
The Devil's Bride

The Hemsford empire, a kingdom ruled by King Lionel Rosenberg. A long time ago, the royal ancestor of Rosenberg, made a blood contract with the devils a century ago by offering a princess to be the devil's bride for every 100 years, in exchange for the safety of the kingdom's citizens from the dark creatures. A century passed, it's time for another bride to be selected.

Hani_89 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Their wedding night(+18)

Looking at the sight of his bride who was now fully naked in front of him, Kael couldn't contain himself. He felt that he wanted to devour and ravage her with every strength he have, but he knew he couldn't do that tonight. This is her first time, and he wanted to make it special for her. 'Maybe another night, Kael', he thought to himself.

His hands were busy caressing her whole body while he kissed her with their tongues entangled with each other. Kael move his hands to her twin peaks on her chest and started to fondled it, giving a sweet massage to her breasts. She gasped and moaned at his ministrations.

He left her lips and started to move down to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses from her upper neck and down to her chest area, where he settled on her right nipple. He bit, lick and suck on her pointy nipple, making her moan in ecstasy. He gave the same attention to the other left nipple while his hands didn't stop massaging her breasts.

The feeling that he instill in her was something new to Kathleen that it scared her but in the same time, she wanted more of his touch. Kathleen was surprised to her own reaction, she didn't know that she can be this lewd. Embarrassed, she tried to surpass her own moan by bitting the back of her left hand.

"Don't hurt yourself, my love. Let go of your voice, nothing is more of a turn on for me than hearing you moaning to my touch" said Kael taking her hand off from her lips and then he kissed her lips again.

This time, one of Kael's hand left her breast and move down to her stomach, exploring her abdomen and then move even lower down to her most sensitive area in between her legs.

His fingers hooked on the only piece of clothing on her body that covered her private area, discarded it, and throwing it on the cold hard floor. He felt her body shivered as his fingers gently touched her womanhood, his fingers was teasing her sensitive clit.

Slowly, he moved even further down, and he slid his finger into her wet core. He let his finger slide in and out between her thighs, making her moaned even more.

Kael was taking his time enjoying the view in front of him now as his bride withered in pleasure beneath him. Hearing her moaned even louder, he put his second finger inside of her heated core, measuring up her opening. He was waiting for her to be ready for him.

Kissing all over her face, her lips, forehead and cheek, Kael soon added another finger inside of her, going in and out in a steady rhythm. Pulling her legs apart, he got down to see her wet and almost ready for him. Taking out his fingers from her core, he put his tongue inside of her, licking her deep in her core, tasting every inch of her opening.

"Kael.. ahh..ah..no..don't..aaahhhh..."

His fingers was rubbing and pinching her clit, while his another hand was pinching her nipples. Her wetness was overflowing, wetting his lips and fingers. 'About time now' thought Kael.

The young devil prince couldn't wait any longer, he strip down from his clothes in fast movement, and position himself between her legs. Taking his engorged rod to her core, he rub it on her opening wet core a few times before he plunged deep inside of her.

He broke her hymen in one firm thrust. His jaws clenched as he began to pushed deeper into her tightness. Kathleen writhing in pain beneath Kael's huge body. She tried to move away from him, trying to ease the pain but Kael was locking her with his body. He was too huge inside of her that she felt like her body will torn apart. She cries in pain, her tears flowing down from her misty eyes.

Knowing that she was in pain, Kael didn't move for awhile, giving her time to accept him inside of her. As their body connected to each other, Kael wiped away her tears and giving her kisses on her forehead to her lips.

After a moment, Kael started to move in a slow and gentle pace, going in and out of her. Soon the searing pain turned into a pleasurable pain, that Kathleen started to moan in ecstasy again.

Kael noticed the changes in her that he started to plowed harder, pushing Kathleen to her peak of pleasure. Her body found its release as Kael pumped harder and faster inside of her wet core.


He continued to assault her with his huge rod, stroking her core, thrusting harder and deeper in a fast pace. She cried and moaned and scream his name in the sweet torture from her husband. She lost count to how many times he made her reached her pinnacle of pleasure, but he didn't seem like going to stop anytime soon. He's still pushing hard to reach his own release.

After hours of their intense love making session, when Kathleen almost passed out due to her many times climaxed, Kael found his own release. With a few more deep thrust, Kael emptied his seed deep within his bride's womb in an explosive spurts.

Catching their breath, Kael saw his bride closing her eyes to sleep. He wipe away the sweat on her face and pull out his wilted rod from her core.

Hugging her in his embrace, he pull the blanket to cover their body, and joined Kathleen to sleep.

I'm trying my best to prevent my nose from bleeding because of too much heat here (smut on the go oh yeah!) please ignore any grammatical errors ehehehe ?

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