
The Destroyer Curse

Branchtas · War
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25 Chs

Right Or Wrong

..... just in. Stand off between soldiers of the Academy and those of the Resistance commonly referred to as the Rebels. Our correspondent reported that the casualties as regards to death could not be completely quantified. However, two communities with an average population of twelve thousand sadly, were involved in the fray. The World Peace Organization has addressed the populace that such would not repeat itself again. In a briefing by a high ranking officer of the Academy of unknown status, she has assured that it was never a planned attack and that measures would be taken to put an end to the rebels interference in the operations. This would ensure less frequent conflicts between both sides. According to her, it will promote the survival of the 'wanderers' so as for them to enjoy the benefits the Academy can offer. The real reason for the fight remains unknown,but leaders of the Academy assures the press that it was a clash between both parties and The Academy will try her possible best to ensure that this doesn't repeat itself again.

Members of the World Peace Organization say there's an alarming decrease in soil activity, the environment is polluted. At this rate they say, the Earth deterioration takes place faster than it can be restored. That including natural resources....

The broadcasting was cut off as the television displaying the broadcast was shut off.

At the opposite end of the room sat a lady with a television remote controller in her hand. She dropped the remote controller on the glass table directly in front of her and sighed deeply. She had long blue hair that extended below her shoulders. Her eyes gave off a tired look depicting someone who had done a lot of thinking and had come to a conclusion. The look on her face was directly the opposite of that on the face of the man who sat besides her on the triple person chair. The man looked pale but kept a joyful look over face reminiscent of an individual who had lived in a peaceful world which try wasn't.

"These stories again. I bet the correspondent is actually working for the Academy. Don you think so?" the paled face man asked the female besides her.

"No. I don't think so." the addressed replied back. "Understand that the Academy does not control every thing in the world. At least not yet. These guys.." she said referring to the correspondents.

"These guys to put it simply, are completely neutral. They correspond to us not belonging to any side, Academic or Resistance, information. Besides, this is not the only information we've received. What about documentaries. Pacify your grievances.

The paled face man inhaled deeply before stating sharply.

"You make a point. But you forget that there really is nothing more that isn't Academic or Rebel. Don't you see it. They use the threat to human existence as a stepping stone to glory. Sometimes I wonder, have they no fear? It isn't like the Academy or resistance is among us such that those belonging to a side are differentiated by a mark. No. Those of us who still want to unite as one are left with only one option to survive, join one side." The man continued to lament.

"You know, I don't know how those guys tell themselves to sleep at night. I mean the founders of both sides." he finally let out his frustration.

The woman by his side looked at him for a long time. After which, she turned her attention to the table front of her. Then she went ahead picked up a newspaper lying among the several ones on the table. The headline read;



She flipped the pages of the paper and stopped at a certain page, and began to read.

"The Academy's the new beginning." she stated.

"Pretty sure that's not what the first line meant" the man besides her replied. After some time of reading, she looked at the man besides her who was already getting impatient and asked.

"What's your point"

"Glad you asked." the paled man's face suddenly became more paler.

"I've been thinking about what you suggested. And I think that you are right. Jim will have a better future in the Academy than with us. Not with us. Never with us. The Academy can keep him safe. Sure, our funds will be able to grant him a new and good life there.


Low noises could be heard in a room. It was a fairly large one, it was a combination of a sitting room and a bedroom. At the end of the room was a door that led to the bathroom. There was a television in the room, two sofas, a well rugged floor, expensive draperies and curtains. On the large bed was a young teen who sat on it. The lad was Jim.

Strangely, the individual on the bed was obviously sleeping, but kept turning to his sides repeatedly. Eyes shut real tight, fist clenched, Jim kept muttering incoherent sentences until..


The young lad woke up with a start, sweat dropping down his face as his breathing intensified.

"Not again!" Jim muttered. His eyes closed and opened multiple times, before a state of calm came over him.

He turned his eyes to look at the wall clock attached to the wall. It was gifted to him by a school friend, before the world crisis. After the crisis, his parents decided to withdraw him from school as other parents had done their wards. Jim immediately received advanced attention. He had several private tutors and a personal butler who also served the family. Butler Yao Han.

And unlike most of his peers, Jim came from a wealthy family. The crisis wasn't too much of a problem, but himself and his family, were always moving.

Jim got up from the bed, placed all his things in the cabinet by the bed side and made his way over to the wardrobe. He needed to set some things right before the entered the day in full. This was Jim's thought as the opened the wardrobe and chucked off two wrist bands from the anchors in the wardrobe.

"I always thought this looked good on me" Jim reasoned. He wore the wrist bands and secured it firmly on his wrist.

"Just you wait Stupid Han. I'll punch you in the groin this time around."

One notable thing about Jim was that he learned martial arts from no one other than Yao Han. Although Han was calm, he was also very brutal in his training. So Jim thought. Walking over to the mirror Jim contemplated." I need to do something about my hair." He had a curtain type hair which always looked very rough anytime he woke up from sleep. The hair had also grown to a point where Jim was contemplating cutting it or not. However, that was the least of his concerns. A knock was heard on the door.

"Who's there?" Jim asked

"Butler Han " a voice resounded from outside the door.

Jim grudgingly walked to the door and unlocked it to reveal the face of his butler

Butler Yao Han. However, Han refused to say anything until Jim opened the door completely. The door fully opened revealed the masculine stature of his butler. His musculine and well structured body clearly outlined behind his suit.

"What is it?" Jim said

"Your parents wish to see you." Butler Yao Han stated.

"I'll be there in a jiffy. Old man" Jim replied.

Jim intended to slam the door in Butler Yao Han's face but could not see him again. Butler Yao Jan had disappeared as quickly as he came. Jim had an idea of why his parents were seeking his attention.

Months ago, his parents had contemplated sending Jim to be a citizen under the umbrella of one of the most powerful organization on earth, The Academy. The contemplation had been going back and forth. But with the crisis becoming increasingly difficult to deal with, Jim feared sooner or later, he would be sent away. He decided not to waste any more time and attend to his parents.

As he turned to leave the room, his eyes fell on a framed family portrait picture. The picture was dated ten years ago. At this time, the world was in order. Seeing this picture ignited some feelings in his heart and brought back past memories. He turned around and looked at a portrait picture framed to the wall. It was just opposite his bed. It was an beautiful work of art done by a professional artist. It was a picture of the his parents. Underneath the image was written;

Yelena and Wayne

This was the name of his parents. He was the one who suggested the picture be taken and its title. He wanted his parents to appear as one as it was in his heart though he hadn't seen any wedding photographs. It wasn't bad to create one.

As he turned to leave the room, he wondered what life would be like without his parents. No. Never. "He would always be with them." Jim thought.


Jim got to the sitting room to see butler Yao Han attending to his parents. He sat on one of the sofa available, gently massaging his head with his fingers, his eyes feeling weary.

"Jim, are you okay?" His mother's voice resounded.


"Vivid dreams again?" she asked.

"Real vivid this time. I actually thought it was all over this time." Jim replied.

"Don't talk like that son. It's going to be alright. I promise."

His eyes scanned across the room and he noticed something he couldn't help but get angry. He walked over to the table in front of his mother and picked up some papers.

" You still read this?" Jim asked angrily

"Honey" his mother tried to talk. But Jim would have none of that. The headlines read;



"What" Jim exclaimed. "Don't tell me you believe this." His head aching violently.

His father remained silent.

"There's no other way to explain the destruction." his mother tried to pacify him.

"A god ?" Jim said. "That's ridiculous. It's just some make believe story made up by those who are manipulating the situation to suit them. After attacking one another, they blame it on some god."


Six years ago there were disastrous occurrences in the shortest time possible. At this point in time, agitation for the creation of the Academy were already in place. The mass destruction of cities and towns were occurring. Nations went to battle with with one another accusing one another of orchestrating such destruction in their individual countries . The world was a mess. The public was no longer safe and no one was ready to listen to anyone. At the same time, the mass destructions continued. However, something strange happened. World leaders who had refused to each other came together after the revelation of evidences of something or somewhat Supreme being being involved in all the destruction, seeing it was done in a time frame humanly impossible. A truce was declared. But at this time, reconstruction by individual countries could not be possible. However, there were areas less affected by the war. The proposition of the Academy came through and certain areas of the world were segregated for the establishment of the Academy. True to her words, reconstruction was able to be accomplished. Newer and advanced technology were been introduced on a regular basis. However, this reconstruction took places in only areas the Academy declared as under her umbrella. After reconstruction, the Academy refused to return the world to the way it was, instead, she claimed it. With the aid of key world leaders, expansion occurred until the Academy became a stronghold. Shortly after, THE RESISTANCE broke out. With exception of the Academy which now occupies up to half of the World, the world outlook, tells the story of a great war. This Supreme being's last attack was three years ago.


Jim however, refused to believe that but always called it a make believe.

"That's not why you were called" his father finally spoke.

"What's it?" Jim replied.

His father clearly ignored his tone and continued.

"You'll be moving over to the Academy." Without waiting for Jim to interrupt, he continued. "You're not safe here. This isn't the first time we've discussed this. This time, we've come to a conclusion, your mother and I. You'll become a citizen of the Academy. That means you can no longer come back here. That's until you've reached a certain position."

After a long pause, he continued. "Jim, you have to understand that you'll be more safer somewhere else than here with us."

Jim seemed stupefied." What are you saying dad? I can't leave. Do you know anyone there? Do you even know how I feel about this? It's another world entirely." Jim walked back to his sofa dejected and bowed his head soberly. He had elongated the decision making too long. This was the final decision. His mother stood up and walked towards him, but Jim had gotten up before she could reach him and walked to his room angrily.


Several ball like objects of different sizes flashed constantly at an immense rate. The flashing continued until the image started started diminishing.

Without warning, the image kept diminishing until it formed an empty space full of tiny dots.

The same continued until the space separated into twelve spaces separated by rifts.

All these images flashed before two eyes which shone in a place where it seemed darkness was the only source of light. The images before these eyes enlarged and finally stopped at what seemed like a ball with a lush of green before the eyes turned completely purple.

If you do have any thoughts on this work, please comment. Happy reading.

Branchtascreators' thoughts