
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 91: The Abduction - 2

Nigel was just staring at the blank space looking at the white floor of the hospital. He still couldn't process what just happened in the pass hours since they departed the Shun's residence together with Lee's friends, everything happened so fast that he still couldn't understand how the two mere Omegas came out of nowhere and just took all three of them from that place. Though he also helped in getting them out of all the people to help them he would have never had thought that the people who will come to their rescue is Lance's wife whom he just met days ago together with an unknown Omega whom he's seeing for the first time. Nigel looked at Aiden the second son of an infamous business conglomerate Chairman Miller. Chairman Miller openly introduce his son to the public and never did he hide the fact that the second son is an Omega. He shocked everyone when he announced that it will be his second son who will run his business but Nigel never thought that the Omega has skills that he's hiding.

"Hey, why did you come and saved us?" Nigel asked Aiden.

"Are you really asking me that? They took my husband of course I'll come running to his rescue." Aiden answered like it was nothing.

"People like you who are rich usually just waits for calls and give those people some money." Nigel thoughtlessly said out loud that he himself didn't even noticed that he already voiced out his thoughts.

Aiden remembers the time when he was the one who was abducted he somehow wonders if that's the only thing Lance did during that time? If h just wait for a call and when a call of a dead body of a pregnant Omega has been found he just easily believe it. Somehow the thought makes Aiden feel bitter, maybe Nigel is right that most rich people are just waiting for a call, they rely too much to the Police, search and rescue and so on and so fort. Aiden sighed he thought that was all in the past now, he do understand that Lance is no fighter, he might be the most powerful and influential man in their country when it comes to business but outside that he's just a dominant Alpha who knows nothing about fighting. "It doesn't matter cause I'm not like them, I'm no damsel in distress. If my man, my alpha is in danger I will come running." Aiden answered back. "I don't think you should be worrying about me. You should worry about yourself someone is about to get murdered." Aiden said.

"Ai, don't scare him." Nigel looked at the pretty Omega beside Aiden who face him with a warm smile. "Don't worry too much Dexter might look like and act scary but he's the most calm and understanding one here." Chester said trying to assure the man.

"Come on Chess, have you seen Lee? Do you still remember what Dexter did to our husbands all because they got Lee into trouble? Even Lance still sometimes shivers from just remembering that. Do you really think that man can walkout here when Lee is still on that table fighting for his life?" Aiden said.

"I'm just trying to lighten up the mood." Chester said with a little hint of sadness to his voice.

"Chess I know what you are trying to do but if you'll ask me I too feels angry, if only they heed to what Dexter told them then none of these would have happened in the first place."

Nigel was about to open his mouth to explain but a big blow landed to his face which send him flying as he falls back to the floor. Everything happened so fast that he wasn't able to defend himself when the punch was followed by a hard kicked. Then he was held up to his collar only to throw him hard on the floor. With just three hit Nigel felt like he was about to loss his consciousness. He has been to many assignments and got beaten to pulp but not to the point of almost lossing consciousness with just three blow. Nigel felt his side and he winced in pain as he tried to get up only to be sent down facing the floor when his back was hit hard by a down kicked that would pinned him down. Nigel tried to fight off the darkness but he couldn't win as the darkness already engulp him.

Dexter was about to hit the man again even though he's already out in the cold but Aiden and the others stopped him. "Fuck Ai let me go I'm going to kill that bastard!"

"Calm down Dext! You wouldn't want to be a killer, think about Lexter and Lee. If you go to jail none of them will be happy and certainly we as your friend wouldn't be happy." Aiden said as he tries to reason out with a livid Dexter. For years he has known Dexter never once he saw the man got really angry to the point he will loss it. Dexter is always compose and calm which makes him a perfect partner and husband to Lee cause he has a very long patience which can tolerate but now it's like Dexter's patience has been snapped in half and the container of his composure cracked down and released all those angry.

Aiden watched Dexter breathe deep over and over till he held out his hand to say. "I'm ok, I'm ok now. I'm calm." Dexter looked at one of his men and said "Get that thing out of my sight, treat his wounds I will talk to him once he regained consciousness." Then he brought his gazed back to Aiden. "How is he?" Dexter asked.

"It's not looking good Dexter." Aiden said. "Lee lost a lot of blood while we are transporting him, plus the fact that there was no exit wound it really puts him to a tight spot."

Dexter slide down on the wall too the floor. He sit there for a while burying his face to his knees. "Ever since I love him, I did everything I could to take care of him. I'm not even allowing a single mosquito to bite his skin and yet they stuck those bullets to his body." Dexter said with a breaking voice filled with anger and sadness. "If something happens to him....."

Chester hugged Dexter." Nothing will going to happen to him." Dexter hugged Chester back after hearing those words of assurance. Aiden too hugged Dexter. " Yes nothing bad will going to happen to him. Remember Lee is a bad, crazy person who's good in making his friends lives miserable and you know what they say bad people don't die easily." Aiden said which only made Dexter laugh a little.

"Ai, Chess and Dexter!" The three was surprised when someone suddenly screamed their name only to get crushed by Nicolas, Theo and Nash, Drake on the other hand remained standing watching them."

"We came as soon as we heard. How is Lee?" Theo said with tears on his eyes. Dexter understand that the two are literally like best friends and Theo is very close to Lee's heart like it's his own little brother and so as Theo.

"We still yet to hear from the Doctor." Dexter said with a smile, he's trying to put an act of bravery in front of them.

"Dexter you don't need to act like it's ok. Cry if you must." Dexter just let his tears escape and the wives and partners of Lee's friends were all there to support him.

"But I didn't noticed just how much did you change Nash." It was Aiden who noticed.

"Yeah now that I think about it, damn where all those fats went?"

"I worked out." Nash said. "I came here actually to visit Adrian cause Nicolas said that he's also here but when I got here they said that his parents came to discharge him." There was a hint of sadness in Nash's voice.

"Aren't you too still not talking?" Nash just nodded.

"He's just probably too busy. Don't worry he will make time but right now he should focus on recovering."

"And you Nicolas why are you here? Aren't you going to attend to your husband's needs?" Aiden asked.

"My husband ow he didn't sustain any serious injuries so he's fine by himself, I mean it was Derrek and Adrian who were shot but Zee is fine he's just being a little dramatic that's all." Nicolas shrug like it was nothing serious.

"Now I feel pity towards Zee, Nick is being cold." Aiden run towards Lance when he saw him. He inspect Lance like he's some sort of a fragile doll.

"What did the Doctor say? Were you hurt? Are you ok? Are you hurting somewhere?" Aiden has been asking one question after another but Lance remained silent with a smile as he watched the Omega gets worried over him.

"Why are you not talking? Say something?!" Aiden almost shouted.

"I'm fine the Doctor said it was just a little concussion from when they hit my head hard." Lance said.

"Then why are you up now? Shouldn't you be resting?" Aiden asked.

"I like this, you getting worried about me." Lance said.

"Love, if you weren't injured I would probably hit you right here and now. If you like me getting worried about you then it's the opposite for me. I don't like it in a single bit! You and your friends you always like to worry us! Look at Dexter! Do you think that's something to be happy about? You were in a serious situation Lance! If I didn't come they could probably kill you!" Aiden lost it, he knows the fear and feelings that Dexter is going through and if it so happen that it was Lance who got hit by that bullet he too would probably be devastated too.

Lance felt sorry, he felt ashamed to feel happy for a moment when Aiden got worried about him, not to mention when Aiden himself came looking for him. He knew that Aiden is strong now, he first realized it when the incident on the Restaurant happened way back then where they first met Axel but he never thought that the Omega himself will come looking for him to that place. It may unman him to let all the rescuing credit goes to his wife but he's just so happy, he felt proud to have such a reliable wife.

"I'm sorry, I was just so happy to see you come to my rescue." Lance mumbled but Aiden just bury his face to Lance broad chest.

"Just because I'm capable of it doesn't mean you don't have to be careful and take care of yourself. There's a limit to things that I can do Lance. Please don't make me worry like how Dexter is worrying to his husband right now." Lance just hugged Aiden, he felt ashamed to be leaning on to his wife when it comes to things as this. Lance doesn't really fight cause he sees no benefits in learning how to. He won't be using his fist to close deals and making money so he didn't though he knows the basic way of fighting which is with the use of fist and pheromones he is not trained to deal with kidnappers and guns.

Lance sighed as he continues to comfort Aiden who's now crying out of frustration, anger and worry. He now thinks just what kind of things did Aiden do in those 5 years when he's gone to gain such skills. To learn how to fight like that and why did he decided to learn it.

Lance tried to shake his thoughts and just focus in comforting his wife when suddenly a great force pulled him out of nowhere. "You asshole why did you make my beautiful brother cry?!" Lance looked at his brother in law who's still holding the back of his collar.

"Brother in law, George I didn't do anything, I mean my wife cried cause he got so worried about me. I was abducted and he came."

"What?! Ai, you came without discussing this with us first?" George asked.

"G is not like that, time is running and I the abductors are getting a little aggressive. Don't worry we did a clean job." Aiden simply answered like it was just doing simple task in your day to day basis tasks.

"I received a call from you I thought you happen to extend your help from them but I never thought that you came there alone, what were you thinking?" George almost shout. "And you purposely didn't mentioned that your husband was abducted too, cause you know I will get the hint that you went there on your own."

"We're just fine but Lee is in critical condition." Aiden explained everything to his brother, they waited hours and hours till the doctor came in. Dexter quickly stand up.

"Damn! Even if it's urgent please refrain from doing rush decisions. Ai I do understand that you're only worried about your husband's safety but you should also think about your own."

"G this is the reason you had me training this hard so I can't just protect myself but also the people I love and care for." Aiden answeted back refusing to back down from his brother.

George just signed in defeat. "Ok, ok but next time please tell us so we can send help. You're my only brother I don't want to loss my cute Little brother don't I?"

They were in that moment when the doctor who did the operation came out. "Who's the family of the patient?"

"I'm the wife of the patient." Dexter said immidiately. "How's my husband?"

"He's out of the danger now. He's lucky that you were able to run him fast here, if it were just minutes later then we couldn't have saved him. We have to cut part of his spleen as the bullet hit his organ but don't worry your husband will be ok." Dexter felt like all the strength in his body suddenly disappear as his body fall to the ground.

"Go get him a room, he's probably exhausted." George said.


Dexter opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling, he tried remembering what happened that led him to that place and when things came back to his mind he got up and sprinted out of his room.

"Wait Dexter!" Aiden tried to stopped Dexter.

"I need to see him Aiden." Aiden can see the desperation in Dexter's eyes.

"Ok, ok we will see him but eat first and pumped your milk, you're leaking. It probably hurting right now. Your mother in law came and handed this change of clothes and some of your vitamins, and things. I already changed your clothes for you but still you need to take a shower first. This room has its own shower and bathroom. Your mother in law said she'll take care Lexter for the mean time. She also wants to say thank you for protecting her son."

Dexter silently nodded. He took a bath, eat and pumped. Like what Aiden said his breast feels full and swollen maybe because of too much stress and lack of sleep he wasn't able to feel it. He misses Lexter but he couldn't leave Lee here alone. He put the bags of milk he got from himself into the thermal bag which has a temperature set for his milk. One of his staff will take the milk back home for his baby boy Lexter.

Dexter put his breast pads and shirt on before going outside. "Is he awake? I want to speak to him." Dexter said.

"Yes he is." Aiden answered back. "Please don't kill the man." Aiden added.

"I'll try not to." Dexter simply answered.

Nigel looked at the door of his room when he hear someone slide the door open.

"I want to know what happened that night." Nigel looked at the man who asked the question as soon as he got inside the room.

"I didn't know it would be this serious, I was just taunting him cause he always follows what you tells him. So I tried provoking him in defying your instructions." He heard Dexter sighed then laugh.

"Every decision I make has their reasons. I thought you're the agent here?" Dexter asked, Nigel was surprised to know that Dexter knew.

"You knew?" Nigel answered back.

"No I don't know but I never thought you will easily admit, I thought that is confidential?" Dexter said.

"So you didn't know." Nigel said.

"Nope I was just assuming so I asked for a favor of you looking after those crazy guys but I never asked you to make things worse by puting the life of my husband on the line."

"I'm sorry." Nigel said but Dexter only laugh sarcastically.

"Sorry? I don't need your sorry! I need to know why they are in that place?!"

"I see." Nigel took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


15 hours ago.

Nigel doesn't want to baby sit adults, he wonders why he needs to look after men in their 30's and why would Terrence agreed to it just because Dexter did them a favor of letting them stay in his house. He should be looking after Rion or doing some important task and not to look after full grown adults.

"Hey buddy don't be so gloomy." Zeejay put his arms over the man's shoulder.

"Yeah it wasn't that bad to be with us. I mean once in a while we also have our own boys thing away from our wives and significant others you know." Derrek added.

"Hey moved you guys, make some space!" Adrian shouted as he entered.

"Why are we squeezing ourselves in one car again?" Zeejay asked.

"Cause our darlings won't let us be in separate cars remember?" Lance answered.

"Yeah, that's one of their condition." Derrek agreed.

"Then why choose this car?!" Nigel asked.

"Ow cause they are afraid that we might set the bigger car on fire again. My husband said that we tend to think silly things at the back of the car that might cause accidents." Lee who just entered the front seat explained.

"Why are you sitting in there?" Zeejay asked.

"Cause I'll be driving?" Lee answered.

"Lance are you sure you will let this lunatic drive the car?" Adrian asked.

"I lost in rock,paper, scissor so yeah he will drive." Lance explained.

"Rock, paper, scissors? You decided through rock, paper and scissors?" Nigel can't believe what he's hearing and seeing. It's like the moment they entered the car, their personalities turn 180 degrees. From a very respectable gentlemen they became someone who he can't comprehend.

"Don't try to understand buddy, your mind might just give up trying to understand. I have been there and I tried but I failed." Nigel looked at Derrek who pat his shoulder while telling him those things.

"Now let's go to my Vi-cay-shon Howsssuuuu!" Lee screamed as he start the engine. He push the button of his car's retractable roof and before he drives his car Dexter came to send him off.

"Dexy how about giving me a kiss." Lee smiled sweetly like a child waiting to be given a sweet candy.

Dexter smiled at Lee as he bent down to give him a kiss. It was not just a simple kiss but a deep one.

Nigel looked at how the two shared a passionate kiss, for some unknown reason he felt annoyed seeing the two kissing.

"Hey that's enough you two!" Zeejay shouted.

"Do you still want to come or do you want to stay with your Dexy?" Lance asked.

"I thought it's bros before hos? I'm having a hard time dealing with my life here remember?" Adrian added as he jokingly said it.

"Hey, hey watch your mouth Dexy is not my hoe he's my husband." Lee warned.

"Come on now, stop it now guys. Lee honey drive safely ok, be safe." Dexter gave Lee a kiss on his forehead before letting him go. "I love you, behave and don't cause trouble ok?"

"Yes Sir!" Lee said in a salute form before going.

"You need to get used to those two, they are always like that. Ow I'm Derrek by the way and you are?"

"He's our baby sitter." Zeejay answered.

"Yeah the baby sitter, I'm Nigel by the way."

"Since when did we have a baby sitter?" Adrian asked.

"Since we got Dexter pissed off? Remember the salt and book incident?" Lance asked and everyone who heard shrug as the creepy and torturous memory resurfaced.

"You choose, Nigel or a bunch of securities?" Lee asked.

"We are being followed by a bunch of securities as we speak." Adrian said sarcastically.

"It will be worst than that if Nigel is not with us. Anyways they are only five men in one car so it doesn't really sounds that bad. Dexy is just being protective." Lee said trying to find reasonable explanation to Dexter's recent weird actions.

"Dexy is kind of getting creepy don't you think?" Adrian asked.

"Hey Adrian I'm not liking your tone with my husband, it's the second time." Lee said with a sharp gaze on the rear view mirror.

"It's true, Dexter is getting paranoid. It's not like someone will ambush us or something or we will kill anyone when we are drunk." Adrian said.

Lee too is getting weirded out, he's not just telling it cause he trust Dexter but he noticed all the night activities that Dexter is doing, all the purchase things which he doesn't know where is being used at, not to mention when Dexter change all of the glass windows to a bulletproof one but he trust Dexter that he only wants what's best for him and their son. Dexter has never been wrong that's what Lee always tells himself whenever he finds himself questioning Dexter's decisions.

"Dexy is just being over protective, that's all." Lee answered back, it's the only thing he was able to answer cause that's the only thing he tells himself.

Then a loud laugh got their attention. "So you mean to say you always follows what Dexter tells you?" Nigel asked.

"There's nothing wrong in following what my husband wants. We will never have gotten this far if I didn't." Lee said.

"Well it only means you are being a pussy. It's kind of a shame to see a dominant Alpha getting pushover by his own spouse. You're being a pussy you know that?" Nigel said.

"Hey what's your problem?" Zeejay asked.

"Why it's true, he's being a pussy. I bet you wanted to quote that stupid saying Happy wife, Happy life." Nigel continued to laugh.

"Well they are indeed happy so what's wrong about that?" Derrek finay said. "Out of us friends Lee is the only one who didn't do foolish things that he might regret later. He always respects Dexter and prioritizes him which no wonder their life if close to perfect and we all envy him." Derrek added.

"But it still doesn't change the fact that he only blindly follows his husband. Hey have you ever defy him?" Lee remain silent for a moment.

"I never defy Dexter not once." Lee said.

"I heard that Dexter doesn't want you to have this party on your parents vacation home how about turning the wheel around and let's have a blasts in that house." Nigel said.

"Yeah why don't we do that Lee? I mean we always follow what Dexter wants. We can understand if you want to follow him but we are not your husband's partner and you are the only person who's married to him so why should we heed to his words too?" Adrian asked.

"Adrian enough! We will stick to the plan." Lance said.

"I hate to say this but it is so much fun when we have no restrictions I mean the man got a point." Zeejay said agreeing to what Nigel and Adrian said.

"Guys I feel something's bad going to happen if we don't do as what Dexter told us." Derrek said.

"Ow come on you guys don't be a pussy!" Nigel shouted and in that instant Lee turned the car around creating a drift line on the wide road.

"That's what I'm talking about, now I can say you are indeed not a pussy!" Nigel said.

"I'm not a pussy I'm just doing what you want so you three can shut the fuck up and stop talking shit to my husband."

The vacation house was massive and yet simple. It doesn't have high walls nor high security. The guys settled for a bit before they decided to take the party on the patio. Lee started the fire on the grill and Lance too out all the marinated meat and fish that Dexter and Aiden prepared, then after that they started their own thing as they drink on their can beers.

"So what's the problem now Adrian? Nash is getting worried, you are not showing yourself to him.' Lee asked.

"Mom is keeping a close eye on me. She wanted me to marry that daughter of that man who owns the oil production in that country from overseas. I kept telling her no but she already know about my relationship with Nash. She threatened to make his and my life miserable." Adrian begin.

"Man what are you really scared of? Are you scared of Nash getting hurt or are you scared of having your life miserable?" Zeejay asked. "Cause it seems to me that you are just afraid of loosing all the things you are enjoying right now more than loosing Nash."

"I'm not like you ok? I don't have an established career the only thing I have is the company and my job." Adrian said.

"Adrian you are lucky to have a second chance with Nash, not everyone gets to have that. Are you afraid of living as a poor just because you choose love over your family's wealth?" Lance.asked.

"You only get to say that cause your family supports your relationship with Liam back then and with Aiden now. You don't know how hard it is to have your parents opposed in you loving that person who you want in your life."

"I gave up my family for Nicolas and believe me I never felt so alive than that day when I let them go." Zeejay said.

"Don't wait for Nash to run away again and make up his mind not to accept you." Zeejay added.

"Just because you marked him already doesn't mean he can't go living without you. Believe me Omegas are so much stubborn than what you think." Lance added.

"They are hard to persuade." Zeejay said after Lance.

"Adrian which scenario do you think you can live? a situation where you have power, wealth a d status but without Nash in the picture or the situation where you have nothing but Nash himself." Adrian fell in a long silence.

"You guys always tells me that I'm lucky to have an easily life, my parents approved my relationship with Dexy even when we were just dating even after knowing the fact that we won't be able to produce a child and a heir to the company cause we all know during that time that Theo wants to hide the fact that he's alive from my brother and our family. You said that even it was close to impossible we still manage to have our own baby and that I was there to see and take care of Dexy when his carrying our baby to the time when he gave birth...." Lee was silent for a minute.

"But if I will be put in your shoes and was asked the same question I will answer you without batting an eye that I will choose Dexy. The moment I saw Dexy I know he's the one so why should I let go the person who's for me, the person who can make my life whole, my other half and my love..... Now Adrian I hope you can make the right decisions cause your future and happiness is what at stake to your present decision makings."

The guys tried to give Adrian advices and later on they are already in their own weird games, where they play guessing of the songs using the animal sounds. The boys were divided to a two groups. The group of the Hot Daddies and the group of the Hot buddies

"Fuck you don't have any originality in you, you are clearly imitating our group name!" Lee shouted.

"Why we are also hot? Besides do you even own the word Hot?" Adrian answered sarcastically.

Lee was the first one to pick and the first one to make the gesture. He took a piece of paper inside the bowl located on the right side and showed what he got. "So you're a dog right now." Nigel said

Then Lee pick another piece of paper on the bowl located on his left side. This time he didn't show it to his friends. Lee make a four sign.

"4 words." Lance answered. Then Lee nodded after that he start singing using the dog sound which is barking. "Awrf awrf aaaaaaaawwrrrrrrfffff awww aw aw aw aw aw aw aw." Lance eye brows is frowning as he tried to understand the sound of the song.

"I want to run to you?" Zeejay answered but was answered back by a hit from Lance.

"He said four words not six!" Lance begin to think. "I know! To love you more!" Lance answered but Lee shook his head no and then tried again.

They tried to guess a couple of times but failed. "It's Thanks for the memories you fuckers why are you giving me songs From Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill?! I lost my voice barking like there's no tomorrow."

"We thought you are trying to hit high notes with the use of barking." Zeejay said.

"Were you also perhaps think the same thing too?" Lee asked but Lance nodded in response