using only his own fallen magics. He meditated for months, seeking the tiny fractures between spirit and flesh within his mortal form.

At first he sensed only a dim awareness of his body, like a candle in the distance. But he focused his demonic mind, sharpening his spiritual sight until he began to perceive tiny ripples and vibrations within the fabric of his being.

Gradually these perturbations resolved into threads - invisible cords connecting his spiritual essence to each part of his physical form. They ran from his soul into every cell, binding demonic spirit to mortal flesh.

Azazel concentrated on one such thread, forcing his spirit to hover just above that tether. The cord vibrated with tension, straining to keep soul linked to body. With gentle force, Azazel began to tease the thread - loosening its hold ever so slightly.

The cord stretched like a being awakened after long sleep. Azazel gradually eased more tension from the thread, loosening his spirit's grip on that part of his body. As his demonic essence pulled farther from his flesh, that part of his vessel weakened and softened.

Azazel repeated this process throughout his form, carefully loosening the invisible tethers binding spirit to body in minute increments. As his flesh weakened, he summoned fell energies from within - powers drawn from the darkest pit of his being.

When the moment was right, Azazel released those dire magics into his form. They coursed through the loosened spiritual tethers like flame given air, warping and reshaping his mortal flesh around Azazel's animating demonic spirit.

Azazel's vessel convulsed and twisted as dark magic reshaped muscle and bone. When at last the transformation was complete, Azazel emerged renewed - his demonic spirit now fully possessing an evolved vessel of flesh, one finally worthy of claiming dominion over dragons.

With great care, Azazel began to pluck those invisible strings connecting spirit to body, gradually loosening his spirit's tether to mortal flesh.As his vessel weakened, Azazel summoned fell energies from the darkest pits of his being.

When the time was right, he released those baleful powers - and his body began to reshape around them.Azazel's mortal form twisted and convulsed as dark magics coursed through his veins, gave him terrible strength beyond any human.

At last Azazel emerged from seclusion a changed being - one whose demonic spirit had at last fully possessed its evolved vessel of flesh. Now worthy of harnessthe power of dragons, Azazel set forth to find dragon eggs and claim his destiny.