

As the illegitimate daughter of her father, Emily was never treated equally to the rest of her siblings. Nevertheless, she tried her best to change people's opinions about her and prove that she wasn't as worthless as they thought. However, whenever she had the golden opportunity to finally achieve her goal, there would always be her enemies to jeopardize and ruin for her. However everything in her life began to change after saving him. Despite being trapped by him, she felt comfortable in the arms of this devil. Dylan parents were killed by his father's most trusted subordinate. As a result he stopped trusting anyone and closed his heart off to the world. He grew up to be cold-hearted, cruel and fearsome to prevent himself from falling into the same trap as his parents after inheriting their business empire. But all the walls he built for several years started to crumble from the moment he met her. She became his most prized possession and he would keep her by his side forever by treating her delicately as a flower.

LadyDaisy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: A stranger

Drey drove at full speed until he arrived at the base which was located in a secluded area in the center of the mountains.

The building looked like an abandoned warehouse that was on the verge of collapsing.

Drew walked into the large building and approached a wall. He pressed a button that looked like a light switch and a small space opened in the ground revealing an elevator.

He immediately entered the elevator which took him underground in the building and the when the doors of the elevator opened again.

A large hall was revealed. It was fully equipped with many computers and many other latest technology gadgets and they were many specialist that were operating them.

Drew ignored the staff's greeting and just walked past them. He entered a room and was surprised to see Flynn sitting in a chair inside the room was already waiting for his arrival.

"You're here already?" Drey asked as he walked into the room and closed the door.

"Of course I am. I drove past the speed limit just to make it on time." Flynn casually responded.

Drey shifted his gaze to a tall man that was standing in the corner of the room. "Is it ready?

We would be leaving in an hour." He asked.

"Yes captain, on your order and we are ready to depart." The tall man replied.

"Hold on. If Ray is going to Miami, so why am I being asked to stay?" Flynn immediately complained when he heard that Ray would be leaving for Miami too.

"Because you and I are gonna be busy cleaning all the trash in Washington." A voice spoke as it got closer to the room.

Drey and Flynn's eyes widened in surprise at the recognition of the voice.

"Snake, how come you're here?" Drey asked in a surprise tone.

"You didn't think I'd miss the party, did you?" Snake had a smirk on his face as he replied to Drey while approaching the desk that was in the middle of the room.

"Obviously," Flynn interjected, "I thought you were on an undercover mission." He added with a raised eyebrow.

"Not anymore, the second boss called and said to meet you guys here. You know I wouldn't miss anything that involves the boss." Snake smiled as he sat down on an empty seat.

"Wouldn't your absence be noticed?" Drey questioned again.

"What made you think that my presence as an undercover would be noticed? And besides I have another mission." Snake responded with a mysterious smile.

Drey nodded his head in agreement. "Okay, let's get down to business. I'II be leaving with Ray to find the boss in Miami. While the two of you will find clues about who was responsible for the ambush on the boss. We all know that most of his rivals are based here, including the underworld, government and business." Drey explained the situation briefly to the others.

"When you say find the clue, doesn't that give you the right to use any means it may require?" Flynn asked with a sly smile on his face.

"As long as you can find anything useful, you can feed them to the sharks." Drey remarked.

Flynn clapped his hand in excitement." Yippee, that sounds fun. It has been a while since I had something to play with." He said with a broad smile on his face.

Drey ignored his usual antics and glanced at his watch. "Snake, you're in charge. I'II be moving now." He announced and nodded to Ray beckoning him to deploy his team members at the airport.

"Hmm, take care of yourself." Snake responded with a nod.

Drey also nodded in response and walked out of the room.


After spending a few more hours with her grandfather, Emily grabbed her purse and got up off the sofa.

"Grandpa, I need to leave now." Emily announced.

"What? Are you intending to leave this old man like this? You haven't spent an hour with me and you are in a hurry to leave." Old Wilson said as he looked up at her.

"What do you mean? I spent three and a half hours with you. Do you expect me to spend the whole day with you, old man?" Emily folded her hands in front of her chest with a frown on her face.

She had spent almost four hours with him, and now that she wanted to leave he is making it sound like she was unreasonable.

"Three and a half hours... I thought you would spend the day with me." Old Wilson complained bitterly.

"Grandpa you're being unreasonable again. I agreed to visit you when I had the chance. You can forget about my promise to visit you if you insist that I stay." Emily had a straight face as she said with serious intent.

Old Wilson sighed at Emily's words that seemed to threaten him. "Fine, you have to make sure to visit this old man. Then you can leave. I will have a driver ready for you."

"Deal and I don't need a driver. I am leaving the way I came." Emily quickly refused the offer, "Grandpa, your granddaughter is leaving." She bent down slightly and pecked Old Wilson on his cheek before leaving without waiting for his response.

"That girl." Old Wilson mumbled to himself as he watched Emily exit the living room.

Outside the mansion, Emily waited for a while before she hailed a cab. By the time she arrived at her destination, it was already 4pm.

She stepped out of the taxi and walked towards a small building that had a spacious courtyard.

Because the house was well hidden and secluded in its natural environment, it was an ideal hideaway spot for her.

It also had a magnificent view of the beach, and it also gave her easy access to the beach.

Immediately she entered the building she walked to the window and a cool windy breeze filled the house as she opened the window.

Emily let out a sigh as she gazed at the dusty apartment. It had been a while since she visited this place.

Two years ago, Emily purchased this beach house with the money her mother saved for her, from the compensation money she received when she left the Wilson Mansion.

She bought the beach house because the owner was desperate to sell and was willing to accept a lower price. Additionally, she realized that the house held high value once she considered the potential for renovation and upgrades.

Not only was she able to take advantage of the low price of the house. She was able to find a place that provided her with the privacy she needed from all the stress she was dealing with.

"It's been six months since I last visited so I guess it should be dusty." Emily placed her purse on a clean surface.

She rolled up her sleeves and walked towards the storage room. She brought out a broom and started cleaning the whole place.

An hour of thorough cleaning transformed a dusty apartment into a sparkling one.

"Phew! Perfect." Emily exclaimed with satisfaction as she wiped the few beads of sweat off her face.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

Emily rushed to pick up her cell phone that suddenly started ringing. A small smile appeared on her face after she saw the name of the caller.

"So, my dear friend, you finally remembered me after abandoning me for the past few days?" Emily asked immediately as she answered the call.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in some nasty situations. You wouldn't believe my mom set me up on some blind dates with some of her friends son." The feminine voice cried in frustration.

Emily chuckled, "Really, did you meet any cute guys?" She asked in a mockingly.

"Honey, believe me they are a long way from cute. There was even one that looked like he was still being breastfed by his mother..... Oh my gosh." The voice screeched on the phone.

"Ha ha ha" Emily couldn't control her laughter. "That particular one must be at least cute." She teased.

"Just forget it sister, I'm anxious to leave this place so I called to confirm if you were at the beach house already."

"Yes I am, I just finished cleaning." Emily replied with a smile.

"Perfect, I'm on my way now, let me ditch my folks." The feminine voice said before hanging up.

Emily checked her wristwatch and saw that she still had time, so she grabbed her purse and walked out of the house. When she was cleaning the house she noticed that there were no groceries in the house so she decided to get some from the grocery store nearby.

On her arrival at the store, she made sure to only buy enough groceries for her short stay and returned home. This ensured she wouldn't need to return to the store until after the weekend.

Following her return home, she finished storing the groceries she purchased in the fridge. Then she headed straight for the master bedroom.

Few minutes later, Emily came out of the bedroom wearing a brand-new set of clothes.

She walked to the kitchen to grab a snack because she was starving due to all the stress she experienced during the day.

With a smile on her face, Emily grabbed the bowl of popcorn and a few soda bottles from the fridge. She then headed to the living room to watch her favorite movie.

Emily sat down on the couch in front of the TV but she was about to start eating and enjoy her moment of relaxation a loud knock sounded from the door.

"That naughty girl really has a horrible timing" Emily grumbled as she stood from her seat and walked to the door to open it for her friend because she was the only one that knew about the place aside from Emily.

"Jane, you really know how...."

Emily was about to accuse her friend of ruining her moment but she was speechless when she saw the person before her and her facial expressions displayed fear.