
The Detective Finder

The Finder is an novel that explores the life of Frank Hughes, a talented yet solitary detective with an extraordinary intellect. Motivated by a longing to unravel enigmas, Frank traverses the intricacies of a realm where he is a prodigious thinker but lacks human bonds. Their expedition unfurls through intricate investigations.

Mat_Oldo · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 4:

Frank quickly arrived at the police station, his mind in high alert and his determination stronger than ever. Commissioner Douglas was waiting for him in his office with important updates on the case of Emily Sinclair and Mike Collins. Frank entered the police station with a firm gaze and a resolute attitude, ready to hear any new lead that would bring them closer to solving the mystery.

"Frank, we have an important update on the case of Emily Sinclair and Mike Collins," said Douglas, his voice full of seriousness.

Frank nodded, ready to absorb any information that could help clarify the case.

"We've identified the two individuals in the photo you found on Mike's phone," the commissioner announced. "Their names are Rachel Sullivan and Max Turner. Rachel is a college student, and Max works as a bartender at a nearby bar, with no prior criminal record."

Frank quickly processed the information, connecting the dots in his mind as he assessed the possible implications of these names.

"Do they have any connection to Emily, Daniel, and Mike?" Frank asked, trying to understand how Rachel and Max fit into the puzzle of the case.

Douglas nodded. "Yes, they do. It turns out Rachel and Max were close friends of Emily, Daniel, and Mike during their college days. They shared many fun nights and were inseparable back then. However, they lost contact after graduation, and each went their separate ways."

"So, what brought them back into the lives of Emily and Mike?" Frank inquired, showing his determination to uncover the connection between these two groups.

Commissioner Douglas sighed, reflecting the complexity of the case. "That's what we're trying to find out. We have Rachel and Max in custody for questioning, but they haven't provided much information so far. It seems both of them had reasons to conceal their connection to Emily and Mike."

Frank knew it was time to take action. "I need to speak with them, Commissioner."

Without waiting for a response, Frank quickly made his way to Rachel Sullivan and Max Turner's apartment in the same building. He was aware that every minute counted in solving the case.

The door opened slowly, revealing a surprised Rachel Sullivan. Despite her surprise, she showed no fear. Instead, her gaze was cautious.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Rachel asked, curious and wary.

Frank looked at her with determination and, without wasting time, extended his hand to greet her. "You're Miss Rachel Sullivan, right? Pleasure to meet you. I'm Frank Hughes, a private detective, and I'm investigating the murders of Emily Sinclair and Mike Collins."

Rachel nodded cautiously, surprised by the unexpected visit and the way Frank held her hand. Her pulse became an important piece of information that Frank began to gather.

"I'm Rachel Sullivan. And you are...?"

Frank cleared his throat and replied with a charming smile. "I'm Frank Hughes, a private detective, and I'm here to ask you some questions about your relationship with Emily and Mike."

Rachel, visibly surprised by the news of the deaths, nodded with curiosity, unaware that Frank was observing her pulse and body language for clues.

Before he could continue his interrogation, Max Turner appeared at the door of the room. His gaze met Frank's, and an expression of distrust crossed his face. He asked directly who Frank was and why they were being questioned.

Frank, showing no fear, introduced himself again and explained the reason for his visit. "I'm Frank Hughes, a private detective. I'm investigating the murders of Emily Sinclair and Mike Collins, and I want to ask you some questions about your relationship with them."

Max frowned, looking alternately at Rachel and Frank, displaying his skepticism. "We don't know anything about a murder case. We haven't had contact with Emily and Mike in years. Why the hell are you interrogating us?"

Frank wasted no time and continued with his questioning, using his skills to detect signs of stress. "Based on the information we've gathered, the four of you, Mike, Emily, Max, and Rachel, recently got together, had a beach party, is that correct?"

Max appeared surprised, and his face paled. He looked at Rachel with an expression of disbelief. "How did you know?" Max asked, a mix of surprise and nervousness in his voice.

Frank explained his reasoning, revealing his keen observation of clues in the victims' homes. "I didn't know, but it was obvious that you recently got together. In Emily's house, we found a bag with beach items, and the same thing happened in Mike's house. Am I wrong?"

Rachel nodded, her nervousness becoming more evident. Max, on the other hand, scratched his head, trying to process the information.

"Yes, that's true. We met on the beach a few days ago. Does that have anything to do with Emily and Mike's deaths?"

Frank continued his interrogation, trying to get more information about what happened at the beach party. "Tell me, what happened during the beach party? Was there any conflict, any argument among you?"

Rachel and Max exchanged uncertain glances before Max finally spoke. "There was an argument. Emily and Mike were arguing about something, but we don't know what it was about. It was an intense fight, and it made us uncomfortable, so we left."

Frank mentally noted the information and continued with his questions. "Where were you two when the argument happened?"

Rachel responded, "We distanced ourselves from the fight and sat by the seashore. We didn't want to get involved in their argument."

However, Frank suddenly changed his expression to a more apathetic and calculating one. He took a step back from them, his gaze fixed on the floor before raising it to face Rachel and Max.

"Well, I'll give you another chance, but this time I want you to answer me truthfully," Frank said firmly, making it clear that he wouldn't stop until he got the truth.

Rachel and Max looked at each other with shock and fear. They were clearly bewildered by Frank's sudden change in attitude and his insinuations that he knew more than they were willing to reveal.

"What are you talking about?" Rachel asked, her voice trembling.

Before they could continue, Frank took a step back and urged them to be honest. "I know what really happened that night. I know what you four did. If you want to avoid more trouble, I suggest you tell me the truth. Murdering three people is a serious crime. You have no way out, the police are entering through the back door."

Max, nearly in tears from fear, looked at Rachel, who nodded in confirmation. Frank continued with his questioning.

"Where is the third body?"

Rachel responded with a quivering voice, "We disposed of it with chemicals. There was no other option."

Frank used a lie to make a bold move and said with a brazen voice, "The police are entering through the back door."

This made Max turn around to check, and in that moment, Frank took the opportunity to leave the apartment, causing Rachel and Max to follow him.

Amid the tension in the scene, several police officers yelled at Rachel and Max to drop their weapons. Both obeyed immediately and were handcuffed. Meanwhile, Frank stood to the side, observing the situation with his apathetic expression.

At that moment, Frank handed a recorder to Commissioner Douglas, who looked at him with a mixture of astonishment and respect.

"What is this?" the commissioner asked, taking the recorder from Frank's hands.

"A recording of our conversation in Rachel and Max's apartment. It's always useful to have additional evidence," Frank replied calmly.

Douglas nodded, processing the information. Then he turned to Frank.

"I have to admit, I was skeptical about your plan, Frank. But it worked. You're someone terrifying."

Frank gave a half-smile. "Sometimes, a little theatrics can take us a long way, Commissioner. Now we have Rachel and Max in custody, and hopefully, they'll provide us with the answers we need."

Douglas nodded, and both men headed back to the police station, now with the case almost entirely closed. The plot was unraveling, and the mystery surrounding the deaths of Emily Sinclair and Mike Collins was about to be fully revealed.

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