
I felt like

I felt like I was falling, experiencing a free fall through the abyss of despair. The ground seemed distant, an unreachable destination in the depths of my heartache.

I waited for my body to smack down hard but it never did.

Why didn't it? It should be by now before I change my mind.

But as I wanted to push myself further into the void, I felt a warm hand wrapped around my wrist.

I turned my gaze and saw a reassuring sight—it was the man with whom I had shared a passionate one-night stand.

His grip on my hand was firm and unwavering, pulling me back from the precipice of my darkest thoughts.

My blonde hair danced in the gentle breeze, and in this moment of vulnerability, Zane's voice echoed in my mind. "Don't do it, Ember. Don't give up," he implored, his voice a lifeline in my turbulent world.

My back collided with the warmth of his body, a different phase to the coldness that had gripped my heart. Zane's presence was a stark contrast to the void I had been sinking into.

I didn't know if I should cry or be glad that I was still alive. My breath rose a notch as I took deep breaths. Now I could feel the fear in my bones. The realization that came to my mind…what have I just done?

My emotions swirled like a tempest, and in a soft, tender voice, Zane uttered words that struck a chord deep within my heart. "Why give up when there is so much to fight for? Fight the demon that torments your mind."

"How can I fight," I began, my voice trembling with the weight of my despair, "when I have no power left?"

Zane's breath brushed against my ear as he whispered words that would forever change the course of my life. "You have me."

In that fleeting moment, as the wind carried our words away, I felt a spark of hope ignite within me.

The waves beneath the bridge around us faded into the background as I looked into Zane's eyes, the depth of his commitment reflected in their piercing gaze. "I…have you? How? You don't…even know me"

I didn't get his reply, all I saw was his gray eyes before the pressure from what I had done hit me way harder than I expected and I could no longer stand on my two feet.

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