

As the illegitimate daughter of her father, Emily was never treated equally to the rest of her siblings. Nevertheless, she tried her best to change people's opinions about her and prove that she wasn't as worthless as they thought. However, whenever she had the golden opportunity to finally achieve her goal, there would always be her enemies to jeopardize and ruin for her. However everything in her life began to change after saving him. Despite being trapped by him, she felt comfortable in the arms of this devil. Dylan parents were killed by his father's most trusted subordinate. As a result he stopped trusting anyone and closed his heart off to the world. He grew up to be cold-hearted, cruel and fearsome to prevent himself from falling into the same trap as his parents after inheriting their business empire. But all the walls he built for several years started to crumble from the moment he met her. She became his most prized possession and he would keep her by his side forever by treating her delicately as a flower.

LadyDaisy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Ambush

Seeing her grandfather's childish behavior, Emily couldn't hold back her urge to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Grandpa you can be so petty at times and I would gladly point out that my father took it from you. Just like you pulled his strings, he pulled mine using what I cannot afford to lose as leverage." She finally took a seat next to her grandfather.

Old Wilson's conscience made him feel guilty after understanding what Emily meant. "I am sorry dear, I was too selfish to consider what I would put you through. Now I understand why you were mad at me earlier." He sincerely apologized.

When Emily observed her grandfather's mood dampened, she placed his old wrinkled hand on her lap. "It's okay, Grandpa." She comforted him with a broad smile.

The Old Patriarch smiled back and wondered how his idiotic son was so stupid enough to see her true worth. If there were any things he could do to help her with her father Old Wilson would definitely not hesitate to do it, but it was outside his domain.

"Okay but no matter how busy you are studying or doing whatever it is that keeps you busy don't ever forget to check on this old man occasionally." Old Wilson declared as he smiled back at Emily.

"Fine, I will come check on you every few months." Emily finally agreed because she couldn't resist the pleading look on her grandfather's face.

It was the least she could do. After all, he had been there for her when no one else was.

Despite the judgement that other family members placed on her, Old Wilson showed his unconditional love for her.

If anyone saw Old Wilson's current behavior they would be baffled because it was unbelievable that the stern patriarch could be acting in such a childish manner.

However, it was common for Emily to see her grandfather in this way because this was how they always conversed in this manner.


Inside the lobby of a luxurious hotel, a few representatives from different companies were all seated. They were all awaiting a special figure who was about to make an exit from the premises.

Guards were seen patrolling every area to ensure the premises were secure and free from all threats.

Finally after several hours of waiting the figure was seen approaching the lobby from the elevator and the atmosphere became tense due to his strong aura.

The executives stood and approached him immediately upon noticing his presence.

"Good morning Mr Kingston." They greeted him in unison.

He didn't bother to return pleasantries to them as he just walked past them towards the entrance. Of course they all expected it.

"Report." Dylan instructed his head of security he had brought along from Washington DC.

"The coast is clear boss. We double checked everything and your plane is already waiting for you at the airport." The security leader wasted no time as he made his report while leading his boss to his car.

Upon reaching his car, he stopped and turned around to face the executives who were following him. "What do you all want before I take my leave?" He asked.

"Sir, we represent all of your business partners here in Miami. And we are only here to bid you farewell and to express our gratitude for doing business with us." One of them spoke up.

"Hmm" Dylan nodded before stepping into his car. They all bowed their heads as the driver drove off and they only lifted their heads after the last car of the entourage had left the premises.

In less than 30 minutes they would arrive at the airport. Dylan had been busy with some of the business proposals he received from various companies during his stay in Miami.

After a long while, he finally looked up from the documents for once and stared at the road ahead.

The car was already on the bridge crossing one of the beaches in Maimi. The scenery outside the window captivated him as he stared at it.

However, he immediately observed from the rear mirror that instead of five cars following them there were only two. "Where is the rest of the entourage behind us?" He asked the driver with a deep frown on his face.

"Oh, they are coming right behind us sir. They were just held back by traffic signals as they couldn't cross with us a while back. But I am pretty sure they will catch up soon." The driver explained.

Due to their current location and quick thinking, Dylan immediately raised his guard. "What, why wasn't I informed? Let the rest know it's an ambu..." Before he could complete his statement, a loud crash sounded behind them as one of the cars that was tailing them was hit by a truck.

"Shit! Step on the gas now." Dylan cursed and ordered the driver.

The driver was able to invade the truck just in time by moving the car to another lane. But the car in front was not so lucky as the truck crashed into it.

"Damn it." Dylan cursed again as he watched how his men were being slaughtered. But his car wasn't spared for long as another car started firing and shooting at them, but their effort was futile since the car was also bulletproof.

"Don't slow down no matter what, and let the rest know as soon as possible." Dylan instructed the driver once more.

"Yes sir." He nodded in agreement as he drove faster to dodge the pursuants' attacks.

"Give me your gun and when you contact the rest tell them to contact the police to block us on the other side of the bridge." Dylan stretched out his hand from the back seat to receive the gun. He rolled down the window by his side and started shooting back at the attackers to slow them down.

When they reached the center of the bridge, another fast-moving truck started approaching their vehicle at the highest speed and collided with Dylan's car from the side with heavy force until it succeeded in pushing the car off the bridge causing the car to fall into the deep water.

Few minutes later the rest of Dylan's guards arrived at the scene where their boss was attacked. However, it was too late because Dylan's car had already sunk into the water.

The leader hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket and made a call to Washington DC to inform the headquarters about the tragic incident.

After several rings the call was finally connected. "Hello captain." He saluted.

"Good morning how is the boss? He has already boarded the plane hasn't he? You don't have to worry about his escorts, they have been prepared." The captain spoke without waiting to listen.

"Umm.... Sir we have a big problem." The leader spoke with a shaky voice.

"Go ahead, tell me what it is. Is the plane faulty? I told them to double check it before it arrives and before it takes off."

"No sir, it's not the plane, it's something else captain. It is about the boss." He could feel the change in the atmosphere as he said that.

"What happened to the boss?" the captain asked.

"Sir ,we were attacked on our way to the airport by an unknown group. Our car was delayed by the traffic signal, so only two cars were able to cross with the boss. In the end, the two cars were eliminated, and the boss' car was pushed into the water while he was still inside, and we arrived at the scene just a few minutes after the incident," he said hurriedly.

"What is all this nonsense you are spouting, idiots? Do you get paid a few minutes late by your boss, you fool? The instructions were to simply protect the boss till he makes it back to Washington alive but I guess that's too difficult to comprehend." The captain roared and cursed at him.

"I'm sorry Captain." The leader apologized.

"Sorry? We will all be sorry when the Big Boss has our heads on his plate and serves our limbs as steak for the burial ceremony. Look, whatever you do, you must make sure you find him. I don't care if you have to dry up the whole ocean, do you understand?" The captain screamed as he gave his order in a threatening tone.

"Yes...Yes sir. I understand." The security leader responded in a trembling voice before hanging up the call.

In the meantime, in a heavily guarded underground room located beneath a club. A man was seen sitting in the middle of a group of girls with a cigar in his mouth and a wine cup in his hand. Suddenly the phone on the table started ringing and he picked it up to receive the call.

"Is this good news you're giving me?" He said without wasting time with pleasantries.

"Of course boss, it was a success." The voice responded immediately.

A wicked smile appeared on his lips. "Did you confirm his body?" He inquired again.

"No boss, we were unable to because we pushed his car into the ocean and by now he would have become a food source for sharks or drowned in the water. But we're sure he was the one because he shot back at us and managed to kill three of our men." The voice explained.

"That bastard, make sure they don't recover his body and double check again. Keep in mind who we're dealing with and do a great job. I will send you the balance and a tip too."

"Thanks boss we will keep up with it and won't slack off." The voice assured.

"Hmm" the man said before finally hanging up.

"Finally I got rid of that bastard, now I'II take down the rest of his entire generation." The man smiled triumphantly as he drank the wine in his cup.



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