
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 19: The Ups and Downs

Dexter felt bored being left alone inside the huge unit where the two are living in. He got up to check the fridge for any food to eat. "I never thought being pregnant can make you eat like you haven't eaten for days." He checks for anything he can find tasteful but didn't find one to his liking. Dexter was still thinking when his phone ring. He took it out of his shorts pocket and press the answer call with the thought that it was Lee.

"Dext....." Dexter pause from rummaging the fridge to look who the caller is. After verifying he placed it again to his ear.

"Maica? Why did you call?" Dexter asked.

"I was just wondering if you have some time to spare?" Dexter can hear a hint of sadness to her tone. 'Mai, did something happen?" Even though the two have been apart for years it doesn't erased the fact that they pretty much know each other like the back of their hands.

Dexter waited for an answer but a minute pass and no answer came. "I'll put you on hold for a minute or two but don't hang up I'll get back to you soon. It will be real quick." Dexter put the woman on hold and dial Lee's number. (Dexy! Why did my Honey called. Did you miss me?) Dexter rolled his eyes and ignore the laters question.

"Lee honey listen I'll be going out for a while. I will meet up with Maica, she sounded like she was troubled, like she has a huge problem. Don't worry I won't stay late. I'll be home early promise." Dexter said in one go. He was hoping real hard for Lee to give him permission that's why when Lee became silent it made him very nervous thinking that the Alpha won't allow him.

(You can go now but just let at least Charles and Harvey to tag along with you so I won't worry. I'll just tell them to track you. Drive safely.) It was a surprise that Lee actually allowed him to spend time with his friend.

"You're not sulking nor angry are you?"

(I'm not angry but sulking maybe a little actually not a little.) He can heart the truthfulness and sadness to his tone.

"Then why did you agree with me meeting her?"

(I know you don't really have friends. You just stayed there beside me with no questions asked. I even know that you stopped making friends with guys because you always thinks about me. I'm happy really cause you have been giving me all the security I needed but I can't keep you hidden forever from others specially if they are your friends. I can be very selfish of you to other but not to your friends.) Dexter hear Lee blow a breath before he continued with what he was saying. (Even though I'm jealous as fuck right now I'm still trying my best to think rationally. I can't keep you away from your friends just like how you give me time to be with mine. You also need to surround yourself with other people not just me.) Dexter smile hearing those things that Lee just said. He never thought that he could hear those mature things from his overly possessive and protective soon to be husband.

"Looks like my Lee is growing up now."

(Dexy did you just laughed at me. Fuck this is so uncool and embarrassing.)

"I don't think that's uncool. I think that's so hot hearing you say those things to me. Pity I couldn't see the face that you're making when you say it."

(Just don't fall for other people, love only me, need only me.)

"Yep you really are indeed possessive but I still love you, even your possessiveness. It always gives me assurance just how much you love me. Don't worry the only person I'm head over heals in love with right now and in the future will be just you. May not be as sweet ard showy as you are but know this you are my life and world Lee, I love you that much."

(You should go now. I don't want you going home late.)

"Why are you changing the topic? Did I make you blush just now?" Lee went silent on the other line that confirms Dexter's suspicion. "Ok, ok I'll go now my Dear husband to be. I love you." Dexter said playfully, he heard Lee cough after he said that.

(Damn it hearing you call me husband is much better than my imagination.) Lee cussed under his breath.

"So what kind of situation were you imagining me calling you my husband?" Dexter asked teasing the Alpha.

(Fuck! Dexy don't asked me things like that you will going to give me a boner.) Lee whispered yell. (I'm still in the middle of a meeting right now I just excused myself cause you were calling.)

"Fuck you didn't even told me about that. Fuck that was embarrassing and you you should have excused yourself first."

(Why? They can't hear you so it's ok.) Let retorted.

"It's still embarrassing. You just told me those cheesy sweet stuff, they must have heard it too."

(It's ok, I won't feel embarrass to tell to shout how much I love you.)

"Fuck!" Dexter felt like his head is about to pop because of too much mix feelings that's flowing inside of him that only Lee can make him feel.

(Did I just make my Dexy blush?) Lee laugh.

"Lee shut up! They will hear you."

(Dexy can you call me hubby next time?) Lee asked.

"I have to go I love you bye." Dexter didn't answer the question and ended the phone call. "Fuck! That mother fucking shameless bastard. His shamelessness doesn't know how to choose the right place at the right time Fuck! No don't worry no one knows about you so it's ok Fuck but that's still embarrassing...." Dexter seated at the island counter he burry his face on his arms that are resting on the island counter. "And cheesy at the same," He place his left hand on top of his belly. "Baby I guess we have to get used to your father's weird way of showing us how he loves us. It's really embarrassing though." Dexter laugh by himself he then jolted as if he remember something.

"Fuck Maica I put her on hold for too long because of Lee." Dexter looked at his phone and saw that Maica is still on the other line waiting.


Theo walked in the kitchen and saw Teakyun making lunch for them. It was not a surprise to him seeing the man doing stuff like that cause the moment he start living with them he begin to do things not just for him but to all of them. He cooked, clean and even do the groceries for them and just like that they instantly had a nanny to do all the house choirs for them. Looking at the back of the man who is so busy with what he was doing, Theo thought that time will come where he will see Teakyun do all those things that the Alpha always tells him quote and quote "Jobs that are only for those who are below them." He never thought that he will see the great Shun, Teakyun eat his own words and actually do the things he promised not to do because of his high status but he must admit the Alpha really is great even though he never done those things in his life Teakyun seems to be doing it so well without sweat. The thing he admire Teakyun the most is the fact the man can easily cope and adjust to difficult situation making him the rightful successor to his father's Company luckily Lee is not the kind of person who has any interest in running the business. Theo was still thinking various of things when Teakyun turn his head to look at him.

"I'll be done in a minute, Just wait at the table." Teakyun happily told him but Theo didn't move from where he's standing.

"You don't really need to do all these. It doesn't suit a person like you, you know that right?" Teakyun stop for a while but proceed with what he's doing.

"I want to serve you, if you permit I would gladly serve you for the rest of my life things I didn't even think when I had you. I learned that from Lee, my brother is not afraid of being branded as someone who is under Dexter he actually boasting it to everyone saying he won't mind being a slave for him if that will make Dexter love him all his life. He's not afraid of tossing his Alpha pride just to show how much he loves him and doing things that will prove it. Who would have thought that play boy will going to hit it hard with an Alpha like Dexter." Teakyun laughed. "I wish I had learned it from him sooner maybe I wouldn't have been such a jerk back then."

"It doesn't matter dwelling on the past. What's done is done and there's nothing we can do to change what happened." Theo said, he doesn't want to sound bitter by stating the fact but there's really no way in putting it to a nice words.

"But we can still make the present right to have a better future." Teakyun answered.

"That depends whether the person involve still wants a future with you." Theo answered back and left without saying anything. He know he sounded harsh but he doesn't want to give him false hopes. He agreed to this arrangement cause he knows just how stubborn his husband can be. Even those times when he was struggling to trust Alphas other than his friends, Teakyun stubbornly pushed his way to his heart though that time he knows that he was already in love with the Alpha but situation they have now is different cause he knows that he no longer harbors the same feelings as before but was that really the case?

Theo's words cut through him and hurt him like never before. He tried to shrugged off the heavy feeling whispering to himself. "It was nothing compared to the pain you cause him." He wanted to be positive as much as possible. He doesn't want to give up and believes that if the tried maybe one day he could melt the ice which covers the wounded heart of his wife.

Teakyun prepared all the food he cooked and one by one placed it on the table. "That looks delicious uncle Theo's husband sure knows how to cook it even taste so much better than what the rest of you makes!"

"Ex-husband kiddo. Don't talk too much just eat and there's a place that we still have to go." Theo corrected Zai.

"We still married so technically by law you are still my wife." Teakyun corrected Theo. He doesn't want to hear Theo saying those words even though in reality they are technically separated, their marriage is crumbling and beyond salvation and the only thing that's keeping their marriage is the fact that he still hopes for miracle to happen.

Zai who can feel the awkwardness suddenly change the topic by acting all excited. "Ow right uncle Teakyun promise to bring us to an amusement park."

"Yeah so you should eat fast." Theo said focusing all his attention to Zai and not even minding about what Teakyun said like he never even heard a bit of it.

Teakyun just focus on the food he was eating. He can't let all those negativities demotivate him.


Dexter arrived at the Restaurant where he saw his best friend. The woman wave her hand at him the moment she seen him. He looked at the food on the table he immidiately salivate at the enticing sight of different variations of them as if they are inviting him to put them all one by one to his mouth. He gulp the saliva that is building in, forcing himself not to give in to the devilish temptation in front of him. He has been eating none stop, he wanted to have their own child but becoming a big fat Dexter is not part of that plan, he like his fit and sexy Dexter version and if he continues to give in then he need to say goodbye to his masculine figure. Maica noticed the questioning look he gave her. "I asked Lee to the kinds of food you have been craving lately and he told me that you have been eating a lot of sandwiches lately."

"Take them all away. I already ate so I'm good. Just get them off the table." Dexter said.

"But Lee said you liked them." Maica insisted.

"Since when the two of you have been this close to even communicate with each other?" Dexter was surprised to know that Lee would even go to the extent of exchanging messages to the Omega just so he won't be torn between the two.

"Since you introduce me to him. That fiance' of yours is overly protective. He's even willing to make friends with me cause he says I'm your friend and so he could keep a close eye on me. That's a good thing though, not everyone will exert that kind of effort just to please their partner." Maica commented.

Dexter suddenly felt very lucky to have found Lee who is always willing to give up his pride just so he could be happy. That's why he doesn't mind him being childish and immature. What other people fail to see is the pure kindness and ability to understand everything that he has behind that playful attitude that he has.

"My husband doesn't even want to meet my other Omega friends. He says he shouldn't deal with the like of them. Calvin was not like that before. You know him, but when things starting to get good with the business he started to change. He is more busy to the point he no longer goes home for a week."

"So that explains why you are sad. So what did Calvin do this time?" Dexter asked.

"He didn't went home for our Anniversary. He didn't even remember his promise. Till now he's still on that trip he says I don't even know if that's true."

Dexter unconsciously grab one of the sandwiches on the table put it in his mouth and take a bite. While chewing he gave his friend a piece of his mind. "Mai, I chent tyell you wut tsu ju."

"What?" Maica can't understand a word that Dexter just said. Dexter stop and looked at the sandwich on his hand with a bite bite on it.

"Fuck! This is a cursed!" Dexter quickly put the sandwich back. "Damn it! Fuck why do I eat like I haven't eaten in a week?" Dexter asked himself.

"Maybe is because you are eating for two?" Dexter looked at Maica.

"But damn it I can't continue to be like this or I'll get fat!" Dexter exasperatingly complain.

"Since when did you care about your figure? You told me before you are born with a natural body as that."

"Of course I care! Have you seen Lee?" Maica nodded.

"I'm not showing it but I'm a very jealous and territorial kind of man Mai. I don't want people ogling their eyes on him. That man is an epitome of a Greek Mythology God. He may act crazy and retarded but it doesn't mask just how good looking he is.."

"So?" Maica asked.

"What do you mean so? If I became fat as a pig I won't be attractive. I might loss him and I don't want that to happen. Even I do feel insecure - He's just too handsome! Lucky for those who have been blessed with good genes."

"But you're handsome too." Maica commented.

"I know is just I don't want to be complacent. I can't afford to loss him. I love him too much." Maica hold his hand.

"You two are going to have a baby and you are about to get married to him. You have been together for five years and in that period he never change. What else could you be afraid of. He loves you just the way you are and as far as I can see that man will kill if someone will take you away from him."

"I don't know. I'm not usually like this thinking things too much. Lately I've been getting too emotional it's I'm happy then the next thing I know I'm sad then worry." Dexter disclose the emotional distress that he has been feeling lately.

"It's because of your pregnancy. People who are expecting tends to get emotional unstable because of the hormones released to their body." How come you know a lot about this? Dexter asked grabbing the sandwich again.

"Because I have been wanting to have a Baby but Cal said that we can't not for now. There are still a lot of things that he needs to do and a baby will only going to get in our way."

"That's a harsh thing to say. If Lee would say that to me I will surely going to beat him." Maica smiled seeing Dexter finished the whole sandwich without even noticing it.

"You should eat don't force yourself not to. Lee won't probably leave you just because you gained a little weight. You are just being a little emotional because of pregnancy."

"Yeah you're right." Dexter agree grabbing the next sandwich he the he see.

"Maica?" The two looked at the person who called the woman.

"I never thought I'll see you here so where is that hot husband of yours?" Dexter saw the woman laugh sarcastically and so as the two others behind her. Then the woman noticed him.

"Who do we have here. Hi handsome I'm Claire." Claire gave her hand to Dexter. Dexter smiled bitterly at her. "Sorry someone will definitely going to be jealous if I accept your hand."

"Pity, so Maica who's your date? Won't Calvin mind you going our with this hottie over here?" The woman who's name Claire asked. Maica didn't say anything. "I don't think Calvin would mind though he's with Janine after all. I mean no offense meant but shouldn't be you that Calvin brought on that business trip not my Sister? But I couldn't blame him for doing that cause looked at you just an Omega who couldn't even help his husband to his business. Good thing he has my sister as his business partner and advisor."

Dexter stand up. "Mai let's go, the atmosphere here suddenly got bad. I don't feel like staying here any longer."

"Hey where are you two going? I'm not done here." Dexter didn't mind her and just went on till he felt someone grab him by his arm. He looked to see who it was and saw a man he's probably with them a boyfriend of one of those ladies who are standing behind. "Bro don't turn your back on the lady that's talking that's really a bad habit." The man said in a menacing tone. Maybe if it where those times that he was not expecting he would probably held the man by his collar but right now his baby's safety is what's more important than his pride. So Dexter just called one of those boys. He's sure that those two are just around.

"Charles!" Dexter shouted. Then the man swiftly grab the hand that was holding Dexter, pulled it behind the man's back, twist it and hit the back of the man's knees by his legs to bring the man to the ground and pinned him there.

Dexter squat to look at the man closely who is now wincing in pain. "You see it's bad to stop the person who wants to leave and it's bad to ask for a fight you don't even know." Dexter got up. "Next time know the person you are dealing with. Charles teach that man a lesson just be lenient on him."

"But the boss says not to leave you alone." Charles argue still not letting the man go.

"Finish that quickly then after that follow me. I have Harvey with me I'm sure he will be enough." Dexter assured.

"You know how crazy Lee is." Charles sighed.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him so do as I say. I'm extra piss today." Charles can't do anything but obey as long as Dexter will cover for him then that would be enough.


It was already afternoon when they arrived at the amusement park. It was Teakyun's first time to be in one. He looked at his surroundings and saw a lot of people in the park. The place is filled with different colors that makes it lively, the souvenir stores, people's laughter, loud mechanical sounds produce by the machines that facilitates the movements of the rides.

"That look more intense than what we tried before." Zai commented.

Teakyun looked at the kid. "You have been to one before?" Teakyun asked.

"Yeah, Me, Mom and Uncle Theo always go to different amusement parks. Although Uncle Theo isn't allowed to extreme rides for some reason he wants to go here." Teakyun just nodded. He can understand the part why Theo can't get on with the extreme rides but the reason why the Omega wanted to go here is a puzzle to him. All five of them start walking when they met Zeejay and Derek inside. Zeejay was wearing a black Bonet, shades and a black mask so others won't noticed him.

"Ow what a coincidence, I never thought we will meet you guys here." Nicolas happy and excited face turned sour.

"I thought you already rot in Jail. I guess even the police men can be fooled by cunning monkeys like you." Zai commented.

"What did you say?" Zeejay pointed at Zai.

"I thought you already rot in Jail. I guess even the police men can be fooled by cunning monkeys like you." Zai repeat.


"I thought you already rot in Jail. I guess even the police men can be fooled by cunning monkeys like you." Zai repeat again.

"Fuck that's not what I mean." Zeejay asked frustratingly thinking that the kid will be the death of him.

"You asked me what I said. I just simple answer your question stupid." Zai snorted.

"Stop me or I'll really going to kill that brat." Zeejay scream.

"Whatever we all know that you can't do that. You have a precious name you care about. You will not going to tarnish it with a kid like me." Zai said to him, for that moment Zeejay felt like the kid has another meaning behind those words than what was said.

"Guys let's go so we could ride lots of them."

Zeejay and Derek tag along with the group. He walked beside Nicolas while Derek walked beside Drake who is trying to stay far from him.

"Nick this weekend I was wondering if you would want to watch movies with me?" Zeejay asked.

"He doesn't like movies." Zai asked. Nicolas smile inwardly at how his son always blocks his father's attempts.

"But off kid you know nothing about him. Nick love to watch movies." It's true that he used to loved watching movies that he always invite the Alpha to go to a movie house with him but never once Zeejay granted it. So ever since he left the man that's also the moment he lost interest in watching any of them. Movies just reminds him about Zeejay that he wanted so bad to forget.

"That was before, now he doesn't take any interest in any movies." Zai answered. "We should go there first. Zeejay looked at the Direction to where Zai is pointing and saw a long and high rail tracks that goes in all directions, He gulp out of nervousness when the cart train move to that twisting manner he felt like his stomach suddenly turned up side down.

"Hahahahaha kid your getting way too excited why don't we try....."Zeejay looked at the rides that he thinks they can ride without problem. "That one!"

Zai was frowning as he looks at him. "You're joking right?

"No! Do I looked like I'm joking to you?"

"Damn this man is a Pussy." Zai looked at his Mother.

"Seriously you fell for this gutless weakling?" Nicolas just shrugged. "Tea cup ride that is for toddlers, that's where he wanted us to go." Zai just rolled his eyes and looked at Zeejay. "If you don't want to go then stay here." Zeejay walk first leaving them behind. Nicolas just follow his son.

"What's with that kid?" Zeejay asked. "You heard him, He hates pussies and gutless weaklings" Nicolas said. "If you don't want to come you can ride that teacup." Nicolas left Zeejay.

"Hey wait for me don't leave me I'm going with you."

All five of them waited in line. Everytime Zeejay can hear the scream his heart pounds faster. "Zee is this really good idea. This thing looks dangerous." Derek whispered to Zeejay.."I know that's why earlier I tried to stop it but these masochist here doesn't want to listen to me. For now we need to endure. I just messaged the love guru and he says that it's all part of the process. Riding those hellish rides and enduring the screams of terror are parts of the process to reach an everlasting love. We need to persevere!"

"Is your source can be trusted?" Derek asked.

"Yes of course so for now we need to persevere." It didn't took long for them before their turn. It was a 3 seater roller coaster so Zai immidiately went to the front seat on the left, Nicolas seated next to his son. Drake plans to sit next to Nicolas but Zeejay trip him and sit next to Nicolas instead. Drake who doesn't want to make a scene just sit behind them beside Derek. Teakyun and Theo didn't came. Theo is not allowed to extreme rides and it's enough for him to just watch them and since Theo didn't took the ride Teakyun just stayed behind to be with Theo.

When the cart start moving Zeejay start saying prayers. It start moving slowly till it ascends slowly till it reaches the peak. Zeejay looked down and see how high they are and how steep is the sloped. "NNNNNick? DDDDDont Beeee Afraid. JJJJJust HHhhhold my HHHHHand." Zeejay said, he followed the instructions of the love guru word by words but he just can't hide the fear and nervousness on his voice that is trembling. He tried to look at Nick who is complete opposite of him. The Omega looks calm like the ride it's not something that can cause them death.

"What?" Nick asked? "You afraid?" Zai take a peek at him and mouthed "P-U-S-S-Y"

"Fuck!" In an instant the fear that was overcoming him was replaced by annoyance cause by that kid Zai. "Once I get out of here I'm going to show you who's Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-------Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk!"

Zeejay who was caught off guard screamed like a girl who was getting butcher by a serial killer.

"MOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYY" Scream by Derek who's voice is almost the same as Zeejay.

When the ride was done Zeejay no longer have the strength to even stand up. like it seems life has left his body. Nicolas and other stuff helped him to stand up. Zai suggested to just leave his father there. When Nicolas looked at the next seat he saw Drake put Derek on his back. It seems the Alpha lost consciousness because of too much fear.

Zai clicked his tongue after seeing the two Alphas. "So weak."

"Looks like it's their turn now." Theo said smiling as he watched them from afar. Teakyun looked at the beautiful smiling face of Theo that radiates at the light of setting of the sun. He never thought that Theo could look as beautiful and peaceful as this far from the last time he saw him. Teakyun felt bitter about himself, he wish he can go back in time but his regret won't change anything. The only thing he can do now is make up for everything he took for granted in the past by doing the right thing in this present.

"You really are so beautiful." Teakyun says out loud what he thought. The smile on Theo's face suddenly disappear. Then he looked at him with that awkward smile. "Let's go buy them something to drink I'm sure your friends will need refreshments.," Theo said trying to divert the subject. The two went into a lemonade stand. Both are waiting in line when a woman approach them. She looks stunning with her fitted low hip jeans and crop top spaghetti top flaunting her gifted front, slim waist and curvy hips. All men who sees her drools at her sight that even him couldn't help but be amaze of just how gorgeous the woman is. "I been looking at you since earlier and you happen to be my type so can I ask for your number and name?"

Theo just looked away. That kind of scene is not new to him. For years he has been with Teakyun a lot of times that same thing happened before. Someone that is stunning and beautiful will approach them only to ask for Teakyun's contacts that the Alpha always gladly gives to them.

"I'm sorry I can't. My wife will be angry if I give to anyone my contact number." Theo felt his heart beat fast when he heard Teakyun turned down the woman he even told her that he's married. He was still thinking when. he felt Teakyun's hand on around his shoulder. "He is my wife." Theo can see how the woman eye him from head to toe.

"It's not a joke right? Is he an Omega?" What the woman said made Theo angry. "I'm an Omega so what's of it? I'm his wife so what's of it? I'm marked by him so what's of it? You have no rights to question all that. If he choose me to be his wife then that's not my problem so don't dart that dirty pheromones of yours to me." Theo rolled his eyes and gave his wallet to Teakyun. "Here go buy those lemonades."

Theo's reaction made Teakyun smile. He thought at least the Omega starts to care a little about him. "My wife got jealous. So please stay away from me."

They rode different rides after that till evening came. The five rode another extreme ride. Even though Zeejay and Derek doesn't want to ride anymore they have not choice but to force their selves to cause they don't want to leave those two alone.

Teakyun saw the Ferris Wheel he thought that it will be safe for the Omega to ride that one so he asked Theo and felt very glad when. the Omega didn't refuse him. As soon as the cart ascends Theo seated just across Teakyun's seat. He looked at the seen outside the glass walls of the cart that is slowly ascending till they are almost on top.

It was a quiet night up there far from the noise of the world down there. Theo looked at the tiny lights of the houses below that seems like million stars in the sky only that he was looking below. As the ferris wheel ascends the more the lights becomes little. With a sad smile in his face he looked at the man he used to love.

"Thank you for all the effort in taking me here. I had fun, I would have been so happy if you took me here when I asked you 7 years ago. Though I'm happy right now, I can't help but think that no matter where I go there will be reminders of our past. I deeply appreciate all your effort but the more I get reminded the more it's clearer to me that what he had was just all in the past now." Theo looked at the scenery outside the glass walls of the cart they are in.

"I can't erase what I've done but I want to make a new memories with you. One that won't reminded you of the pain I've caused you." Theo was still looking outside, he stayed in that position not saying anything.

"I want to prove my love to you again. I want us to start over and this time I won't fuck up. I will love you for the rest of my life and I will make sure you will feel it. You won't have to beg for my attention again cause this time I will do the begging... So please.....please... look at me again."

Theo felt hurt seeing Teakyun begs for him. "You promise me that before. You told me that you will only love me for the rest of your life, that you will have no one but me. that you will shout it to the world. I believe in all your promises cause it's you who made them but they were all just a wishful thinking. A person like you won't shout to the world that you are married to an Omega, a dirty Omega like me. That's the first promise that you broke to me. Second you had an affair with a lot of people; I'm so madly in love with you that I made a lot of excuses just to justify your actions but the fact will still remain that you have broken your promise once again and lastly you told me that you will love me for the rest of my life. You only love me for a brief moment it stopped when you found out about my passed and made me the target of your anger, you beat and hurt me in more ways that one." Teakyun remained silent he knows that what Theo said are all true.

"Tea promises are easy to say, easy to give but hard to fulfill. I learned that just because someone promise you doesn't mean they have to fulfill it. I hold on to those promises thinking maybe, just maybe you will fulfill them but it's too late now to even try to fulfill them and our ride is also done." Theo stands up to get out of the cart while Teakyun was left there alone.

To be continued...


Sneak Peek of Chapter 20

"Fuck you Lee!" Zeejay grab Lee by his collar.

"You are very much welcome. Happy to serve."

"Fuck you moron I'm not saying thank you you fucker. You told me it will be a place to that I can do all my moves to make him fall for me! How can I make any moves if all I did was to puke my guts! Ha?! You tell me? Nothing is so amusing with that fucking Amusement park. It's a dungeon of hell! Fuck I still feel dizzy because of riding to much of those hellish rides. Derek is still bed ridden till now his mother even brought his to the hospital because of what happened. The man can't barely stand."