
The Devil's Creed

Issac's life back on Earth was a nightmare, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation and pain. Even after being Isekai, he couldn't live a meaningful life, so he at least wanted to live a peaceful life. But the cruel and cold world wouldn't even let him have that. Isaac from his birth to his death was nothing but a Plaything in the hand of others. Even at his last breath, he believed that Gods will take pity on him and provide him with that Justice he deserved but it seems like they don't want to hear his cries even at his last breath. All the pain, the sorrow that he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred. He had sworn to get his revenge on all of them. When he thought all hopes were lost that's when someone heard his call, the one who answers the call was neither a God nor an Angel. The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Without any hesitation, he accepted the call and made a deal with the devil. And that is how the successor of the devil was born, Witness his growth, From weak to strong, From a Pawn to a Player, From On the board to Off the board. Witnesses Him and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear. ============================================ Now, enough with all these backstories and stuff. Are you tired of reading all those generic stories of either Isekai or transmigration or reincarnated in with system novels? Then trust this is your real deal, I promise you won't regret reading this. It is a completely new concept. Where I and Issac break the norms of a novel and bicker through the 4th wall. Author:[ Join ME and Isaac on our journey and be a witness to Our growth. Watch Me as develop my skill, while this snotnose pansy gets Stronger in that process. ] Isaac:[ Who are calling snotnose pansy? you're a snotnose pansy ur entire family is a snotnose pansy. *sigh* Even though the Author is a dimwit but this time he is right. You should certainly join us on this epic story, Please Watch over us, As I and this idiot of an Author make our way towards the top.] ============================================ Author: The cover doesn't belong to me and all the credits go to its creator. If you are the creator and you want me to take down the cover just directly contact me. ( I want to appreciate your work this cover that I'm using is nice and if possible I would like to not change it ) Issac [ Shameless.]

WOLFY · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The Vicious Hunt (Part 2)

The count down soon hit the zeros and the prey was allowed enter while hunters are already on the field ready to hunt. But soon it will be clear who is the real Hunter and who will be the real prey on the field.

The monitor which had ten sections previously now divided itself vertically into two big sections. The one on the right side was showing the group of 3 participants' numbers '1', '5', '7' while the section on the left was only showing a live feed of a part of the evergreen forest.


Suddenly, a bright light flashed up on the left screen, and a tall figure emerged from the bright light. The light on the left screen lit and it was bright for a few seconds so no one could see anything clear but soon the light dimmed out revealing the burly body of the Old dog Clark with his long sword.

With the arrival of both the part of the hunt, the display on the screen suddenly had a few changes.

And as soon as the Old dog Clark appeared on the screen a part on the top right corner of the screen started displaying a circular map-like thing.

One of the weebs in our class told us that this map-like thingy is called a mini-map, which usually appears in the games to help the players keep an eye on their surroundings.

But seems like this map on the display is only available for us, the people on the outside to see and not for the participants. And It's clear that the participants didn't have this mini-map thingy, cause from the looks of how they have been roaming the jungle like a bunch of headless chickens.

Now, leaving all this additional information aside let's focus more on the content of this chapter the hunt.

The movement Clark spawned into the forest he immediately started smiling like the creep he is and started checking his surroundings.


He started checking the trees and grass in his surroundings and soon started climbing the tallest tree near him. Seems like he's trying to figure out where exactly he is in the jungle.

Looking at his creepy smile and the way is behaving I suddenly have a bad feeling about this.

I really don't know why he is doing this, Does he know the map or something? There is no way he would have right? because the scenario was a randomly selected forest type. So there is no chance for him to know it right? But by any Chance, If he does then there is absolutely no hope for the hunters to win this game.

No, I can not let this happen if these guys lose without even putting up a fight then things will go bad for me. Even if I win or lose the special event both ending would result in a bad ending for me.

If I win It would lead me to be noticed by the people from a higher class, And I absolutely can't attract the attention of those other geniuses from the higher-level classes.

But if I lose then the people in my class can confirm my level and I even may lose the higher-ups of the Academy's support and without their support, I won't be able to fulfill my goals.

Dammit, these bastards are pushing me to the edge here, I really need to do something but unfortunately, I'm in no position to be able to do anything.

All I can do is grit my teeth and watch while hoping that number '2' and his team may be able to perform well or do something noteworthy and save me from this rock and a hard place kind of a situation.

While I was saying my prayers, Clark who was already having a creepy look on his face started grinning, even more, he seem to have found something.


Like a wind, without even wasting a second Clark directly started jumping from the top of the tree sliding and swinging like a monkey, he started heading toward the North-East direction.

As Soon he started moving towards the North-East the red dot marker on the mini-map started moving in the same direction, seems like the red dot marker on the mini-map represents the prey.

As I was examining the map, the red dot on the mini-map which was moving so fast suddenly come to a sudden stop.

On the screen, Clark seems to have stopped his monkey adventure, standing on a tree he seems to be peering at something down below.

Right under the tree, a group of three participants was having a loud conversation on a plan of how to catch their prey not knowing that they are already within its site.

Soon the mini-map started having a new additional three dots on it, showing that the real hunter has started hunting for his prey.

As the group was having their deep conversation, Clark who was standing on the branch of a tree above them slowly unsheathed his sword from his back and half sat on the branch and started scanning the surrounding area to make sure that this isn't a trap.

After waiting for a good sum of full 5 minutes the Old dog Clark suddenly jumped from the top of the branch of the tree into the middle of the group.


He directly jumped into the center of the group, the three idiots who had been discussing their plan were stunned by the sudden intrusion of an intruder.

The three idiots were no other than the group of participants number '1', '5', '7' who argued with the number '2's group and went alone.

The two split screen suddenly merged into one and became a full screen and it started displaying the three idiots.

*swish* <horizontal slash>

Before even one of them could come out of their stupider a long blade suddenly passed through number '5' the one who was standing with his back facing the forest.

Even before they could make a single sound one of them was already out of commission. And after seeing the scene of their friend having his head chopped off from his body the other two idiots didn't attack or even try to escape.

They were scared out of their witts and immediately lost their ability to rationalize the situation. The idiot number '1' after seeing the bloody scene immediately lost all the strength in his legs lost his balance and fell on his ass.

And the other idiot number '7' was still standing frozen on the same spot still watching the place where his friend number '5' was standing.

He suddenly came out of his stupider and shouted in an enraged voice,

" I will Fucking kill you, you bastard!! "

*swish* <vertical slash>

But before he could even unsheath his weapon a long sword directly passed through the side where his sword and his heart were supposed to be.

The entire left side was gone from his left shoulder to his left side hip everything on that side was gone, It was fucking clean-cut.

With a shocking disbelief in his eyes number, '7' lost his life leaving only the one last survivor of the group number '1' who had already pissed his pants and his body was shaking from head to toe.

Clark who had killed the two of his hunters with a grinning face suddenly lower his sword and planted it on the soil near and squatted near the one last survivor of his butchery.


His creepy smile once again started to appear on his face, with a beaming yellow creepy smile he opened his mouth and said,

" Hello, my Little Lamb do you wish to live "

Sorry, for the delayed update my friends, my situation is not that great for me to return completely.

I just update this chapter to show that I have no intention of dropping the novel.

So, please support me and guide me, and thank you for all your support and if find any mistakes in the chapter pls notify me through paragraph comments so I will try to change them and make it more readable for our future readers *TY*

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