

The king of the underworld! The ! The cruelest being in the world? How did the cruelest man in the world, who knew nothing of affection, care and warmth become so gentle? Was it love? Did he fall for his own weakness? Emma lived alone for seven years after the death of her parents. She had her best friend but that wasn't as close to the warmth of a family. Although she longed for that warmth, she wasn't a softie either. She was a daring, stubborn and intuitive girl who never failed to follow her intuition. And her intuition led her into signing a contract with the devil of the underworld, a man who could never be reasoned with. How did these two meet? What do their fates have in store? Would they be moved to kill each other because of the love-hate relationship they had? Join Alaister and Emma in their love-hate relationship!

Odunayo_Idowu · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"I had a nightmare. I was running, terrified, something dark was chasing me." Emma said. "It's presence made me shriek and it's intent to harm me made me shudder."

It was as if she was feeling that same feeling she had in her dream. The terror she felt, it was bone chilling.

"It wanted me." she said, rubbing her shoulders. "It was greedy to have my blood and suddenly I fell. I caught a glimpse of its fangs and sharpnails that look like claws!"

Emma could feel her heart beat faster as the footstep drew nearer.

"Who are you, and what...do… y…ou...want?"

"You will know soon enough!" said the voice and she was sure it was a man.

He leaned closer and she shit her eyes.

'This is it!' she thought and then felt his strong arms pick her up and slam her against a wall.

His face was hidden in the dark so she couldn't tell who he was.

Emma tried to scream, but his cold hands came down quickly on her neck and she felt his fangs sink into her neck.

She winched in pain!

"You are mine!" the voice exclaimed and wrapped his arms around her passionately as he sucked her blood and then, she woke up.

That terror, she couldn't forget it but amongst the terror was passion, greed, longing. It felt like he genuinely wanted her.

Emma was a 22 year old girl who lost her parents at the age of 18. Since she was of age, she was able to start living on her own and since then, it had been a tug of war in her life.

She couldn't complete her studies because she had no financial support from anyone and was alone. All she had was her best friend, Izzy.

She wasn't exactly great at handling jobs and kept hoping from one to another. This made her financially handicapped and so she had t rely on Izzy for a while.

"Emma, are you awake?" Came the voice in front of her door but she didn't respond making whoever it was, standing in front of her door to conclude she was still asleep.

"You will be late to work." They said a d opened the door, revealing herself to be Izzy, Emma's best friend.

Izzy found her sitting on the bed and sighed.

"You've been awake the whole time? Really, you know you have to get to work yet you're just sitting there. Do you have any idea what the time is?" She lectured.

"I know. How I wish I could just quit this job but I can't! I'm getting fed up Izzy." She started getting up from the bed. "Every second, work. And every minute, work! Ita all work! Give me a break!"

"I understand but you know your boss isn't going to be happy to see you waltzing behind schedule." Izzy reminded and she sighed.

"Yeah, right!"

Few hours later

"Izzy, take care. I'm off!" Emma announced as she made her way to the door.

"Take care and don't cause any trouble if you wish to last a week in this job, okay?" Izzy adviced, adamantly.

"Yeah, yeah! I get what you're saying!" She said. "But don't worry, I've got this one covered in the bag!"

Emma left the house and looked up at the sky. Putting that strange dream aside, she decided to look to reality. Besides, there was no way that man or whatever he was, was real. If he was, he'd be a vampire for sure.

"pfft!" She laughed at her thoughts.

Emma worked at Deli divine restaurant. It hadn't been long since she started working there since she wasn't the exact type to be stable in a single job, but she hoped his time it would be different.

"I heard some of you gave room for incompetent which I am going to readdress." The manager, whom they refer to as Boss, spoke.

He was addressing the staff of the restaurant before they open up for the days business.

"And any one who is involved in such act will likely be fired." He adjusted his glasses.

Emma quitely snuck in while this speech was going on, hoping he wouldn't notice her.

"Most especially Emma!" He said and she paused! All eyes were on her.

'Oh God, kill me already!' she cursed within.

"Why are you just coming to work?" he asked and she quickly came up with an excuse.

"Actually Sir, it's not what you think." she said. "There was traffic so I had to walk the whole way and I live ten miles away from here. My legs are killing me."

"Do I look like a fool to you?"

"No sir!" She replied.

"I know when most of you start cooking up lies to fool me." He approached her and stood directly in front of her. "You live just ten blocks away, it's not up to ten kilometers." He exposed her lie and she gulped.

"I moved?" She shrugged with sweat pouring down her face. 'Gosh, am I going to get fired so soon?' she thought desperately. There was only one thing to do. She bowed her head. "I'm sorry sir! This won't happen again, I promise!"

Seeing she was being sincere, he decided to let it pass this time.

"I don't want something like this to happen again. We're a serious business restaurant and most of our clients are VIPs that you only see on TV. What would happen if our service was delayed even by a grain?"

"I'm sorry sir!" She apologized once more.

"It's alrighty, for now! Just make sure it doesn't happen a next time." He turned to the rest of the staff and she sighed in relief. "There should be no room for excuse, ever! Understood?"

"Yes sir!" They chorused together.

"Now, were about to open. Time to work like your life depends on it!"

"Yes, sir!" They responded once more like military men.