
Update will be next week

Hello guys, I should be updating today but I can't, I have a bad episode of hyper acidity and I have been looking for doctors to do consultations since Wednesday but unfortunately Doctors in Gastrointestinal are already in vacation because of Holy week even now that it is Monday there are no Doctors on duty. I couldn't eat and drink properly because they wouldn't stay down. I called numbers of hospitals and clinics but because it is looooonnnggg holiday so there will be no one to attend consultations. They just advice me to go to the ER but I refused. I already experienced getting sent to the ER because of my hyper acidity they only gave me IV fluids there and inject it with pain reliever and after I was feeling better they sent me home with an advice to seek consultation with the Gastrointestinal.

You might think that at a young age I have been feeling and experiencing a lot and that is because I took my body for granted when I was young. It is common for Asian parents to push their children to be over achiever but in my case it was not, my father doesn't want us to over exert ourselves, the problem was me. I want to achieve high honor so my father (my only parent) can be proud of me. We are not wealthy and my father didn't even finish elementary but he's determined to send us to school so we can get our diplomas and knowing that I don't want to let my father down that's why I did my best in everything.

I don't eat because I was so busy studying which resulted to my hyper acidity now even drinking soft drinks can trigger it.

I drink way too much coffee because I was desperate to stay late for studying to the point not sleeping for 24-38 hours is normal for me. I developed a low tolerance for caffeine because of that and now even half cup of coffee can make my heart palpitate.

My backbone bent because of carrying too much books and school materials and that gave me a levoscoliosis and ow boy the pain it causes me whenever it is cold.

I let my self drown with too much stress, I even disregard my mental health ignoring signs that I should let myself unwind because of my first work and that gave me my Myofascial Pain Syndrome that I still endure even to this day since it was diagnosed in year 2017. Also the stress triggered my anxiety that I got an anxiety disorder and panic disorder because of that. It also triggered my allergy, never knew that I was allergic to milk but with all that had happened before it triggered my allergy to milk which is my favorite drink of all after I couldn't drink coffee anymore.

At my age I avoid a lot of things and I avoid a lot of foods all because I have been very neglectful to my health. I was so busy achieving my goals that it caused me my body and mind. Do I regret it? Yes. If given a chance I will do it differently, achieve my goals without neglecting me.