

Disowned? I didn't know what to say, I looked up at the people who should be considered the only ones to care for you for the rest of your life, and looked at me as if I was nothing but a stain of dust.

I didn't know what to say as I looked back at the paper on my hand, my fist clenching against it.

I looked at my father who sat at the edge of the chair and asked, "Where had it all gone wrong?"

His response was averted eyes and a heavy sigh, a silent admission of defeat that spoke volumes. I knew then, in that moment of shattered illusions, that there would be no solace in seeking answers from him.

I knew that Janice was silently gloating even though she gave me a sad look, the type of facade that my father could not see through. Then Aurora, clinging to Jaxon as if he was like her last life line.