

"House is like a HEAVEN for everyone" on that night clouds are ro thunders and it was raining. On that time one house at newyork is full of Allah's Mercy and blessings by the born of baby daughter. All family is very happy and get thankful you Allah for blessing of daughter. In this family only two members are live,husband and wife. Husband name was John and wife Martha,As they were blessed with daughter after ten years of marriage so they'r very happy. They named her 'Lucy'.

When Lucy was 4years old,she went to school. Her father give her pick and drop. Lucy got first position in grades. When Lucy was in 8th grade she was 12years old. She looks very pretty. She had brown and golden hairs,white glowing skin,green eyes,and redish pink lips. She was very gorgeous beautiful girl. Her family was very happy.

One evening John and Martha sit in a balcony and talk about lucy that,

J OHN:our daughter is very pretty and all peoples admire her beauty. I have to educate her and become every doctor. I want to saw her successed.

MARTHA:yes, John you are absolutely right. Insha-Allah We Become Her doctor. we do everything for our daughter because we have nothing without her.

JOHN:Hmmm..Martha,when we were no descandant that time i promise God that please give your Mercy. i will give her or him good care and give all Rights to him/her.


"upon this time Lucy come and she made tea for her parents first time. When John saw her with trey of tea he get surprised and go towards Lucy and told her",

JOHN:Ohhh! My dear daughter, why you make tea. If Something Happend to you than what we will do.

LUCY:my dear papa don't worry, nothing will happens to me because you both are with me so,why you get tensed. (She told with jolly mood)

MARTHA:yes my life we all are always with you so, you have no need to do anything.

LUCY:(lovely sound) Taste tea and tell me how I made.

"both took tea And taste it"

John and Martha together: wowww...it's amazing we are very graceful to have it.

"So! Lucy was very happy. At the same time John gave him some money to lucy as a gift For the first time to make such a good tea."

LUCY:Thank you and love you both of you.

JOHN: We Will Go Outside for Dinner to celebrate this moment.

LUCY: (loudly) Ohh yesss..

MARTHA: (Happily smile)

"At night they had dinner in Restaurant and then came back home and slept"

'Next day, Lucy Go To The School and at 2:00 clock comeback home and sleep. It was a very strange and exhausting day. Lucy feel ill so Martha and John also feel ill to see Lucy in this condition because Lucy was the lamp of this house. If she was sick, the whole family would feel sick. like this 3 days passed but today lucy took permission from Matha and John to visit her friends.Marta and John gave her permission to drift off and meet her friends.And then she went to meet her friends.when she came back home she was so happy.''

The next day she was absolutely fine and today was her birthday. Mathta And John arange Party and dressed her like a doll Like her parents' Barbie doll. Jhon Promised Lucy and Martha on the occassion of her birthday that they'll have to go London after Matriculation of Lucy for give her higher education.Recently Lucy passed 9th grade but still result was not announced. Now Lucy is in 10th grade.

lucy was very happy and engoying her own birthday very much.

(But she don't know that today's day will be very hard for her and also for her parents but she was oblivious to the devastation of the day)

Lucy is very happy for her birthday and also for love of her parents. She thought that my parents give me the best momemt of my life so,Why don't I surprise them by taking a gift from my savings.

(Martha and John always arrange birthday party for lucy and celebrate her birthday but this time was quite different because they arrange party on big level with deep hearts feelings,on this occassion all relatives are come to there home and all house is full of guests. So,this moment is highly graceful and happy for Lucy that's why she also wants to give sirprize to her parents)

So Lucy go outside the home for purchasing gift from her savings. She didn't tell anyone for going outside. When she go outside one man saw her with greedy glance because she looks like a barbie doll As well as she is very pretty.Man comes towards her. He looks as he drunk and have disperse hairs with bad face.When the Greedy Man comes towards Lucy,she were scared butvhe delude her with fair speech and ask her where are you go then lucy replied:

Am going to buy gift for my parents then bad man tell her come with me I've a gift shop then lucy without thinking gi with him but she don't know,she's going towards the hell and unfortunately she meets the hell.

Otherside,In the birthday party Martha and John bring cake for cake cutting but they 'r oblivious that Lucy is not here. She wasn't there when they called Lucy Then there was Martha and John got upset and woried and started looking for her but they can't find her and they started acting like crazy.And then Martha faints.But both of them were helpless and started praying to Allah and crying alot.For them today was like the world has ended And have a day of resurrection for them But still they are helpless but not hopeless. THey hoped Lucy would come back and meet him.He called the police but the police not regester their F.I.R because police tell that if one day ang night,she not comeback then we will get action. So,john went senseless This time was like to be altererd from good condition to a bad state. Otherside,At home Martha is suffering from death point.

"Mean-while one night is ended and next morning came but this morning not get the light for this family but still they hope-hope for better,hope for that Lucy will be come back Intact."

Whenever the little sound is lisened to them,they think that Lucy is back but unfortunately she is not.

(Ats Lucy is only descandant of this family and she's also a lamp of her family. So, Martha and John will dead with her,if she will not comeback. Matha John and everyone had only one thought about what happened to Lucy and where did she go and why but they had no answer. Mr. John who had only one dream to make Lucy a doctor And Martha who thought that Lucy will our old age support So what they face in these days,no onecan think or guess there pain. this moment destroyed the heaven of Martha and John. The house which is looks like a heaven for them is demolished.) Ahhh...

Next day police search Lucy but they are failed and today and today is third day that lucy is vanished but they are still finding her but today police came to know about culprit,they know that one man who's name was willian refer one girl that was lucy. Now police are searching for william who kidnapped the lucy but they didn't find him,they were failed to find him.

Now,today is 7th day that lucy was kidnapped and police are failed to finding her. Some how police give answer to John that we are failed to track her but we will try to find Lucy. In real police left this case but John and Martha trying to finding her and do each and eveey efforts for finding her. Today at night police find one corpse behind the bushes and call the John to recognize her. When John reached there and saw this deadbody he was shocked. This was a corpse of Luc,14th year's old Lucy. This tine is everything is useless and ended for Mr.John. This is not only the death of Lucy but it's also the death of her parents too.John started screaming and crying a lot..

When Martha came to know that her daughter is no more and saw her daughter,her life's body which is brimful in blood and her body is covered with shabby dress,she is going to be mad and shouting alottt.

By seeing the condition of dead body just one thing is come into the minds that is she was rapped/molested.

Martha and John were not in their senses.police get her body to laboratory for post mortum in which it is cleared that she was hurrested abused by someone.

It was not only the case of abusement but it was also the death of humanity and destroyment of heaven of her parents. From the report off post mortem, Today is the fifth day since her death but now John and Martha conceal her and also their happiness and smile. This was a Terrifying Moment for Her Parents.

Well,Today is the third day that Jhon and Martha have lost their daughter And today was the day Lucy was waiting for,today board annouced result of 9th grade in which lucy got first position in her division but alasss lucy is not alive to saw her own success. Martha and John cryed very much and miss her daughter and thought that if today lucy is alive then how much she would have been happy . Alasss!she is not.

The death of Lucy is the moment to be exposed ro immenent danger for Martha and John.

By the death of lucy,Martha and John are alone.Now when they both sit together,they gossip with eachother that our daughter is died but she get the pain verymuch.

JOHN told MARTHA that: (crying) Lucy was dead but I wish that she wasn't suffer from this abusement and crying alot.

Martha: (crying) yeah! We just wish that but she waa suffered from it and her muderer and sinner is not arrested.He was openly and freely strolling.

John: yeah! But hiw far he stroll. If I will find him and give him very terifying death and I wish to drink his blood.

Martha: No John it's wrong! Be calm and be patience because if we'll do same as he do then what will be the difference between humanity and brutality.

John: But our lucy (he was crying too much)

Martha: (crying also)