
The Detective's Unwanted Love Story

"you were a pig this whole time? How could you betray me for so long!!!?" Caleb would yell at Rose.. aka Detective Renee Love as he began to smash things against the floor, glass shattering upon the floor as the mirror within the bedroom is broken. Caleb grabs Rose/Renee by the hair making her come closer to him as he yelled in her face holding her hair tightly and pushing her against the wall pinning her there as he stared at her as a piece of meat filled with rage. "wanna be a pig? Then let me show you how pigs get treated around here" Read on to find out what happens to the Detective

Adrianna_Renee · Teen
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13 Chs

Dancing flames

They kissed so passionately it was hard to tell the hate between the two.

They kissed for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only two minutes. They pulled away and he smirked wickedly. She looked at him and raised a brow, as she noticed what she did and slapped him but not hard. More.. playful.

She backed away and he pushed her to the limo and put his hands on each side of her. So had no way out. He looked down at her.

"If I must say... you are a good kisser... and you look beautiful in that dress, but... I bet you look even more beautiful with it taken off" he smirked and slowly his hands trailed her body. She slapped his hand away.

"You know I cant stand you. You can be a complete asshole.. a monster even, but in the end you have a sweet soft spot." She explained.

"Well.. every beauty needs its beast" he winked causing Rose to blush. She turned away and he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She squirmed.

"What are you doing?!" She raised her voice

"Teaching you a lesson or two" he smirked.

Rose looked confused and she eventually stopped squirming. Caleb laughed as he threw her on the bed.

"You may.. have some power outside but inside.. in here.. I am the master. You understand?" He asked in a demanding serious tone. Rose rolled her eyes which caused her to get slapped but not hard enough to want to cry. She gasp and held her cheek in shock. "Understand!" He yelled making her slowly nod her head.

He smiled "good girl"

Then.. it clicked.. Rose knew what he meant.. the bdsm kink stuff he is into. She mumbled. "Uh well what do you know, I gotta go and I have to pee so.." he grabbed her hand and pushed her to the bed as he then started to bind her hands to the bed. She squirmed and looked at him.

He took off his shirt exposing his extremely ripped body, with a few scars on his back. His muscles had muscles and he flex which made them look bigger. She couldn't deny he was extremely handsome obviously the women are at his feet but she didn't want to be like the rest. She groaned and looked away.

Slowly Caleb started undoing her dress causing her to shiver and squirm which helped it off. She was now half naked. No bra but pasties on. A black thong. He saw her half naked body, which had bullet wounds and scars from her past. He kissed every scar and bullet mark.

She started to get goosebumps.

He then tied her legs to each bed post. Now spread eagle. He admired her beauty. He smiled then it changed to a wicked grin...

Rose looked at him. "You had your fun but now stop" she stuttered as if she was nervous.

He laughed and slowly made his way between her legs as he kissed her legs then thighs up to her womanhood. She tensed up. Caleb started to slide the thong off and he slowly rubbed her clit with his thumb, sending electricity to Rose as it felt amazing to her.. and it showed as she slowly started getting wet. He then stopped and blew hot breath on her clit causing it to throb from his touch. Teasing her. He then inserted a finger and started to eat her pussy out.

Rose arched her back and moaned softly as she loved the feeling. The tingling feeling of pleasure washed over her body, through her pasties, you can tell slightly her nipples were hard.

He started to pick up the speed inserting two fingers and licking her clit aggressively as if he would never get another chance.

Rose moaned loudly and panted softly as she bit her lip from the feelings she was going through. Her body was on fire with pleasure. She moaned then suddenly moaned his name.

Causing Caleb to stop. He smirked slowly fingering her then picking up the speed going so fast he is finger fucking her pussy. Rose squirmed and moaned but soon she squirted and blushed hard. He smiled. And kissed her now sensitive clit. He then walked to a drawer pulling out a vibrator, a ball gag, nipple clamps, and a set of handcuffs made out of rope.

She panted lightly looking defeated but he wasn't done yet. He then laid beside her and kissed her passionately which she slowly kissed back and he put the vibrator on her at the highest speed causing her to moan loudly breaking the kiss and she squirmed around. At that point he got on top and choked her "shut up and take it " he demanded as he glared down at her. She lightly squirmed and small moans escaped her lips. She arched her body up and he stopped as she was about to cum. She twitched her body and looked at him upset he stopped. He took off the pasties and applied the nipple clamps "no your not putting that on m-" she stopped as he shoved the gag into her mouth tying it behind her head. She lightly started to drool. He made sure the nipple claps were not hurting her to where she cries but enough to feel pleasure as if he were pinching her nipples. He groped her beautiful breast which were DD's he could tell and he loved it. He played with them as he leaned down to kiss them, but soon he sucked on one and left a huge hickey.

She made soft muffle moans through the gag.

Caleb got off and took off his pants then his boxers. Rose eyes widen seeing his cock was huge. She thought it had to be at least 8 or 9 inches. She tried closing her legs but she couldn't.

He put a condom on his thick long cock and slowly crawled to her as he untied her hands she looked at him lost in the moment. He then quickly applied the rope handcuffs tightly and turned her body having her face down ass up.

Her arms, hands behind her back and he teased her by slowly moving his cock along her pussy. He then thrusted inside and started slowly then immediately it turned rough. As he thrusted his 8-9 inch cock inside. She moaned loudly in the gag and panted as he then leaned down and put the vibrator under her as it pressed to her clit on the highest speed. He kept thrusting her as he fucked her doggy.

Her breast bouncing up and down, side to side.... jiggling around. Her grabbed her hair and forced her to look up as he pulled her hair and trusted harder making her feel every inch of him. Eventually she squirted due to the vibrator and his cock. She squirmed around and moaned louder and louder each thrust. He built up speed and came inside the condom inside her. He panted and pulled out as he slapped her ass hard. He took off the cum filled condom throwing it in the trash. She fell forward but the vibrator was still on, she whimpered. He chuckled turning it off.

He then untied her hands and legs. He took off the nipple clamps and tossed everything to the floor on the carpet. Rose laid there beaten up.

He smiled and laid beside her cuddling her. She gave into him never experiencing that much pleasure where she couldn't think straight. She gave into him and cuddled close. Eventually they both fell asleep.

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See you next time lovely readers. ~Xoxo ♥️😇