
The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love

Something's are bound to happen.. If it would not be done in this life then may be in another... Lana was just a simple girl who was struggling to make a living with her kids and take revenge for her parents death and their property from her Step Cousin Uncle... But what will happen if she came to know that her life was given her to only complete the things which was not able to do in her past life. And to find the one to whom she had lost in that life... The man was reborn too, for the same reason but was unknown about it. What would happen if he came to know that he was a Devil in his Past life and He is a Devil in this life too... ___ "You seem to be thinking about him again" A cold voice came to her ear out of nowhere, making her body shiver in fear… "No...I was just thinking about something else…" She said while swallowing her nervousness as she almost got caught by him…  "You better not think about anyone else in my palace …" He said and blew a soft air on her eyes making her body shiver even more… "What are you doing here? I mean you never came to see me at a time like this…!!?"  She tried to change the topic as she was afraid that she might get caught at any time.  "Do I need someone's permission to come into my house and especially when I want to meet my wife?" He said and put his index finger on her neck and trailed his finger down to her chest…. Hearing the word 'wife' she felt a shiver run down her body…  The word wife had a great impact in her life especially when she was a wife of a Devil, who was a devil in the skin of humans ===== Lana, who just came back from LA with her kids, was suddenly involved with the two most powerful men in the country… One was the biggest businessman of Asia, Mr. AR and the other was none other than the Prince of her country himself 'The Great Adrian King' He was a mysterious person and was handling all the works behind the doors, no one have had ever seen him and Lana was no exception, He was rumoured to be ruthless and handling the whole clan single handedly without even showing his face to the world… Many people and paparazzi tried to blow his mask away but it was hard to do so, After all he was one of the most powerful person of the Country... Meanwhile AR was the Boss of Multinational companies in the country and was ruling like a Boss... He had everything in his life and was very flashy in almost everything he does... He had nothing to hide and was searching for a girl for years but suddenly he found her and started chasing her to no end... What will happen to Lana when she would collide with these men and how was she going to survive all this game of hide and seek...? Stay tuned to know more... ______ This Story contains Devil's, Witches and a lot of supernatural stuffs... You might see some bloody scene here as well _____ Please support me and throw some power stones and do give a review after reading it... It would really be a great help for your poor author... ______ I'm also the Author of:- 'SUPERSTAR CEO'S ADORABLE WIFE' _______ WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARD ENTRY Note: The cover is taken from Pinterest and edited by one of my friends.

ARU · Fantasy
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219 Chs



Lana didn't go to meet the Dean or the other parents. She called their Home room teacher Juliet and informed her to set the meeting for tomorrow. She just wanted to go home and take good care of her kids.

Alex and Raina were perplexed as Lana didn't scold them and even cancelled the meeting between her and the Other parents. 

They were sacred and confused as well… They didn't know what to do now.

Lana took them out of the school building but when she came out of the school 3 men and 3 women were standing there with their kids and by their facial expressions it looked like they were about to attack on her and her little buns, so she quickly hid both of them behind her and walked forward like she didn't see them.

"STOP.." One of the woman yelled at her all of a sudden and Lana halt on her traces but didn't look back, she waited a bit but when she got no response she again started moving forward but as she was about to cross the road someone pressed on her shoulder hard so she looked back and saw one of the woman was standing behind her and by her expressions it seemed like she was about to attack on her. But before she could do any thing a man came between them and the woman halted in her place and her one hand was hanging in the air.

Victor, who was present there from the starting but was too shocked to react and was trying to understand the situation.But this was something else, and it was the right time to interfere.


When Victor arrived the school, Lana left him alone but he followed her inside the school and saw her crying in front of the infirmary, He didn't understand at all and then he saw her talking to a woman, who seems to be the teacher of this school but his eyes were more concentrated upon Lana, Whose facial expressions were changing every now and then… Sometimes she looked sad, sometimes puzzled, sometimes worried and at times she looked very dangerous, the same as he felt her in his office today..

But he was more shocked when he saw her  coming out of the infirmary with two little kids , the boy was in her hands as she was carrying him and a little girl was holding her hand and walking beside her.

They both looked so cute and he somehow had an urge to take them in his hands and give them a tight hug.But he stopped himself when he saw how similar they looked, both kids had very similar features as her and when the little girl smiled a bit , she just looked like baby Lana to him, His heart melted at this scene.

When they left the corridor he went to the doctor and tried to ask about what was going on there but to his surprise he got to know the truth about her, which might not be known by him or anyone else as she never mentioned about herself having kids and even her marital status was single in the C.V she submitted.

His previous thirst of knowing about the kids was quenched but now he had a sudden thirst to know more about her. He followed behind her and was about to leave the place silently but then he saw she was being confiscated by the bunch of people, he couldn't stop himself and just followed his instinct to save her.

He was now standing in between Lana and the woman who was about to hit her, He shielded Lana and the kids and said "Dare you touch her?" 

The woman who was in her early thirties, was bewitched by his beauty and kept staring at him without blinking.

"Who are you to stop her!" A woman who was in her early forties came forward and yelled at him.

"I'm standing in front of her and…" Before Victor could say anything Lana stopped him and came forward 

"Look… I know our kids fought each other and which was not good at all..

 Let's go back to our homes and take good care of them… we will sort it out tomorrow in the meeting…"

But they weren't in the mood to leave her easily and one of them said " You want me to leave you just like that? No way…!! I won't let you off that easily…"

"Do whatever you want…! I won't be entertaining you any more…" 

The woman growled in anger and marched towards her, but this time Lana was fully cautious and turned suddenly , leaving that woman in shock and said "We will see each other tomorrow Mister… Kids are Kids let's not fight each other for them.."

When Lana addressed the men standing behind the women, they just nodded their heads slightly, Lana bowed to them and left…


"Why did you let her go just like that!?" 

When Lana left with her kids and Victor, the woman who was quiet for the whole time finally spoke, as her husband was the one who decided to let her go…

"Dear… it's not like I didn't want to punish her, but did you not notice the man beside her? How rich he was ?" 

The man Mr. Ralf spoke up…

"So what? We are rich too… And they offended us… we won't leave her…" Mrs. Ralf growled in anger and left the place… One by one each and every one left finally…


Meanwhile, In Victor's Car…

Lana was sitting at the backside of the car with her two little buns.

A while ago, Lana, for the purpose of her kids' security , silently followed Victor and decided to take a ride in his car.

"Momma...Momma look at me Momma…" Alex was worried that his mother might still be angry with him, so he asked but Lana didn't reply anything…

Raina looked at her brother and her mother then started chuckling, Alex didn't understand why she was laughing all of a sudden at this serious moment so he said angrily "Can't you see I'm talking to Mumma.. Why the hell are you laughing…"

"Come on.. Alex. ! Can't you see… She is zoned out again.." 

She started chuckling again and this time Alex also smiled…

Victor was watching all of these and these all things were a lot for him to digest… Even though He had seen her with the kids, He tried to convince himself that they might have been her nephew and niece or friend's Kids or something but he never thought that the girl he has been pursuing for almost 6 months is the mother of two… and the big thing and shock was that, no one at their workplace knows about that…!!



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