
The Detective's Unwanted Love Story

"you were a pig this whole time? How could you betray me for so long!!!?" Caleb would yell at Rose.. aka Detective Renee Love as he began to smash things against the floor, glass shattering upon the floor as the mirror within the bedroom is broken. Caleb grabs Rose/Renee by the hair making her come closer to him as he yelled in her face holding her hair tightly and pushing her against the wall pinning her there as he stared at her as a piece of meat filled with rage. "wanna be a pig? Then let me show you how pigs get treated around here" Read on to find out what happens to the Detective

Adrianna_Renee · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Broken flower

Rose was in a room with no windows, a bathroom & a makeup desk. She was laid on a bed still half naked, but covered with a blanket.

Rose woke up suddenly remembering everything she did. She started to cry softly and squeeze a pillow crying into it. She has had to kill people before but never her own friend... this was hard for Rose/Renee to understand. Its all a job and we knew what it could mean.

The door opened.

"My flower, are you hungry?" Caleb spoke softly.

"Leave me alone" Rose cried more into the pillow. "Why don't you just leave me alone! Forget me! I am no one. I am suppose to be at work! People will notice I'm missing and so will people notice about Mig..." Rose stopped herself and held back her tears.

Knowing she is suppose to get him to fall in love, gain his trust & work with him. She felt sudden rage because she killed her friend because of him. The next thing out her mouth was the most terrible idea ever, but she spoke out of rage & hatred.

"If you want me so badly, fight me for me.. If I win you let me go, never come after me, but if you win, I will work for you or be your trophy wife whatever you want. " Rose smirked suddenly having a wicked smile as the tears dried up on her face.

Caleb laughed. "Flower, If I fight you, you have already lost"

"Then you have nothing to worry or lose but to gain?" Rose repeated quickly.

"Very well. Tonight.. in the basement we will have a street match, a fist fight, whoever doesn't get up out of five seconds loses. Flower I don't want to hurt your face." He spoke explaining.

"Funny, I wanna hurt your face" she glared.

Caleb soon left the room to prepare but a maid brought her some clothes. A pair of camouflage leggings & a white tank top as if it were a military outfit.


Rose has prepared all day for this fight. She had punched the air several times, done high and low kicks & sweeps in the air. Shes shuffled around and ducked down dodging fake attacks. She did a small workout of push ups & sit ups. She was determined to win.

A guard came for her and lead her down to the basement were there was a mat on the floor & guards all around. Caleb stood in the center smirking wearing a tank top and shorts, no shoes.

Rose stepped on the mat and looked at him. He nodded. Soon it had begun.

Rose attacked first throwing a punch then a kick as a combo move, caleb dodge the punch but not the kick. Rose then attempted to swing at him and Caleb swiftly moved out the way & grabbed her hair in a ponytail & yanked her to the ground where we repeatedly punched her midsection and he punched her face once. As Rose groaned in pain she slowly rises up to her feet and glares.

She goes for a punch but tricks him and spears him to the wall where she knees his stomach and groin, she headbutts him and backs away. He kneels glaring at her.

"Flower don't make me lose my temper" Caleb snapped and soon speared her to the ground and grabbed her hair throwing her head back and forth onto the mat and he pinned her as he too headbutted her. She coughed blood and groaned struggling to get up. "Get up or be mine" he licked her lips. She struggled so much but she winced in pain as her body ached soon it was too late.. caleb got off of her and smiled down.

"You are mine"

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See you next time lovely readers. ~Xoxo ♥️😇