
The Destruction of the Gate that Sealed Thousands of Monsters

7 witches who desire power and immortality, accidentally open the gate containing thousands of monsters that have been sealed for a long time, through rituals written in ancient books. As a result the monsters come out, terrorize and mess up the human world. Kanigara, (a man accustomed to the unseen since childhood) felt a great aura of evil would threaten the human world, he intended to investigate it.

X1GATSU · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Queen of the seas

"You're finally out too."

After school, she waited at the school gates. He wants to take her to a café to talk about something related to monsters. Kanigara agrees, two of them head to the café.

Arriving at the café, they order a drink and then sit down.

Julia pulls out a green aura from her finger, while asking kanigara.

"Can you see this?" Then kanigara held his head.

"Then what do you know about monsters?"

"From childhood I could see them, I played with them a lot, and made friends."

"I have a best friend named Tigre, a tiger-headed monster"

Julia was in shock, she never imagined humans befriending monsters.

But what makes him more shocked, a monster named Tigre.

Tigre is well known to protector members, as he is one of the founders of protectors.

"How can you be friends with king tigre?" Then he told julia about his childhood.

After answering julia's question, he asked her back.

"How far do you know about monsters?"

Julia told him about the conflict of monsters and humans thousands years ago.

Dominator, Fighter, Protector.

He also explained about the type of aura and its usefulness.

Green Aura = Protects the body from physical attacks.

Red Aura = Strengthens the physique.

Yellow Aura = Heal.

White Aura = Eliminate curses.

Blue Aura = Turns the aura into a thing.

As humans and monster kings form protectors, monster kings share their power with humans in order to survive against dominators.

As a result, humans have power. Their descendants also gained that power. But not all descendants can unleash such power.

Descendants of the protector members who can unleash power, are incorporated into the protector organization.

The protector organization originally aimed to protect mankind from evil monsters.

Unfortunately, many of the descendants can unleash power, they instead use that power for bad things like robbing, killing humans, and forming a mafia. The organization calls them Riot.

Finally now the organization has 2 tasks, protecting humans from monsters and fighting Riot.

"Look at this news"

Julia showed kanigara the smartphone that contained the news.

News of the disappearance of several men in a village.

Julia intends to take the kanigara to check out the village.

"Do you want to come?"

Kanigara, who got the offer, immediately accepted it.

"Okay, I'll take tigre too."

"We're leaving on Saturday" Julia said.