
The Devil’s Daughter

Scarlett is seen as a bad girl until her mum dies.. her father tells her that she will take her full transformation at the age of 16. What will happen when she transforms at the wrong time in front of people, friends and her crush?.. will they be too late to save her?..

Helenx1 · Teen
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22 Chs

Ep 9- he..~ Scarlett

?'s pov:

I saw Scarlett walk in, she seemed so.. glum? I walked over to her, "hey what's wrong", I ask with my voice filled with worry, "my m-mum d-die-", she couldn't even finish her sentence, she bursted out crying.. poor girl.. I held her close to me and patted her back, "there there, it's okay".

Daniel's pov:

I walked towards my class when I saw him h-hugging her.. I didn't even know what took control of me as I went up to them, "Hey Scarlett, can I talk to you?".

Scarlett's pov:

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, what could he want to talk about, he doesn't even care about me.. no one does.

?'s pov:

I could tell she wasn't comfortable, "anything you wanna say you can say it to her you can say infront of me", i stroked her back, "fine", he said, "I'm sorry for ignoring you.. I-I just wanted you to want to me my friend.., I didn't mean to hurt your feelings".

Scarlett's pov:

"EXCUSE ME!", I shouted and he tried to pull me back but I pushed him away, "EXCUSE ME?! SO YOUR TELLING I GOT HEART BROKEN BECAUSE YOU WERE TRYING TO BE MY FRIEND?! YOU COULD'VE JUST TOLD ME!", tears filled my eyes as I just looked at him. "Scarlett I-", but my scoff just cut off his sentence, "I can't believe you", I said as I turned away from him and walked away, I can't believe you..