
The Devil’s Fallen Angel

*This is an R-18 story. It involves foul language, sexual content, and violence.* Lucifer the Second, also known as Louie, is the only child of the Devil. His father is the notorious archangel who betrayed God, and his mother was a ruthless and powerful demon. Louie is a unique half-breed who's eager to step up and take over as the ruler of Hell. However, there is a catch. He must marry. But his future queen is not just one of the half-demons that populate Hell, but an angel. Unbeknownst to him, his father and grandfather made a deal when he was a child, and now he has to honor that deal if he wants to take the throne. Louie believes that his bride-to-be will be nothing more than a nuisance, but when she arrives in a fiery explosion reserved for those angels that have been cast out, his world is turned upside down. It doesn't take long for Louie to realize that his fallen angel is not what he was expecting. Fiesty, outspoken, and cute, he finds himself very intrigued by her and the secrets she holds. Follow Louie and his angelic bride as they navigate their unconventional relationship and embark on adventures in this slow-burn, spicy romance. Excerpt: "What do you propose then?" She asked, lifting her head off his leg and taking a drink from her glass. "You're letting me decide?" He smirked, putting his drink on the side table and leaning forward. "I didn't say I'd agree." She rolled her eyes before turning and leaning her back against his legs, placing her own glass on the ground next to her. Lucifer leaned back against the couch and stretched his arms across the back of it, "I was just going to suggest you make right on our deal from earlier." He proposed. "Ahh." She answered, tilting her head back so she could see Lucifer's face, which held an amused look and a genuine smile, "You really think you held up your end, huh?" She asked with her own smirk, once again letting her head rest on his legs as she looked straight up at the star-speckled sky. She was a wee bit tipsy, and maybe that had something to do with how she was feeling, but it really was a beautiful night. With the warmth of the little balcony playing alongside the moment of sharing their deepest pains with one another, She found herself not only feeling closer but also quite comfortable with her Devil. "Undoubtedly." He replied to her question, and she raised a brow, "Admittedly, there was a hiccup or two, but nothing that ruined the evening." He defended, "Plus, I resolved them, did I not?" "A hiccup?" She scoffed, looking as far up as her eyes would allow so she could see him, "Someone tried to kill me, Luce." Lucifer placed a hand on each cheek and leaned over her so that he stared directly into her eyes. Pools of blue looking down and sparkling emeralds looking up, "Tried." He said in almost a whisper. She felt his warm breath on her forehead while his hair tickled her face, "Didn't I protect you? Kept you safe?" "I suppose," She agreed, blushing as he shifted forward a bit more so that his lips were now just an inch or so above hers. "Then may I please have what you promised me?" Lucifer asked again. She swallowed and gave a slight nod.

TheYoungLadyL · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Lucifer "A Simple Cookie."

"You know nothing of hunting. The fun is in the chase." Lucifer smirked, waiting for her shock, worry, and possible fear, but all he got was a laugh and amusement.

"Oh, believe me, Hubby, I know how to hunt." She smirked back at him, "But personally, I prefer trapping over chasing. Nothing is more exciting than watching your prey walk willingly into your snare."

Lucifer stared down at his wife, a half-smirk still on his face. Their eyes locked when the shock he had expected a moment ago hit him. Kathrine Ann gasped and came to a complete stop, "What is it?" He demanded, turning around thinking someone was approaching,

"Your eyes." She whispered.

"What about them?" He snapped, annoyed that she startled him.

"I swear they changed." She answered, "I thought I saw it earlier too. They got darker."

"Yea, and?" He questioned, "My eyes change all the time. I figured you would be used to that."

There was a moment of pause as curiosity and a hint of embarrassment floated around his Little Wife, "Right, sorry, I just wasn't expecting it." She blushed, looking at her feet.

They were interrupted by Thron clearing his throat. "Prince, Princess. Here," he said, holding a door open a couple of yards in front of them.

Lucifer stepped forward, still holding her hand and pulling her along with him. "Keep them out," he demanded of Thron.

"I will. Taste everything, my Prince." Thron replied.

"You can't shut the place down just for us." Kathrin Ann gasped.

"Yes, I can, and I will." He informed, catching sight of the only two patrons in the small bakery.

A couple sat at a small table with empty plates on the edge and a mug in front of each of them. The man's back was facing the door, but Lucifer could tell he was a bit older than the girl. Though their voices were low, it was apparent they were arguing. Lucifer could sense his anger and her annoyance and hurt. The two were so absorbed in their spat that they were completely unaware of who had just stepped through the door. "You two, leave."

"Lucifer!" She snapped, pulling her hand free and hitting his arm.

"Someone has attempted to kill you twice, and one of those attempts was in this city." He growled lowly, "If you get killed, he will never forgive me, and personally, I don't want to put up with the whining and sadness."

"Charming." She snapped.

Lucifer looked up to find that his orders had been completely ignored, and he hoped they didn't hear him for their sake, "I said out!" He demanded loudly,

The man scoffed, "And who are you to tell me and my girl what to do?" He did not bother to turn around, but his date, who'd locked eyes with Lucifer, went pale. She shook her head pleadingly, unable to break her gaze.

"Fabel," She stuttered, grasping his hand tightly, "Don't,"

"Hush, Jackie!" The man snapped, ripping his hand from hers and holding a finger to the girl's face.

Lucifer smelled the change in his wife's emotions. Moments ago, she was annoyed and embarrassed by his rudeness, but now she was annoyed and pissed at the young man who publically hushed his partner. He slowly turned in his chair while Lucifer stayed silent, waiting for the man to lay eyes on him, with the slightest of smirks on his lips, "Obviously, this guy has no idea who I am, or he wouldn't dare speak to me in such a—"

The man's mouth hung open, shocked into silence. Although the man looked slightly familiar, Lucifer couldn't put a name to it.

"I'm sorry?" Lucifer said after a moment, "You were just about to tell me who you were and why I should be intimidated by you?"

The man quickly rose and bowed twice, which amused Kathrine Ann, making Lucifer's smirk widen slightly, "My Prince!" He squeaked, "I apologize. This is my, uh, a client,"

"I don't care who you are and less about her. Now, leave." Lucifer replied.

"And treat your date better." Kathrine Ann snapped as they scurried past her, "There is nothing more unattractive than an asshole who disrespects their partner."

The couple scurried out the door, and Lucifer raised a brow at the odd mix of emotions but shrugged it off. He didn't care about either of the people enough to think about it.

Now that they were alone, she looked around the small shop taking in everything, and she beamed with a wide smile.

"It's so, so similar." She grinned, stepping away from him and walking up to the rounded glass display cabinet to look at all the sweets.

Her green eyes were wide but somehow unaware of all the staff around her, bowing and flustered, ready to jump to her every need or trying to decide if to get out of the way. Lucifer watched as she looked at all the options, and one of the girls behind the counter ventured forward to help. She asked so many questions while Lucifer stayed behind, following her movements. After about five minutes, she looked around,

"Lucifer," She smiled, "I'm sorry, we were here for you, not me. What do you want?" She asked.

Without a second glance or even a moment to ponder, he pointed to the cookie he wanted. It wasn't anything fancy, no icing or decorations, just a medium brown round cookie.

"Okay." She smiled, "Two of those, please. How much?"

"Don't worry about it, Princess." The young girl behind the cabinet replied.

"Oh no, I must insist." Kathrine Ann fussed, "Though now that I think about it, I don't have any money. Lucifer?"

"Milady, please," the girl interrupted, "the amount of business we are going to receive after you visit this shop is well worth the price of two cookies. Please take them and enjoy. It's truly an honor to have you and the Young Prince visit us."

With a sigh, she took the cookies, and they sat at one of the tables. Almost immediately, the same girl approached with two glasses of water,

"Would you like anything else to drink?" she asked, placing a glass in front of each of them. Lucifer immediately grabbed her glass and took a big gulp.

Kathrine Ann smiled, "No thanks, sweetheart, we're okay."

Opening the bag, she handed one of the cookies to Lucifer and took the other for herself. He glared at her, causing her to sigh and roll her eyes as she handed the cookie to him. He took a small bite before sliding the glass of water over. "This is annoying," he complained.

"You don't have to do it." She replied, snatching the water and taking a big sip.

"And if you die because I didn't check?" He growled.

"Less of a burden for you, right?" She shrugged.

"You're not as funny as you think you are," he grumbled, handing her the cookie before picking up his. "Besides, I already explained how much of an annoyance it would be if you died. There's no telling how long it would take Louie to get over you."

Lucifer bit into his cookie, enjoying and reminiscing on a flavor he hadn't tasted in many millennia, but when he looked at his wife, she had a strange look on her face.

"You don't like it?" Lucifer asked.

"No!" she jumped. "It's good," she defended, holding her hand over her mouth as she spoke and chewed, "really good."

He lifted his brow, "What's wrong with your face then?"

Kathrine Ann pressed her lips and shot a narrowed glare at him. "Jerk," she grumbled before taking another bite of her cookie. "There is a flavor I'm tasting that seems vaguely familiar, and I'm trying to place it."

"Ah, well, this is my favorite kind of cookie." He revealed, "Vassal used to make them for me. If I had a bad day or was upset, I'd usually find a plate of them in my room." He explained with a hint of a smile, "I still sometimes wonder how she knew."

Kathrine Ann smiled brightly, picking up her glass of water and sipping it, "So my big bad demon prince likes cookies when he's sad?"

"I like cookies any time." He corrected, "Who doesn't like cookies?"

"I don't know. If I knew my torturer had an affinity for cookies, I might feel a bit less intimidated." She suggested.

"Is that so?" He asked with a raised brow, "Tell you what, next time I have to torture someone, I'll bring some with me and see what they say."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "Seems Vassal took very good care of you."

Lucifer nodded, "She was the only one who seemed to care about this side of me."

"We'll. Now you have me too." She reassured, "Also, I think the others will come around. Just stop being an ass to everyone."

"And here we are again. You thinking I'll be hanging around." He scoffed.

She just smiled and tossed the last piece of her cookie into her mouth, "So your eyes are naturally black?"

"Yes, just as Louie's are blue. However, mine turn red when I get angry or upset."

"Wow, so you've been angry all this time?"

"Yes." He shrugged, "Is it really that surprising? The whole reason I'm even here is that I was poisoned, and I have still yet to figure out who did it. Seeing all of Louie's friends brings back unpleasant memories, and then you," Lucifer paused, "You pissed me off at first, but, you're okay. Some of the time."

"Okay is a lot better than what I've had to deal with." She scoffed.

"Keep it up, and these eyes will turn red again," Lucifer warned.

"Yeah, yeah," She rolled her eyes as she stood up and brushed her hands over the skirt of her dress, "Where to now, Hubby?"