
The devil's daughter...

When Savannah moves to London, all she wants is a fresh start, However when things get complicated, she finds her self apartment-mates with the school heartless playboy, when she starts falling unconsciously for the playboy, she finds that the boy who seems to know nothing more to life than violence, hides a secret from her that could change her life for the better, but when the two find themselves on the same page, things start to go wrong, the last order he is given is to kill her, when he has no option but to abide things change drastically for the pair. As it turns out, Ava Silva and Damien Blackwell may have more in common with their pasts than they ever realized. Warning: Contains swearing, self harm, drinking, violence. Trigger warning. Contains racial slurs, overt racism, eating disorders, gay shaming bullying attempted suicide.

Aysha_6814 · Urban
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3 Chs


Savannah's P.O.V.

As i stand in front of the 60-story apartment block, i notice that (like everything else in this big world) the apartments building is impressively large and outwardly magnificent, however I had come to the conclusion that I would rather not break my neck in the process of examining it's magnificence and trying to figure out if it reaches the clouds or not, the girl I can tell which is not the same one from earlier who was sent here who didn't seem amused by me eyeing the outside of the building like it was my newly found husband can't blame her she was only meant to be introducing me to the school and it's principles.

After a short time of assessing her from every angle (totally not, by glaring at her) I had concluded that:

- She has flawless pale skin.

- Glossy black hair which skimmed over her shoulders, styles into a wild cut leaving her bangs.

- She's wearing a black tank top, revealing a black tattoos going down her arms that I recognise to be Korean.

The point in trying to make is, one stands out to me, it a red rose with a scorpion wrapped around the stem, the Italian words 'the silver scorpion' written along the stem, she gives me a smile as she catches me looking at it, her dark oriental eyes shining, as takes out a key card scanning it, to unlock the main door of the apartment block, the blue light above the small intercom box lights up 'powered by x tech', X-Multinational technology the biggest most advanced tech company all of everywhere I guess, owned by the wealthiest man in all of London Mr. Xavier.

"Hi I'm Faith, the Secretary's assistant, I live here, in this building, and apparently we are neighbors," she says turning to talk to me as we walk in.

I look up and nod genuinely not knowing what to say to that.

"I'll show you to your apartment then." she says clearing her throat and turning to the lobby, where we're found in front of a metallic black lift We enter the lift, standing there in silence.

The ride upstairs seems never-ending and leads us up to the 12th floor, we enter a large black corridor that consists of 2 apartments, she unlocks the door using another key card and walks in, the place has a black modern look overall, the black shoe shelf and Foyer table stand out in the entrance of the apartment, the first thing I notice is that the apartment is very open the external walls are all glass, overlooking the city behind, the high ceilings and huge living space complement the city view, i look onto one side where the porter left my luggage.

"This is your Apartment," she says slowly.

"Don't worry about you Damien it's not his choice anyway, he's a bit of a bitch at times, sorry...I was meant to say he a big bitch at times, but when you get to know him he's not all bad," she says then she pauses looking at me intently.

"What's your name? Where did you come from? I feel like I've seen you somewhere before..." she says looking at me and then scanning me from head to toe.

"Savannah Silva, I'm not from around here." I lie, feel the heat creeping on my face instantly deceiving me.

"Faith, Faith conners." She adds with a smile.

"Where you from? " she asks.

"I was born in Minnesota." I add, at least that's not a lie.

"Okay, wow you originate from Minnesota, funny thing i always thought you say it as in mini-soda but whatever." she says looking at me.

"yeah, I hear people say it like that too." I mutter, cutting the invisible tension.

"Anyways, savannah, i think ill call you 'Kat', you resemble a kitten in a cute way if you get what I mean," she says with a genuine smile.

I find it hard to control my laughter.

"Okay then, I'm gonna pretend I'm not offended," I say feeling myself smile.

"Hmm...i know your not, because i completed my task." she lifts her hand to her head pretending to go deep in thought.

"And what was that." I say curiously.

"Bringing a smile to your face, before I leave." She says shrugging.

"I live in 23, so I can help you unpack if you'd like..." she says it, more as though she's asking.

"No I'm good, I'm fussy when it comes to sorting things out and I'm pretty sure you have somewhere more interesting to be, thank you anyways." I reply i can't help but smile.

"Okay Kitty kat, if you need any help I'm next door," she says looking pleased.

"If he comes back and acts like an ass, let me know ill get Alex to sort him out." she pauses.

"Can I ask you something?" I say fidgeting looking down at my sleeves.

" Yeah, of course. " she says.

"What's the tattoo?" I ask nervously.

"If I tell you I'll have to kill you." She says smiling in a way I can't tell whether or not she's joking.

"it's a joke, gurl." She says laughing.

"The tattoo shows anyone that tries to mess with me that I am a member of the 'silver scorpion' and I am under their protection which means you try mess with me and your dead." She says calmly, leaving me in a shock I can't hide, I swallow hard feeling my chest tighten.

"I'm lying, I wish that was what it is, though its just a book club, don't worry girl youd be last on my hit list anyway." She says laughing I sigh relieved at her new confession, thinking about how cool the fantasy sounded.

"So are we bitches." she says breaking me out of my daydream,

"Translate?" I ask with a smile.

"Friends." She replies laughing.

"Yeah." I say smiling like the idiot I am.

"Friends don't keep secrets from each other, yeah?" she asks.

"yeah." I say slowly, feel my face heat up.

she holds out a hand I shake it.

"ill see you later then, bye." she says blowing me a kiss as she walks out.

"Bye," I say.

Annnd she has gone.

Leaving me to think about what she said.

Friends don't keep secrets, from each other.

So, Guys, another chapter hope you liked it please note that, Hope you liked it and stick around till the end.

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Hope you have an amazing day!

See you in the next chapter.

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