
The Devil's Fiance Is The Alpha's Mate

[Warning: This is a BL novel, and mature scenes ahead!] Chen Ming, an ordinary twenty-five-year-old office worker, falls into a pit one day right on his face. The next moment he opens his eyes to a little chick flapping its little wings on his face. "Yo, I'm your system, Chick, and I'm a reverse harem system." The chick flapped his wings as if doing a happy dance. "Congratulations user, since you have fallen into the pit, consider yourself lucky because now, you'll be granted a wonderful opportunity to be done by two men!" "Wait, I'm straight," replied Chen Ming straightforwardly as his face remained cold and composed. "So what?" The chick waved his non-existent hair back as he said, "You don't want to be done by two men? I can offer you more if you want." "What if I want to refuse?" "You'll die." "....." The boring life of Chen Ming suddenly changed, especially because he wasn't fucking bent in the first place!

Pinkyprincess · LGBT+
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183 Chs

I Break Our Alliance!

At this time, Gao Wen and the werewolf Alpha stood side by side in front of the door, looking at one another with a hint of complicated emotions in their eyes. Actually, they didn't have any trace of enmity in the past. Gao Wen, ever since he took over the job of becoming the devil lord after the demise of the previous one, he reigned in his followers and forced them to become peaceful toward the outsiders. So rarely any cases of crime occurred in the borders of the demon-werewolf countries.

It was only recently when someone committed a grievous crime of killing so many people all at the same time, innocent werewolves at that. The strangest thing was that the traces of demonic killings were found. Thus, everyone in the palace of the werewolf alpha assumed that the demons must have decided to break their agreement of never stepping foot into this territory.

Of course, at first, they were all skeptical because despite the fact that Gao Wen was so cruel to his enemies, he was still righteous about his words. But when they all heard the news of their messenger dying terribly, they all believed that Gao Wen must have changed his ways and wanted to destroy the werewolf territory.

Thus, the werewolf alpha had to come himself. Of course, he hadn't arrived here to start a war. But of course, things wouldn't ever go his way, would it?

He was stopped right at the main gates by the guards. Who knew whether the guards knew about the alliance with the werewolves, but his actions offended the werewolf alpha even more, making him sure of his assumption that Gao Wen truly had gone against them once and for all.

Thus, the level of destruction that took place right outside in the garden happened a while ago.

Of course, after the werewolf alpha entered the palace, he had no time to think about that because he smelled his mate sitting right within this cold and dark palace of the devil lord. And when he realized the identity of the man who was his mate…..

Let's just Chen Ming's introspection about this guy was right on point. The first thing that popped up in the man's head wasn't to snatch his mate, but to snatch the fiance of his enemy who had killed so many people of his.

Right now, the two enemies stood outside the room of a mere human, being kicked out so ruthlessly. They exchanged a glance as the devil lord first coughed and said, "Well, it was nice meeting you, Huang An."

And the wolf's terrible mood returned.

He grunted as he glanced sideways, giving the other a stinking eye before walking past him down the corridor. Since he wasn't welcomed, he wouldn't stand on the ceremony and beg for mercy. He wasn't that kind of a guy.

He had many ways to make the petty human beg for his attention instead.

The corners of his lips curved up as he continued to walk.

"Mr. Huang." Gao Wen pressed his forehead and asked, "May I ask you the reason to attack my home?"

"Really?" Huang An turned around swiftly as his smile turned dangerous all of a sudden as he said, "You're asking me for the reason? You killed my men who didn't even try to enter your area, and when a messenger comes, you kill him and even make sure to send me his corpse! Do you think I'm crazy enough to stand here and continue to talk to you?!"

The werewolf was still a wolf right now, and coupled with his sharp canines and big form, he looked extremely dangerous right now. He walked until he was standing right in front of the other and said, "I'd rather tear you open for what you did to my people."

"Yes well," Gao Wen shrugged as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, not trying to explain himself anymore since the other guy had already decided he was the wrong one. "I killed them. What will you do about that?"

In fact, the reason why he killed that messenger was because he sensed that guy hadn't come here to solve things, but rather, to fan the flames. If the wolves wanted to become his enemy so much, why shouldn't he fulfill their little wish?

The werewolf's eyes blazed with fire as he continued to stare at the other. A sort of fire burned between the two, fire of enmity as they stared. Of course, Gao Wen was still cool and calm with his anger controlled. It almost looked like he was mostly playing with the other and deliberately fanning the flames.

Meanwhile, Huang An chuckled coldly and said, "Alright. I will remember what you did. From this point onward, I break our alliance! Prepare for the upcoming war!"

"Can you two shut the fuck up?!" Chen Ming, who could still see the two of them outside, fighting, couldn't hold it in and opened the door, glaring at them.

Of course, the two enemies hadn't expected the human to open the door all of a sudden and utter those words out of the blue. They both glanced at the person who was standing there.

"I wanted to eat something and sleep, but because the two of you are still here, I fucking can't!" Chen Ming didn't know what was wrong with these two lords. One was an immortal and another was a werewolf. None of them understood a human's need for peace and quiet.

This thought made him angrier as he turned toward the wolf and said, "Since I have said I'll reject you, I'm not lying. I'll go to the shrine alone if I have to and break our mating bond."

Huang An: "...."

Gao Wen simply raised his brows as he felt a little happier in his heart seeing the man who destroyed his garden suffering. He crossed his arms and stood there as if watching a show.


"And you." Chen Ming pointed his finger at the devil lord as he said, "I'm not your fucking fiance, but instead, I'm your kidnapped human. So I'm not obliged to stay here because I don't belong here anyways. Now then, this is a good bye it seems."

After speaking those words, Chen Ming, who didn't care about those two f*ckers, walked away like some kind of boss, leaving the two behind him speechless.

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