
The Detective's Unwanted Love Story

"you were a pig this whole time? How could you betray me for so long!!!?" Caleb would yell at Rose.. aka Detective Renee Love as he began to smash things against the floor, glass shattering upon the floor as the mirror within the bedroom is broken. Caleb grabs Rose/Renee by the hair making her come closer to him as he yelled in her face holding her hair tightly and pushing her against the wall pinning her there as he stared at her as a piece of meat filled with rage. "wanna be a pig? Then let me show you how pigs get treated around here" Read on to find out what happens to the Detective

Adrianna_Renee · Teen
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13 Chs

Caught in a crossfire

We ducked down as we heard gunshots and it turned out to be that woman who I broke her nose. Miguel grabbed me and ran out fast. She had shot another woman at the bat wearing a black dress. All the guards were tackling her, but as I am walking out, Caleb pulls out a gun & shoots her in the head.

We are out. I catch my breath and head to the truck with him. "Maybe we should've gone to work.." he spoke slowly. I nodded as I can feel my heart beating.

Just then a mafia leader Rick comes out and looks at me. "Are you okay? That woman was targeting you & I saw you break her nose. Nice punch by the way" Rick was dressed in all black with a white tie. He had a scar across his face, he had a buzz cut of hair. He was smoking so his cigarette was at the corner of his mouth as he talked. He was tall, light skin & extremely well built. He did not skip leg day.

Miguel looks at me & then at him. "Look pal, we just want to get out of here, we don't want no trouble, no disrespect. My girl is tired"

I looked at him puzzled but then looked at Rick.

"Well if your girl ever wants to make extra cash, give me a call" he smirked handing a card. "No she wont" he took the card and threw it" Miguel protested.

"Rose get in the truck" Miguel demanded. I slowly back up.

"Let the lady speak" Rick demanded growing annoyed.

Out of no where Caleb comes "look I just took out a crazy bitch, do I gotta take out anymore tonight Troublemakers?" Caleb was pissed and you can tell as the veins on his neck showed.

"No" Rick glared and left with his guards.

I didn't meet his eyes, so I hopped in my truck and took off as Miguel did the same.

Caleb & Rick scolded each other & then watched us leave. But soon Calebs right hand man Nick whispered in his ear and Caleb nodded. Waving his hand & two guards took off.

~No ones p.o.v~

Miguel was on his way home when he noticed he was being followed by a black suv. As he kept looking back, a car crashed into Miguels car & a man came out got in his car, it was Caleb. "You're coming with me" he spoke holding a gun to his head.

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