
The Devil’s possession

[WARNING R18 MATURED CONTENT} "Do you want me to stop?" He asked me. All shame, all pride and ego was thrown in to the wind. I shook my head. "I want you to say it." He whispered. "Beg me. Tell me you don't want me to stop. Tell me you never want me to stop.” I closed my eyes as my hips involuntarily hitched up against his fingers, the warmth between my legs dripping. "Please don't stop." I cried. “I never want you to stop.” Why was he tormenting me like this? “Al please.” I pleaded. I could see his beautiful smile in the dark and then his fingers went back in and I threw my head back in pleasure. ~~~~~~~~~~ Angel, a beautiful Fae lived a sheltered life, fiercely protected by her father, loved by her eldest brother, hated by her own mother and sister, and disgustingly desired by her other older brother. But close to her nineteen birthday , her father is gruesomely murdered and all hell breaks loose as she realizes her whole life was an entire lie. In a bid to escape her now turned evil mother, she is sent through a portal, but lands in Nocturna, the home of the vampires. Making an entrance, she lands right into the court of the winged Vampire king Alucard, the dangerous and handsome ruler of Nocturna where he takes her as his captive. And when her blue eyes captivates him, soon, the tensions and hostility between them grows to fire and passion. And when a prophecy over a millennia ago comes to light, Angel unlocks centuries old secrets and discovers that she might be the key to Earth’s redemption or she will lose the man she has come to fall in love with along with everything that exists.

Stephanie_king1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
100 Chs

An intruder

I jerked up immediately from my bed as soon as I saw him.

My hands were already reaching for my dagger that was under my pillow.

Everything about Rafael was a warning.

In a very bad way.

It was like unlike Warren who had gone to war and come out a man, Rafael had gone to return an enemy.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked him.

He walked to my bed and I didn't hesitate in bringing out the dagger.

"Relax i came to have a little chat with my little sister." He said.

"In the middle of the night?" I pointed out. "And I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Yes. You always like to remind everyone that you're not a little girl." He said. "You're a grown woman now."

And I regretted reminding him that I was now a woman.

It was the same perverted glance over me. Scanning me like he could see through me.

My night wear was transparent and I knew that he could see through me if I made the mistake of rising up to my feet.

"Im tired." I said. "I don't think I would like a chat."

He shrugged. "Don't worry about it. I won't disturb you too much. After all Warren did come into your room."

"Were you spying on me?" I asked my eyes narrowing.

"Me? Spy on you?" He asked. "God no, I was just taking note of what happens at home. Warren had a chat with you, but I'm not allowed to?"

I shrugged. "He came earlier and like I said I am tired. We can discuss whatever you want tomorrow."

But he didn't stop. He was already at my bedside.

I tended.

"You didn't send me letters like you sent Warren." He remarked.

It was true I had never written him letters and that was not just because I didn't want to send him any letters, it was because Warren had been the first to send me letters, so I responded.

"You never sent me." I retorted wisely.

"At least you should have written to me." He said.

"Leave my room." I warned him not keeping my cool again and keeping it straight with him.

"You've really grown." He said eying me.

"If you don't get out of my room I will scream." I said.

He didn't budge and so I pulled the dagger at him, but he was fast.

He caught my wrist, and I used what Magdou had taught me.

I made a very quick defense by using my spare hand to knock his nose and then feet to topple him, but he was stronger than I was.

He spun me around and pressed me down to the bed.

He wiped off the blood on his nose.

"So little angel has become a fighter. You're going to pay for that bruise you gave me." He said.

And then his hand proceeded to go over breasts and soon he pressed himself in a fierce and wild kiss with me.

I tried to yell but it came out as barely a groan.

I bit his lip and he yelled out in pain.

I pushed him away from him, grabbed my dagger and pointed it at him at the other end of my bed.

"You bastard!" I screamed. "I'm your own sister."

"You're barely related to me." He said.

I blinked at him.

What was he talking about?

He cleaned off the blood at his nose.

"You're going to pay for that." He promised me. "Stupid girl!"

Before he could lunge at me, the door was flung open and then Warren got in.

He pulled Rafael aside. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me go." Rafael snapped.

"Get out of this room." Warren said. "You don't want me to pull my sword on you."

Rafael left the room and then Warren came running to me.

"Angel are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded numbly.

"Did he try to do anything to you?" He asked me.

I didn't want to tell him what Rafael had almost try to do to me neither did I ask him why he had told me that I was barely even his blood.

If I was "barely" his blood then that meant Warren was too.

I shuddered and told myself that it was all a lie and it would pass.

Warren held me and hugged me and I felt safe.

Eventually he released me.

"Are you sure you are alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "Maybe he was just drunk from the wine last night."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Rafael isn't himself. I think you should stay clear of him for the meantime we are at home."

I nodded.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked.

I smiled. "Don't worry it's not necessary. I need to sleep anyways."

He nodded. "It sees you can handle pretty much anything."

I followed his gaze and looked down at my hand to where I was still gripping the dagger.

Then he turned on his way towards the door.

I wanted to ask him how he had known something was wrong and come into my room at the right time, but he had already left.

I lay in my bed and slept with two eyes open and then finally one eye open.

My face facing directly at the door and my hand under my pillow where I knew I could grip the dagger at any moment.