
The Devil's Creed

Issac's life back on Earth was a nightmare, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation and pain. Even after being Isekai, he couldn't live a meaningful life, so he at least wanted to live a peaceful life. But the cruel and cold world wouldn't even let him have that. Isaac from his birth to his death was nothing but a Plaything in the hand of others. Even at his last breath, he believed that Gods will take pity on him and provide him with that Justice he deserved but it seems like they don't want to hear his cries even at his last breath. All the pain, the sorrow that he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred. He had sworn to get his revenge on all of them. When he thought all hopes were lost that's when someone heard his call, the one who answers the call was neither a God nor an Angel. The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Without any hesitation, he accepted the call and made a deal with the devil. And that is how the successor of the devil was born, Witness his growth, From weak to strong, From a Pawn to a Player, From On the board to Off the board. Witnesses Him and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear. ============================================ Now, enough with all these backstories and stuff. Are you tired of reading all those generic stories of either Isekai or transmigration or reincarnated in with system novels? Then trust this is your real deal, I promise you won't regret reading this. It is a completely new concept. Where I and Issac break the norms of a novel and bicker through the 4th wall. Author:[ Join ME and Isaac on our journey and be a witness to Our growth. Watch Me as develop my skill, while this snotnose pansy gets Stronger in that process. ] Isaac:[ Who are calling snotnose pansy? you're a snotnose pansy ur entire family is a snotnose pansy. *sigh* Even though the Author is a dimwit but this time he is right. You should certainly join us on this epic story, Please Watch over us, As I and this idiot of an Author make our way towards the top.] ============================================ Author: The cover doesn't belong to me and all the credits go to its creator. If you are the creator and you want me to take down the cover just directly contact me. ( I want to appreciate your work this cover that I'm using is nice and if possible I would like to not change it ) Issac [ Shameless.]

WOLFY · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A Special Event


The shuttle door slowly opened and streams from the simulator were giving a smoke only revealing the dark silhouette of Isaac slowly walking out of it.

And The entry was like those flashy main character entrances in anime. He slowly walked out of the stream with a crazy and creepy smiling expression like those of the psycho killers from the thriller movies.

The entire group was left speechless and stunned by his performance, coupled with his *anime entry * and all the other goosebump movement stuff.

The hall was filled with a complete silence the only sound that was heard in the lab was Isaac's footsteps with the buzzing and hizzing of machines in the laboratory.

And as soon as he got near the group. Without even a word everyone took a step back and made way from him.

The scenario was natural in that it was done as though they have done this regularly like it was just natural for them to step aside and make way for him.

But it didn't take long for the crowd to regain their composer and they were most surprised and a few were even pissed but they had no intention to voice it out due to Issac's performance.

Looking at the situation before him even Isaac was surprised. Actually, the one who is more shocked here was Isaac himself.

Because the dude had been so immersed in the fight that he had already forgotten that this was a challenge and he was supposed to end the fight within a specified time to get selected for the next round.

This realization just left him dumbfounded, he suddenly had the urge to beat the crap out of himself

[Author: And Thus he awakened a new fetish for his masochism ]

[ Isaac: No I didn't, STFU and get lost you, crazy bastard. I'm Sorry readers from here on I will be taking over the penning ]

≤‹<<<<<<«Isaac's POV»>>>>>>›≥

After going through facing all those hardships and trouble, being able to come this far only to lose my chance to earn a personal teacher due to my stupidity.

Dammit, what in the world was I thinking?

I'm sure I had been there for more than 5 minutes and must have already lost the qualifications. And I'm pretty sure the Senile old bastard would make an exception for me.

With these thoughts, I immediately raised my head and look in the direction where Clark was standing only to find him staring at me with a hateful and nasty stare.

'Good all seems to have not over yet,' I thought to myself after looking at the burning stares from the creepy old man.

All the dormant cogwheels started running in my head and a plan slowly started formulating in my head.

Well, it isn't that much of a plan I just have to use the old fox's hostility to my advantage and provoke him further so he would let me join in the next round.

Soon the old fox Clark and the bald lady Leonie took the stage and started calling out the names of the participants for the next round. And as expected my name was not included in the participants for the next round.

All the students started murmuring many seems to have thought that my name would be included in the list but seeing it wasn't, many were disappointed.

Because if someone who had already been able to easily defeat the clone of an A-rank adventure easily was included in the list they would have higher chances of winning the challenge and earn the right to get a new combat teacher.

And just as I was about to step in and make a scene to provoke the old fox, Clark. He suddenly turned his towards my direction and made a creepy smile that sent shivers through my spine.

Before I could understand the situation the fox bastard suddenly started making a new announcement.

" All participants for the second event were selected based on the rules previously mentioned before the start after the first round and..."

Saying so he looked at the few displeased students and continued

" Seems like a few of you are not pleased with the list of participants that have been called out.

I can understand why you guys are not happy with this but we can't change the rules as we please,

I am sure you guys for expecting Isaac's name to be included but since he wasn't able to complete the requirements for participation in the second round we can not do so."

Saying so he then waited for a few seconds looking at the crowd Beneath him before continuing.

"But worry not since he was able to complete the challenge I have decided to give you guys a second chance thus with him we will have a special event right after the second round.

I will even make an exception if you guys can win in any of these two events I mean if you guys win I will consider this challenge as your win."

The moment he said so everyone started cheering since there is a better chance of winning.

But for some reason, I am sure the Old fox has done his with no good intention since I have started feeling my instincts screaming. 'Trap'

" I don't know what this old bastard is up to but whatever it's I have a really bad feeling about it."

After making the new announcement about the special event the Old fox Clark started explaining about the rules for the second round.

The rules for the second round don't have much of changes from the first round the basic rules remained the same.

The only major change in the second round was in the rules regarding the participants of both sides.

Everyone was surprised on hearing Clark's revelation about the event for the second round because the event for the second round was a hunt.

We surely weren't expecting the second event to actually be a hunt since everyone thought the second event would basically be the selected 10 participants going on a one-on-one in a line for 10 rounds against the old Fox Clark's clone.

And on the other side the participant for the second round won't be Clark's clown this time But the old bastard himself.

Though the old fox has been restrained from using any of his other skills and he is only allowed to use the three basic sword skills that he had thought us during the week.

Open hearing the rules of the event the other students were overjoyed since it would be an easy task to hunt down the old Fox with 10 of them and with him being basically restrained and will be only allowed to use the three basic sword skills.

But I am sure the old Fox wouldn't place himself either in a disadvantageous position or any disadvantageous move where he would remain powerless in the situation.

And so I am worried that this may actually be a trap by the Old fox Clark.

Because even though the 10 participants of the second round were actually able to defeat the 'clone' of the old bastard in a battle that doesn't mean they would be able to win against the old bastard himself.

And most importantly the silly old Fox must have already known about all the 10 participants, their strengths, weakness, and stuff. And so he must have already noted and will be aware of these things from their previous match with his 'clone'.

Now I understand why he didn't allow me to enter the top 10 and participants for the second round.

Since I was able to play around and defeat his 'clone' with an overwhelming victory he couldn't actually gauge my actual level and must have labeled me as an anomaly and so he must have decided to keep me out of the second round so he could win this round with ease.

Before I could warn these idiots, the foxy Old bastard noticed that I was about to say something and interrupt his plan. He immediately rushed the 10 participants to enter their respective pods for the second round.

And thus I was sure the second round had been already lost even before the game started.

Sorry, for the delayed update my friends, my situation is not that great for me to return completely.

I just update this chapter to show that I have no intention of dropping the novel.

So, please support me and guide me, and thank you for all your support and if find any mistakes in the chapter pls notify me through paragraph comments so I will try to change them and make it more readable for our future readers *TY*

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