
The Devil’s Daughter: Mara

What is life like for the next heir of the throne? Which throne you say? The Devil's Throne. She is the daughter of the devil and wants to live life her way. She rebels against her father and gets caught in a relationship, which is banned for all devil princesses (especially).However, her father wanted to get rid of that man from her memories and so he banished her to the earth realm. She forgets her love, but now is reborn as a "normal" high school student...

bubble_meww · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Lilith you're finally here, my love

"Mika, I'm back, where's our room."

"It's in room 66."

"Mika, do you think my mother is going to come?"

"I don't know, but last time she came, she shouted at you for not being able to carry out your duty."

"My duty, ugh, my duty is to do whatever I want."

"And that's why she was angry Mara."

"Yeah but-"

"Mara, please just be nice for once."

"Nice, I'm a devil Mika."

"You know what I mean."

As we entered room 66, I looked around to see if my brothers and sisters were there. I just hope they won't talk to me. I hate them. Room 66, inside was a huge world, the underworld. Humans see this as just a room, but we devils have a way to make the underworld in any place we want. That's actually one thing I love about Hell.

"Ah Mara, my baby, you're actually here."

"Of course father, why wouldn't I be here."

"Mara cheer up baby, your mother is arriving soon."

"What a great day."

My mother had a bigger duty than father, she was the queen and had to go fight other Gods, take lives and basically wreak havoc around the world. She's finally here.

"Lilith, you're finally here, my love."

"Lucy, my love, nice to have you finally do something."

"Lilith you haven't changed one bit."

"Haha, anyway let's get on with this meeting. I have things to do."

"Don't you always." I whispered.

"Mara my dear, do you have something to say."

"No mother."

"Then don't mumble, sweetie."

"I didn't."

"Oh please don't talk back to me."



We all sat down and ate first. Mother was angry so she obviously wanted to eat and then talk. I just want to go. I'm so uncomfortable right now.

"So Mara. What have you been doing in Earth."

"Going to school, what else."

"Still talking to me like that."

"Mother, it's not like you're doing anything new, so why do you think I am. You sent me to Earth as a punishment. What else will I be doing?"

"MARA! How dare you talk to Lilith like that."

"Sorry father, but this was the reason I didn't want to come here."

"Then sweetie, get going, we aren't forcing you to be here. Right Lucy."

"Whatever Lilith says."

"Fine, if that's what you want, you didn't even listen to me."

"Don't bother coming back."

That was the last thing I heard from my mother and father. They always assume things. I hate that.

"Mika lets go."

"Oh um Mara, I'm staying here. I need to be here."



I ran back to get out of the hotel, but that's when I saw Castiel sitting near the bar. He didn't look so happy.

"Castiel, hey."


"Why are you here?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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