

"What is it?" he asked as he helped her balance herself on the ice and she smiled saying, "I don't think these little ones will be welcomed by the others, and that's possibly why she was attacked by the others earlier, they need a place to stay. I am not asking we keep them forever but just until she heals, or the rescue team comes for me. Is that possible?"

She asked holding onto his hand, he looked at the wolves again before he sighed, "Yes, but first we should head to the lake, you're covered in blood." She nods letting go of his hands to cast a levitating spell.

He sighed waving his hands as the shadows came forward and helped lift the wolves off the ground. Flora turned to face him, and he glanced at her before waving his hands and she lifted off the ground.

"Azrael, I can fly you know?" she said as she balanced herself and he smiled flying next to her before holding her hands and saying, "This will be faster." He snaped his fingers as the two moved quickly from the cold icy ground covered in blood to a small lake.

"How is this place not frozen?" Flora asked as they flew down. "I cast a heating spell here years ago to prevent it from freezing. There's also an active barrier, so none of the creatures will come here without my permission."

She nodded as she turned to glance at the shadow that lowered the wolves to the ground. She smiled opening up her pocket dimension before and grabbing a large towel from inside. She turned to him, he glanced at her, and then the towel before a light blush appeared on his ears.

"I will cast a shadow wall around the lake, let me know if you want the temperature to be higher," he said and she laughed before saying, "This isn't for me, but thank you." His eyes widened surprised as she walked over to the mother on the ground.

Flora smiled saying, "I know it might sting a little but please bear with me till we finish." Flora held a gentle smile as she levitated the wolf placing her gently above the water slowly getting inside and rinsing the blood away.

Azrael sat down next to the pups as he watched her. He sighed glancing at the pups noticing that they were also covered in blood. He got up levitating them all before walking towards the lake. Flora noticed him as she finished washing the mother. He was just placing the pups in the water dunking them in one after the other as some of the blood was rinsed off, she sighed.

"Azrael, that's not how you should wash them," she said as she placed the mother on the towel from before. "Give them here," she said as she reached forward, and he nodded passing them over to her. She smiled saying, "Look, you should gently get them wet like this then softly wash off the blood." She said as she held them in one hand and used the other to gently scrub their furs.

He nodded trying to gently dunk one and she sighed saying, "Just get in the water and use your hands." He looked up before he sighed taking his coat off and getting into the lake, walking towards her.

"Here you can wash this one," she said as she levitated the pup she was washing back to the mother. Azrael nodded as he held the pup in both hands and then dunked its body down.

Flora tsked before saying, "No, you don't push them in the water you bring the water to them, like this," she then showed him the third pup as she gently scooped some water then wetting the pup's body before scrubbing away the blood. He did as she instructed and soon the pups were all cleaned up.