

The king of the underworld! The ! The cruelest being in the world? How did the cruelest man in the world, who knew nothing of affection, care and warmth become so gentle? Was it love? Did he fall for his own weakness? Emma lived alone for seven years after the death of her parents. She had her best friend but that wasn't as close to the warmth of a family. Although she longed for that warmth, she wasn't a softie either. She was a daring, stubborn and intuitive girl who never failed to follow her intuition. And her intuition led her into signing a contract with the devil of the underworld, a man who could never be reasoned with. How did these two meet? What do their fates have in store? Would they be moved to kill each other because of the love-hate relationship they had? Join Alaister and Emma in their love-hate relationship!

Odunayo_Idowu · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Bend to my whim

Azazel stared at her, shocked. How did she know about the curse? Wait no, she was ahving the same dreams with him. How was that possible?

He didn't know what was going on but if she was destined to be his weakness then surely, she would find out everything eventually.

In that case, he had to come clean and tell her the reason they were getting married.

"What's the real reason you what to get married to me? Little Miss nobody like me!" She asked, sounding sarcastic. "It's clear you're hiding something! Are you really a vampire?"

"I have a curse!" Azazel started. "And that curse makes me go crazy. I can't live without spilling blood and I also need to dink blood as well but I've never really found the perfect taste." He confessed and she blinked in disbelief.


"According to my 'instinct', you're the perfect person with the perfect blood to suit my taste. It calms me down."

"And you know althos because…?"

"Instincts!" He said but she still couldn't believe it. In any case, she decided to play along.

"So what, I'm like your blood donor or something? You want us to get married so that I'll be there at your side each time you have a 'craving' for blood? How am I sure it won't kill me?" She asked but shook her head. "Let me rephrase that. How am I sure 'you' won't kill me?"

"Because you're my weakness!" He said and she fell silent. "I will not kill you because you're the only one suitable for me and the only one capable of bearing my child!"

Emma's eyes widened.

"Wait, child? A blood donor and the a surrogate? You've got to be kidding me!"

"We are going to get married so it's not a surrogate." He pointed out.

Emma's head was spinning. She just came to work like usual. How did she get mixed up in this? It felt exhausting.

She glanced at Azazel and shook her head. Was it really real? Or was she dreaming again? Azazel was sitting across her and proposing marriage and also spilling all sort of secret information she never dreamt of finding out.

"If I do agree to this, what's in it for me?" She asked.

"You get to marry one of the world's richest man, what else do you want?"

"Money isn't everything, you know? She responded.

"You need money, that's all that matters. And right now, you, in particular, are drowning in a sea of debt left to you by your dead parents." He pointed out. "I am the only one who can solve your problem and it won't even take a minute."

"Hahaha!" Emma laughed. "You sure are arrogant."

"I have the money, I don't see why I shouldn't!"

She stared at his arrogant smug and suddenly got up. He looks up at her but she suddenly punched him.

"Shocked? You should be!" She dropped her fist and left the VIP boot. 'That's for your smug look idiot.'

'Besides, money? I can make that but what I can't make is affection.' she thinks to herself but one of his guards suddenly grab her hand. "What are you…?"

"Come with us!" They carry her out of the restaurant and towards the parking lot. There, Azazel was already seated in an expensive Bentley.

She took one good look at him and threw her face outside the window. He sure knew how to carry a girl out.

He would never understand her. She was a girl who longed for real warmth of a family. She was a girl who wanted to be happy, holding her child with joy and staring into the eyes of the husband she loves and life with him would definitely not be any of that.

'I know you want me to have a contracted marriage with you but what I want, what I've always wanted, is to have a family filled with warmth and you're far from that.'

"You left so suddenly!" He said and she scoffed.

"You managed to get me here with you so, does it matter?"

"You seemed to be dissatisfied with my condition. What is it you want?" He asked and she turned to him with a sharp gaze.

"Love!" She said and he stayed silent for a while.

"This… it is definitely something I cannot give!" he says.

"Then, that means I'm in this with a lose, doesn't it?" She smiled, bitterly.

He stared silently at her for a while and then sighed.

"You're my weakness, I can't let you go".

"You said that before but when did I become your…?"

She remembers the dream once more.

"Are you saying you really have to drink 'my' blood to remain sane? Is that for real?" She asked, shocked. He said it before but it seemed like he was bluffing.

Azazel simply stared at her with his longing red eyes and she got her answer.

"I'm sure it won't end there, according to the dream I had." She said.

"I don't know what that dream is about but I am a man far from affection and emotions." He professed.

"If what that dream means is that I will end up falling for you and giving you my all then, I'm willing to give it a go."

Azazel drew closer to her and their faces were just inches apart.

"Woman," he said. "... make me love you and maybe that warm family you dream of can become a reality but hear me. I am someone who is without feelings. I get what I want without resistance and if I want to get your blood, I can get it at the snap of a finger. Right now, it is your honor that I ask for your hand in marriage!"

She stared at him in disbelief

"Wow! You're a really hot head." She said. "You're the one who needs me yet you're saying all that." She scoffed. "Did you think telling me that will make me shake in my boots and do what you want?" he smirk.

'He's crazy' she thought

"You're seriously in no place to bargain." She says. "I don't really care for my life so you have to do what I want and not the other way round!" She boldly says and Azazel said,

"I have my ways of getting what I want."

"Fine! Go ahead and kill me and then lose cause you'll be doing me a favor by liberating me from this hell like life." She stated. "So chose. It's either you bend to my whims or kill me and lose?"

Azazel stared at her for a brief moment. Never had he seen anyone talk with so much audacity to him. He liked it.

"Fine!" He said. "I'll do what you say but I will not make any promises!"

"Okay, then I'm off." She attempted to get down from the car when he said.

"Remember, from now on, you are mine!" His words were sharp and possesive. It almost made her blush but she shook the feeling away.

"When will I see you again?" She asked.

"I will find you so, do not bother."