
The Devil's Flower

"You will become my bride." "You are insane!" I yelled. "Once my mother finds me, she will unleash her wrath upon you!" I began to struggle again. "Oh, I'm afraid that's where you are wrong.No one knows where you are. No one is coming to save you." Hades saw Persephone upon his visit to earth and knew he had to have her. But would the goddess of the earth and fertility let her daughter go so easily?

A_M_Torres · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter Five


I held her close in my arms as I descended my chariot and allowed the stable boy to handle my Pegasus. They were my prized possessions and I didn't trust just any stable boy with them. While I was handing over the reins to the young boy I noticed for a second his eyes lingered on the beauty who was limp in my arms. I could feel anger and jealousy arise within me as I growled at the child.

"Keep your eyes where they should be. On the horses." I implied as he quickly looked at the ground as he tried to hide his shaking from my stare. Another growl escaped my chest before I could control it as I quickly walked away from the stable and entered the castle. As I walked the halls I saw my adviser, Eleni coming towards me.

"My Lord, Janus has assured me that the portal between the realms has been secured." She addressed me as she bowed her head. She too noticed the beauty in my arms and came closer to inspect her. "This is Persephone?" I nodded my head while keeping a straight face. Although I felt prideful to acquire this beauty I never show emotion to anyone. Emotion is a weakness. A tip I have learned through the years from others. She eyed her closely for a few seconds and then a small smile toed her lips. "She is beautiful indeed. The true daughter of the goddess of the earth. She will wake soon. It would be best if there was a bed for her to lie on. She will not feel so well when she becomes conscious."

I just looked at her and then continued my way. Eleni's gift was very helpful when a decision was to be made. It was partly why she became an adviser. However, she has been with me for quite a while and we have grown a mutual understanding and kinship towards one another. I value her opinion but she does what I say. I quietly go through the halls holding my beauty close to me. As I walk towards my bedchamber I take the chance to examine her closely. Her eyelashes were thick but seemed soft and feather-like. Her nose was small but in a pretty way. I could see that her upper lip was slightly larger than her bottom lip and they seemed as though a rose itself blessed them. No blemish or scar marred her perfect skin from what I could see. Her hands are small and delicate. I smiled fondly at the memory of her trying to fight me when I grabbed her. Her efforts were futile but endearing.

I finally made it to my room and was glad to feel the warmth in the room. Eleni must have sent a servant to set a fire a while back. The room shone with orange, yellow, and red flames. Creating a seductive atmosphere. I gently laid my beauty in the middle of my massive bed and just stared at her for a bit longer. Within the fire's glow, I could see a red tint mixed within her dark brown hair. Although her dress was loose it also showed the shape of her form as it clung to her lovely skin. I could feel the heat growing within my lower abdomen. I swallowed back the urge to caress her as she stirred her eyelashes.

I silently and quickly hid within the shadows, hiding myself to the farthest corner of the room. I didn't want her to see me just yet. I wanted to see how she reacted to her new home. I could hear her groan, which did nothing to ease the lust stirring within me, and sat up in the bed. She looked at her surroundings as confusion was etched across her face.

Time to play.


I was shocked. I had never been kissed by a man before and I didn't expect to. I felt disgusted that he would kidnap me and would disrespect me in such a way but...I could feel something grow within me. I never felt this way before and it scared me. I felt a warmth grow within my belly and spread even lower. I felt hot but charged with something foreign to me. I was confused that I didn't stop him or anything. I just laid there as his lips moved softly over mine.

After a couple of seconds, he finally picked his head up and smirked at me. Anger returned in my heart as I tried to slap that smirk off his face but he trapped both of my wrists on the bed before I could even move my hand. I felt my chest seize and coldness spread through my body. He had me in a vulnerable position. If he wanted to he could take me. I could feel tears leak from my eyes as I closed my eyes and moved my head to the side. Hoping that whatever he did, it would be over soon and be as painless as possible.

Something soft touched my cheek and turned my face. I opened my eyes to see Hades with a serious look on his face and I trembled even more under his stare.

"As I said before Persephone, I will not take you like this. Trembling and fearful." He looked directly into my eyes as he spoke and I could feel my fears begin to leave. "Besides, why should I have you fearful...when I can wait for you when you are willing and begging for my touch."

I gasped at his brashness as he threw his head back and laughed at me. The anger replaced my fear as he quickly jumped from the bed and walked towards the door.

"It is best if you get used to your new home." He said over his shoulder as he opened the doors and closed them behind him.

I popped up from the bed and ran towards the doors. I tried to turn the knob but it wouldn't budge. My heart thumped inside my chest as I tried again and again but it refused to open.

He locked me in here!

I screamed at the door as I banged my fists and kicked the door. I demanded that creature to open the door but I was met with silence. After a couple of minutes I began to feel my muscles become tired so I hit the door one last time as my knees gave out and I fell on my bottom with my hands still clutching the wooden doors.

No one will open the door for me. I looked around the room again and noticed floor-length red drapes near the bed. Maybe I could call someone for help! Surely someone will hear my cries.

I quickly rose to my feet and ran towards the fabric. I was thick and heavy but I used all the strength I had to push the fabric aside. I struggled for a bit but once I caught sight of glass I felt excited and pushed harder. Once I made a small gap I peeked outside ... and froze.

My eyes moved frantically over the sky as a tear escaped my eye. The sun, which was usually yellow with blue skies, was instead blood red with gray skies. I looked below to see gray huts and homes with people with grayish skin walking about. The same skin Hades had.

I removed myself from the window as my head began to spin. This place looked nothing like earth. My knees gave out on me as I collapsed on the wooden floor. I felt my leg scrape against the ground. I sat up and pulled my knees up to look to see my knee. There was a small cut with a drop of blood spilling out of the skin. I was bleeding which meant that everything was real. I really was taken from earth and dragged to the Underworld. I was actually in Hades' room and forced to become his wife.

It felt as if my lungs were going to explode as tears poured from my eyes. I screamed to the empty room as my mind went over everything.

I was kidnapped.

I was a prisoner.

I am alone.