
The Detective's Unwanted Love Story

"you were a pig this whole time? How could you betray me for so long!!!?" Caleb would yell at Rose.. aka Detective Renee Love as he began to smash things against the floor, glass shattering upon the floor as the mirror within the bedroom is broken. Caleb grabs Rose/Renee by the hair making her come closer to him as he yelled in her face holding her hair tightly and pushing her against the wall pinning her there as he stared at her as a piece of meat filled with rage. "wanna be a pig? Then let me show you how pigs get treated around here" Read on to find out what happens to the Detective

Adrianna_Renee · Teen
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13 Chs

A Fresh Start

I sat there on the bed clueless, as he walks in with a guard holding a folder with my name on it. I raise a brow.

He sits down on the desk/vanity chair. "Well well well... miss Rose Rivera... such a beautiful name.. you work as a nurse & do lots of volunteer work. You were even a marine. How juicy & lucky for me" he closed the folder and smirked eyeing me.

"You kidnapped me to tell me my life story?" I grow annoyed.

"My sweet flower.. I have had many women fall at my feet.. I have everything I could ever want, but an actual woman to have & to hold..." He rises from his chair and comes close to me.

He goes to grab my face but I end up biting him only to get backhanded by him. I groan holding my face "do that again flower, I dare you" his eyes lit with fire.

"You have no right to keep me here. You want a woman to love & to hold, that isn't me. Find some whore to bow to you" speaking harshly he only laughed which sent chills down my spine.

"You are going to keep resisting me aren't you, well tell me flower, what do you want?" He asked as he stood there arms crossed.

"If you want to get to know me or if you want me, you have to actually try to win me over, not kidnap me & force me to love you, you fool" I spoke annoyed. He raised a brow and walked away.

"Let her go, I will find her & win her over" he smirked and a guard came and picked me up and threw me out of the huge million dollar mansion. I sat there upset he literally threw me out but at the same time, I was happy to be free.

Sighing, I walk towards the gates which have yet to open, I groan and push a button on the speaker to tell him to let me go. No answer.

I roll my eyes and climb a tree and get on the gate and slide down landing on my feet. I then begin to jog home down a hill as I see the city in view. I see a taxi & I wave him down and soon I was off to my house downtown. As I was going home I notice the driver was silent and soon he opens the window dividing him from me, "hey beautiful where should I take you" it was him.

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