
The Devil's Bride

The Hemsford empire, a kingdom ruled by King Lionel Rosenberg. A long time ago, the royal ancestor of Rosenberg, made a blood contract with the devils a century ago by offering a princess to be the devil's bride for every 100 years, in exchange for the safety of the kingdom's citizens from the dark creatures. A century passed, it's time for another bride to be selected.

Hani_89 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The dark creatures(18+)

Far west from the royal castle of Hemsford kingdom, located the woods called the Dark Forest. It is called as such because even when it was sunny day, sun light could barely shine through the trees to light the ground underneath the thick leaves.

Small freckles of sunshine lay here and there on the ground, but not very many, for the trees were so thick. It was dim and green there and under the trees it's all soft moss beneath. It will be like sitting on a green velvet cushion if one sits on it.

It looked quite an ordinary wood, except that the trees were darker green than usual. A narrow river separated the woods from the overgrown lane of Hemsford.

People don't go near the Dark Forest if they can help it. They try to avoid the area as far as they can for there's lots of bad rumors about the forest.

Some says there were hairy red eyes monsters reside in there, waiting for people to enter and become their prey. Other says that was where the vampires' kingdom because it is always dark there for the blood sucking creatures hates the sun light.

Vampires, led by their leader famous by his name called Count Vladimir, were ferocious and heartless dark creatures. They survive by sucking blood from any living life, but their most favorite were the human's blood. They found it to be the best delicacy ever that gives them energy and youth.

By consuming blood as their main source of energy, the vampires possessed a destructive power against human. Vampires were an undead being, with their sharp fang to do the blood sucking task. They also can be recognized from their red eyes, pale skin and grotesquely beautiful and youthful look. Being immortal and often said to have faster than normal healing abilities, the vampires were said to be the most dangerous creature.

The only ways to destroy them were by piercing a wooden stake through the heart, fire and exposure to sunlight.

Count Vladimir, being the first vampire was once a king of a great kingdom. But after a bloody war, he lost his kingdom; all of his people were slaughter including his beloved wife. Devastated from the death of his wife, he turned away from God and offered his soul and loyalty to the devil in exchange for immortality in order to avenge his wife's death which cause by his nemesis.

But the rumors spread by the town folks about the Dark Forest weren't really far from the truth. Those hairy red eyes monster does reside in the woods, guarding the forest and hunting for prey.

The monsters were called werewolves. A human with the ability to shape shift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction from scratch or bitten by another werewolf.

Although the werewolves can change shape by their own will, but only when the night of full moon that they will be in their maximum power.

Deep in the Dark Forest, stand tall a huge bricked palace. It was called the Black Palace for everything was in black. The palace itself gives off that eerie feeling that will make any human shiver in fright. The surrounding area was gloomy, where the trees nearby the palace were dry like it has lost its life energy for years.

The front gate can be seen standing tall, almost as tall as the castle, made from strong iron and in black color as well.  The Black Palace was protected by a huge stronghold, tall and thick brick wall, with spear like iron fence on top of it.

The castle looks majestic yet scary.

Up in the sky, a pair of wing can be seen passing through the wall. The huge blackest black colored wing looks magnificent up in the sky, was attached to the back of a dark red hair man.

The man was none other than Kael.

Kael who had returned from Hemsford, landed in front of the main palace's door. The pair of wing at his back disappeared once his feet touch the marble floor.

He was greeted by the butler who had opened the door to welcome him.

"Welcome back Prince Keal, did his highness have a fruitful journey?" the butler asked while bowing his head.

"Very much"

"Glad to hear it your highness"

"Where is he?" asked Kael while walking inside with the butler following from behind.

"Replying to his highness, if the 'he' his highness meant as the king, his majesty was in the throne room having some talk with the royal concubines" answered the butler.

'Like hell they having some talk' Kael said in his mind.

Walking passed the main hall that was brighten by a huge chandelier with candles as the main source of light, the butler opened the mahogany door at the end of the main hall to let Kael enter the room.

The room was almost as huge as the main hall except there's a throne with big cushioned chair, on the top of a stage-like structure which required to climb up three stairs.

A beautiful man who shared almost the same physical appearance as Keal, except for his hair was longer straight to his waist and paler skin than Kael, sat on the throne.

 The man was accompanied by his three naked gorgeous concubines. He was groping a blond woman's chest with his right hand, while his left hand was busy stroking the womanhood of a red hair woman. A black long hair woman was kneeling in front of him, stroking and licking his huge shaft. Moans can be heard filling the entire room.

The women didn't even bother to stop moaning when Kael entered the throne room.

 'So much for their talk' uttered Kael in his mind.

As he was used to see this kind of explicit scene, Kael forward until he reach the middle of the room.

"I've made my decision for the bride" said Kael.

"Straight to the point as usual instead of greeting your father, you just hurt my innocent feeling" said the man, expressing his face to look like he was really hurt.

Ignoring the man's words, Kael turn around and walk to the door.

"There he goes, the man with few words" laugh the man when his son didn't even bother to hold a conversation with him.

"I will ask Vladimir to lead the procession and let you know the details later" the man added, almost yelling, before Kael figure exited the door.

The man on the throne was indeed his father. Though the man look youthful as if he is in his early twenty, Kael inherited his blood as his son.

He was the ruler of the underworld, the main source of all sins ever existed in this world. He was the one who persuaded Count Vladimir to turn to his side by offering him power to revenge and an immortal life. He is called Sinners, the devil himself.

Kael walked up the stairs to his chamber. Inside his bedroom, the only furniture can be seen was a king size bed, covered with black bed sheet made of soft satin. Another door leads to the wardrobe and bathroom.

Feeling empty, he laid on his bed and close his eyes. Thinking about the girl he met at the garden, she reminded him of his late mother. Her soft and lovely voice gives off the same feeling he felt when he was with his mother, it was soothing.

He wanted to hear her voice again.