
The Deviate's Phantom System

'Ruin the natural environment and you'll take the living organism out of its natural, healthy habitat. It will desperately accept deviations in its life-or-death struggle to survive. It will become a deviate before it surrenders to extermination...' This, was the advanced idea of Duke Priester—when he was still publicly and generally accepted as the world's most ingenious biotechnologist. And he had 'The Priester Labs' which was one of the greatest and highly ranked infrastructure/laboratory in the world at the time, to his name. Then, fresh out of college as the best graduating student in the whole department and being the only child of extremely wealthy parents, he'd pooled enough resources to build the first ever science lab in Haveiton and the world at large to touch the skies, both figuratively and literally. This very building was the center of attention for the super powers all over the world due to the advanced tech himself and his other employees created and just like that, he became one of the most influential and famous men in the world. Duke's mind worked faster and smarter than most human's. It was a blessing at first, but eventually, it became a curse. His unsurpassed greed fuelled ravenously by the desire for even more fame and glory made him begin to imagine the 'impossible.' And what happens when you begin to imagine a particular thing repeatedly? You swing into action in an attempt to carry it out. This was what Duke Priester did. What did he do? What was the effect it had on the world, including parallel universes? How was he going to atone for his sins? And would he be ready to sacrifice what he loved the most to finally be able to truly say 'I'm free?'

Ace_Dml · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Hall, not Hall.

Out of a house by a lake came a man in white who held a white briefcase firmly in one hand and scratched his slightly balding head with the other. On his face was an expression of shock and he muttered fiercely as he walked away from the building.

"Such a ridiculous yet remarkable and miraculous recovery! I can't help but carry out experiments!" He muttered.

"Thanks for coming Doc. Ha ha ha!" Said Ghara who came out from the house next as he waved.

Based on personal relationships, Ghara knew that the doctor was a man who worked only with facts, so he understood perfectly the current reaction the doctor had on his face after seeing Hall's remarkable recovery.

Heck—even he himself was shocked. But he took it as the God's not letting him cry tears of sorrow but those of Joy.

From the Doctor's report, Hall would be in perfect health by tomorrow morning, and that was a good thing for everybody in his house, because a certain someone would be coming here tomorrow and he wouldn't be around and he needed someone other than Venus to keep an eye on him.

Now that Hall Ramon was rid of all those bandages, his body felt a tad lighter and it did not sit well with him. This was because he knew the lightness came from his body being too damn weak.

And so, right there on the dining table and in the presence of his Dad and sister, Hall consumed breakfast like he had never done before. Most of the potatoes and rice were spared, but the same couldn't be said for the chicken.

Ghara and Venus had never seen him like this before. Infact, apart from the fact that he didn't eat much, Hall never ate chicken!

He'd always felt pity for the 'poor, defenceless' creatures being raised just to be slaughtered and gobbled up in the end. And he always had this look of displeasure and anger in his eyes whenever he saw them bite away at the meat, especially those he himself had been taking care of.

Perhaps that was one of the major reasons he risked his life trying to protect them back in the forest. So it was not surprising to see the amazed look on both their faces.

[Duke] was well aware of past Hall's sentiments, and he frowned at that. Because of such foolishness, his pathetic life was cut short in the most pathetic way possible.

Ghara and Venus glanced at each other, sharing a surprised look. This perhaps was the next disturbing sight of today. It was like the former Hall had shed his skin to reveal his true nature.

Who ever heard of someone who suddenly transformed from a vegetarian to a carnivore in the space of three days after nearly three years of the former?

Hall was finally done with the food on his plate but he wasn't quite satisfied. His eyes strayed from his empty dish to the other side of the table, where Venus' laid.


There was no need to ask what Hall wanted as the look in his eyes perfectly conveyed his intentions. "Fine." Venus said, pushing her plate of half-finished food towards Hall, but not after picking her chicken.

On seeing that, Hall cleared his throat, staring intently at her hand which held the meat. She realized Hall's eyes were pleading this time, however she wasn't ready to part with her meat.

Ghara, who had been observing the situation quietly as he ate, couldn't ignore Hall's 'puppy eyes' anymore and decided to give Hall his own meat, which happened to be quite large.

Within him, he wondered how Venus was able to withstand the effects of such eyes. However he got his answer upon looking at her. She literally closed her eyes as she ate her meat!

Hall, satisfied with his father's good gesture, smiled and swiftly gobbled up the food. After finishing the food, he gave a satisfied belch and stood up with a small smile on his face.

The reason for this smile was because of the notifications in front of him, which of course only he could see.

[Strength 8+1]

[Endurance 6+1]

Hall nodded his head within him. It seemed he could gain stat points by just eating. How splendid was that?

Another notification appeared.

[Agility 6-1]

(Will return to normal after thirty-minutes of food digestion. Note that this is only in regards to the [Agility] stat!)

This notification made Hall sigh. 'Guess too much of a good thing's always bad at some point.' He thought, waving at his bewildered family before heading outside to check out the exterior of the house.

He wasn't ready to be impressed and so, he wasn't disappointed after looking around for himself.

This house, which could not even be compared with his shower cubicle in his past life—in regards to an overall modern look—could actually be called a king's home, compared to the others on this street as far as his eyes could see.

Sighing yet again, he decided to do a little tour around the area.

Meanwhile, within the Ramon's house and in the dining room, two entities discussed between themselves about a certain someone.

"Is it just me or did your brother shed his skin?"

Ghara asked Venus as he watched her eat her chicken with a slight sadness in his eyes.

Venus didn't answer at once, and Ghara didn't expect her to. He knew that she hated talking while eating, but he was too shocked by Hall's change of demeanor that he couldn't just absorb it in silence.

Nonetheless, Venus infact, was very much interested in what happened to her brother and so she dropped the chicken in her hand and spoke.

"I also am clueless about it father. But I suggest we keep an eye on him, at least for the next week. Remember the virus?"

'Trust her to think so far ahead.' Ghara thought, nodding his head within him.

He also had thought about the possibility of the currently nameless Virus infecting Hall. But he'd never heard that one of the symptoms or perhaps ability of the Virus was bringing a virtually dead person to life.

But again, no one had yet been able to give a complete analysis regarding the Virus, so he couldn't say for sure.

Therefore, the best option for now like Venus suggested, was to keep an eye on him, for at least one week which was the duration for complete possession of a person's soul by the Virus.

"If that's the case, then I'll put you in charge of that, Venus." He said. He did this because he would be traveling and would not be available throughout next week.

Venus was on a holiday, but it would end after next week. So it was just perfect.


"Well that's about it."

Hall had just finished his little 'tour' around the area, and he was barely impressed.

Unsurprisingly, most people who saw him and we're already aware of the dire strait he was in, were surprised to see him all well and fit, and seemingly taking the whole area on a survey.

There were little whispers here and there, and due to his [Sense] skill, he could hear them nearly as well as if they were saying it right in front of him.

'Isn't that merchant Ghara's son? I thought he was supposed to be six feet below by now?'

'And what is he doing with that smirk on his face? Is he ridiculing us because we aren't wearing the kind of clothes he's wearing? *sigh* I guess death is truly a bitch after all.'

'Ghara's truly lucky to have his only son come back to him. His heart must be at peace now.'

'Hey, what do you mean his only son? Lee may be dead but, Rocci is still alive. Stop being an arsehole, gramps.'

'Ha! We'll see about that...'

These comments came of as rude naturally, however Hall pretended as if he was totally oblivious to their whispers and just kept walking.

Of course there were other comments, from the ladies, most of whom were his age, but he intentionally closed his ears to whatever they were saying.

This stemmed from the fact that in his former life, he'd always been single in everything he was doing, that is if there must always be a girl in what he was doing.

He had no sister, no girlfriend in every sense of the word, no love-life or sex scandal, nothing.

Just him and a large workforce full of men. Most knew him as a hardworking man, but some others had theories.

But just as he did now, he closed his eyes and ears to them and their comments and focused on his work. He'd made it to the top without any woman, including and especially, his mom.

Infact, he hadn't warmed up to the fact that he had a sister in this life yet.

Little did he know that fate had a wicked smile smack-dab on its face.

"Brother, you're back."

Hall had just gotten back home and met Venus at the front of the house.

"Yeah, and this place sucks..." He said and walked into the house.


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