
The Devil's Creed

Issac's life back on Earth was a nightmare, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation and pain. Even after being Isekai, he couldn't live a meaningful life, so he at least wanted to live a peaceful life. But the cruel and cold world wouldn't even let him have that. Isaac from his birth to his death was nothing but a Plaything in the hand of others. Even at his last breath, he believed that Gods will take pity on him and provide him with that Justice he deserved but it seems like they don't want to hear his cries even at his last breath. All the pain, the sorrow that he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred. He had sworn to get his revenge on all of them. When he thought all hopes were lost that's when someone heard his call, the one who answers the call was neither a God nor an Angel. The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Without any hesitation, he accepted the call and made a deal with the devil. And that is how the successor of the devil was born, Witness his growth, From weak to strong, From a Pawn to a Player, From On the board to Off the board. Witnesses Him and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear. ============================================ Now, enough with all these backstories and stuff. Are you tired of reading all those generic stories of either Isekai or transmigration or reincarnated in with system novels? Then trust this is your real deal, I promise you won't regret reading this. It is a completely new concept. Where I and Issac break the norms of a novel and bicker through the 4th wall. Author:[ Join ME and Isaac on our journey and be a witness to Our growth. Watch Me as develop my skill, while this snotnose pansy gets Stronger in that process. ] Isaac:[ Who are calling snotnose pansy? you're a snotnose pansy ur entire family is a snotnose pansy. *sigh* Even though the Author is a dimwit but this time he is right. You should certainly join us on this epic story, Please Watch over us, As I and this idiot of an Author make our way towards the top.] ============================================ Author: The cover doesn't belong to me and all the credits go to its creator. If you are the creator and you want me to take down the cover just directly contact me. ( I want to appreciate your work this cover that I'm using is nice and if possible I would like to not change it ) Issac [ Shameless.]

WOLFY · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Fair Fight (Part-2)

After the fast exchange of swords, both warriors could feel the caged beasts inside them excited to meet one of their kind, which made them smile.

Without wasting any time in pleasantries Once again both the warriors took their fighting stance with their swords facing each other. Waiting for the other person to make the first move.

Everyone thought that once again Isaac would be the first person to make the move.

But to everyone's surprise unlike last time even after locking their eyes at each other and standing on a stalemate for a few minutes both Isaac and the Old man didn't seem like they were going to make a move anytime soon.

Even though they moved a little or changed stance a few times during the past few minutes they didn't make any move an inch forward

The students started feeling bored looking at these two people, old and young locking their gaze on each other like long-lost lovers.

But that can't be said the same for the experts because unlike the students they can see and feel the unpredictable war ongoing on the screen, a psychological war.

A war between the two minds calculating and contemplating, standing in this amount of psychological stress just for a few seconds would drive even a seasoned warrior crazy.

And this made the experts in the room (lab) more astonished because they know it was not easy for a newbie to stand this long against a Master level monster as an opponent and remain calm.

But Isaac a newbie has remained unfaced standing toe to toe against an old monster like Clark for a solid 4 minutes!!!

What does this mean?

It means Isaac made an Old monster with a lot of fighting experience under its belt feel uncomfortable making a move!!!

This feat by itself made them evaluate Isaac as a warrior-in-making from an unknown newbie.

Another solid two minutes passed before any significant change actually happened on the screen and to everyone's surprise, it wasn't the newbie Isaac who made the move but old man Clark who made the move and Isaac managed to remain calm.

Seems like the passing of time with a limit has made the pressure unbearable for the old man and pushed him to make the first move.


With just a couple of steps the old man Clark was right in front of Isaac's face swinging for a diagonal cut.

With a decisive grip and effective use of the shoulder, he made a full swing that swung his sword making the blade travel from down right to upper left trying to slice his opponent from the left of his hip to right shoulder cutting him into two.

A big move for his first strike.

And after seeing that Isaac remained calm even after seeing the swing everyone was able to tell to the incoming strick knowing this won't succeed after all it was only the first move and no one was actually expecting it to succeed as well.

Looking at the sheer momentum of the swing everyone was expecting that Isaac would dodge the strike.

But to everyone's surprise, Isaac actually made a parallel swing!!.


He skillfully used his opponent's own momentum against him by making a parallel sword strike which used the body of his blade to parry the opponent's sword strike.

Which created a gap in the defense of his opponent not even wasting a single moment he immediately utilized the gap and made a piercing sword strike aiming towards the shoulder-to-neck region of his opponent attempting to damage him as heavily as possible.

Seeing the sword coming for his neck old man Clark immediately took a. Few steps back with his sword back on guard ready to make a counter if he was chased but unfortunately his opponent has seen through it and didn't make a move.

It was a precise counter with a perfectly timed and flawless execution!

Once again the experts outside were left shocked at first some among them may have not actually taken Issac as a warrior prodigy but now after seeing this every single one of them would surely agree that this otherworlder named Isaac is a fucking Monster.

And as for old man Clark after distancing himself from his opponent the old man could feel that a sweat droplet slowly sliding from his head, that was a narrow escape.

Suddenly a deep frown appeared on the old man's face.

He was a great A-rank adventurer who had fought through numerous amount of near-death situations and even just his years of experience is 3 times the age of the bug before him.

And he was pushed back by a filthy worthless otherworldly bug!!!

The old man suddenly closed his eyes to a deep breath and when he slowly released his breath the aura around him gradually started to change.

A dreadful silence slowly took over the cavern, all harmonious and respect lingering in the air was suddenly gone only the dreadful silence remind.

Suddenly the silent old man opened his mouth and spoke in a deep and dreadful voice.

"Playtime is over kid"

The moment Isaac heard the old man's voice he felt like it was a whisper from the grim reaper himself. He suddenly felt like the air around him was deprived of oxygen and it was suffocating to even breathe.

He felt like he was being stared at by some kind of vicious monster that was eyeing him ready to shred him into pieces at any given moment.

Feeling fear creeping into him Isaac raised his eyes slowly and tried to look at his opponent's face only to see a pair of menacing eyes staring straight at him.

Before he knew it Sweat started forming all over him, his knees had turned jelly and he had even started breathing laboriously trying to get as much oxygen as possible to maintain his body from giving out on him.

He had a feeling that if he hadn't continued to try taking these fast, heavy, and concentrated breaths even his brain might have gone into a forced shutdown.

Only after seeing the completely miserable state of his opponent did the old man start smiling.

Looking at the scene of the bug being reminded of its place his raging heart started to get calm down a little.

He decided to end it once and for all and raised to make the killing blow but as he slowly raised his sword higher and higher a sadistic idea popped up in his head.

A short smile with a slight smirk slowly formed on his face.

With his newfound smile plastered on his face, he made an immediate short swing with his sword at the shivering opponent in front.

Only leaving not too shallow but not too deep cut on his face leaving him to feel the pain of being cut but not causing any lethal damage.

Isaac who had been fighting to even breathe properly suddenly felt a sharp pain originating from one of his cheeks.

Feeling the pain he slowly raised one of his hands to touch the cheek where his pain was coming from only to find a deep sword gash on the right side of his face bleeding.

And before his brain could register what was going on he suddenly felt pain in the hand which used to feel the wound.

And this time the wound was on the forearm of his right hand and with this, his brain finally figured out what had and the pain of being cut suddenly hit like a train rack causing him to cry out in a low voice.

Clark who had been waiting to hear the terrified scream from his opponent was irritated even more.

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