
The Devil's Flower

"You will become my bride." "You are insane!" I yelled. "Once my mother finds me, she will unleash her wrath upon you!" I began to struggle again. "Oh, I'm afraid that's where you are wrong.No one knows where you are. No one is coming to save you." Hades saw Persephone upon his visit to earth and knew he had to have her. But would the goddess of the earth and fertility let her daughter go so easily?

A_M_Torres · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter Fourteen


I did not wish to see anyone. Eleni and Hades came by to try and see me but I was in no mood for company. At first, I told them to go away. Eleni came back a couple more times but I just ignored her altogether. I felt bad for dismissing her concerns but I did not know how to feel about everything.

My brain could hardly handle it and so I just slept. My mind couldn't work if I wasn't conscious. Fortunately, I didn't dream either. It was nothing but blackness every time I closed my eyes. My mind could relax and I reveled in it. But after my third nap, my body refused to go back to sleep. I awoke to a warm room and a tray of lamb meat and cooked greens beside me. I felt my stomach growl as I slowly sat up and rubbed the sands from my eyes.

I ate slowly but once it was gone I was very satisfied. I washed my face and combed the knots from my hair afterward. I noticed a white gown lying on one of the chaise as if it was forgotten. I couldn't remember the last time I had a bath so I walked over to the door and opened it slightly to see the slave girls still manning their positions. I softly cleared my throat and they both looked over at me and bowed slightly.

"Good evening my lady. Is there something you need?" The one with light brown hair answered.

"Yes, there is. Can you please escort me to the baths?" I asked and she nodded her head. The other, who was slightly thinner and had black hair, walked down the hall while the other walked into the room and retrieved the gown. Once it was secure in her arms she walked ahead of me while I followed closely. We walked for a couple of minutes before I could hardly stand the silence. "What is your name?" I asked.

"Laia, my lady." She replied not even looking back.

"That's a beautiful name." I complimented her. I saw her head bow slightly but she didn't respond back. "And the other girl? What is her name?".

"Her name is Tula. We are your personal handmaidens, my lady. She has gone on ahead to start your bath."

Silence again settled between us as we passed more hallways and curves. No other person was present and it confused me. "I don't see anyone and it's very quiet. What time is it?"

"Almost midnight, my lady. Everyone has gone to sleep." She replied as we approached the baths' door. Tula was finishing up the bath as soon as we made it passed the doorway. They both bowed and closed the door behind them as they left me alone.

As I sat in the water, I began to feel sadness. Not that I had slept the day away. But because those slave girls were still at my side. Neither of them have gone to bed or probably haven't eaten a thing because I told them so. I felt so guilty doing that to them. I swore that once I made it back to my room then I would release them from their duty so they could rest. I quickly scrubbed myself clean and detangled my hair. Once I dressed, I opened the doors and followed them back to my room.

We walked again in silence and were intent on staying in my room tonight but a small sliver of blue light caught my eye. I moved my eyes to see a large golden door cracked open. I'll admit curiosity got the best of me and I had to look. I used most of my strength to open the door and realized it led to the garden. The top of the room which was usually white instead was open. The night sky and moon casting an enchanting glow. I had never walked the forest at night. My mother forbade it for she spoke of the hidden dangers I would face.

But I'm not with my mother now.

"You may leave me be. I will not rest again tonight. Go and rest." I commanded them and refused to move until I heard their footsteps disappear down the various hallways.

Once I was certain I was alone I slowly entered the garden as the door closed behind me. I walked aimlessly as I studied the flowers in the dark. Although it was difficult to see, the moonlight made for a calming atmosphere. Feeling curious, I walked in a different direction only to come upon a plethora of bushes. However, I could not recognize their species. Surrounding the strange flora were several grand statues shaped into different creatures and people.

I walked closer to one of the bushes only to realize that it wasn't just an ordinary bush, but full of dark blue flowers. Upon further inspection, I saw that each flower had four long, sharp petals. The inside was like a glowing white circle surrounded by a dark blue color.

"It's so beautiful," I said aloud, amazed at my discovery.

"Yes, they are."

I squeaked as the hairs on my body stood up. I jumped up and was face to face with red eyes. I quickly cleared my throat and lowered my eyes, feeling embarrassed by how I reacted. "I am sorry. I did not know if I could come here or not. I just saw this garden and I couldn't stay away." I admitted as I felt my face grow warm.

He didn't say anything. I was too nervous to look at him so I just stared at his sandal-clad feet and black tunic skirts. I could see him step around me and then come back into view. I saw his hand come into my view with the blue flower in his hand. It took me aback a bit and I looked up to see what his motive was. I could see a small smile playing on the left corner of his mouth but when I looked into his eyes I could see no mischief or insincerity. He nodded his head softly as he gently took my left hand within his larger one. A small gasp escaped my lips as I realized his skin was warm. Not chilling like I thought it would have been because this is the Underworld. But it was warm...and pleasant. He raised my hand up and I naturally opened it. He placed the stem and curled my hand around it. I brought the flower to my nose and breathed in its scent. It was a cross between grapes and honeysuckle.

"It's called a moon drop." He said. His voice brought me out of my trance. He wasn't looking at me anymore but at the bush behind me.

"I thought moon drops were grapes," I answered back confused.

A small chuckle sounded from his throat and it was cute. My heart sped up a bit and I felt my cheeks burn. I too looked at the bush. I didn't want him to see my confused state.

"Yes, it is a grape on earth. However, this flower is special." He said as he began to walk down the grassy path. My interest peaked so I followed him. "There are not many flowers that grow in the Underworld. The light isn't sufficient for many plants. However, this little flower survives. In the moonlight, they bloom and then close when it is daytime. That is why I open the dome at night."

"It's a beautiful flower," I commented honestly. "But I see there are other types here. Like this one!" I said as I pointed to a black flower.

Hades leaned over and plucked it from the ground and handed it to me. "It's a black rose. Very rare to find on earth but is very popular here." He answered as I placed the two flowers together.

I don't know how much time passed but I was actually enjoying my time with Hades. He pointed out every flower we came across and explained its origins. He never once became irritated by my questions but welcomed them. He even explained the stories behind the statues. Whether they were true or not, I enjoyed hearing them nonetheless. He was a great storyteller and he seemed so much more...normal when he smiled.

During the tale of one of the many statues, a yawn escaped my mouth and I began to feel a little sleepy.

"Would you like to go and rest Persephone?" Hades asked and I nodded.

He escorted me back to my room and waited until I was inside before he began to descend down the halls.

"Um...Hades?" I said softly as I poked my head out and saw his back. His eyes found mine and I bit my lip, my nerves getting the best of me.

"I..uh...well...would you like to have supper together tomorrow?"

He smiled widely as he nodded his head. "It would be an honor, Persephone." I returned his smile. I closed the door and placed my body against it.

The thought of spending more time with Hades made me smile and I actually struggled a bit to fall asleep thinking about tomorrow.

I believe Hades is starting to grow on me.

Thank you for reading my stories. I just wanted to let you know that I will publish new chapters every Monday and Friday. I wanted to give you guys a bit of a schedule so you know when to expect new chapters.

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