
Chapter 129: The Honeymoon

Hi beautiful people!!!! I'm back!!!

I hope you guys miss me because I do miss all of you. Sorry for the late upload, something important came up to my schedule yesterday. I went to visit a friend of mine who's like a sister to me. She's very sad and emotional so I went to see her to support her. (Please if you have friends that are emotionally drained or has been going through something rough, please please please lend them some of your time, ears and shoulders to cry on, it will help them a lot.) So yeah I didn't mean to stay up late and so I ended up sleeping at their house. Yeah it was a rough day, so I just got home. Anyways I'll be uploading first the first 3 chapters and to follow the additional two

Chapters. I'm sorry I have to re read the story again the other day to make sure that the updates are aligned and on track with the story, because I have left this story for so long. I'll be uploading the additional two chapters on Tuesday, I'll just edit it and will make it a longer chapter because there are things I want to add up with the update.

Thank you all for patiently waiting so here it is!!!!

Happy Reading everyone :) !!!


Axel looked at him for a couple of minutes without breaking his gaze to Jeffrey. "You really are selfish aren't you." Axel whispered then he turned his back to him.

"I am Axel, you know what Axel it really buffers me why you still care about me after all the things I have done to you." Jeffrey asked.

"We have been at each others side since we have been brought in that facility. You Nelson and I we only have each other— so why are you asking me that?" Axel asked but Jeffrey only laughs like he's mocking Axel.

"There's no we Axel, it was only you and Nelson but I was never included in that little family that both of you built." Jeffrey explained.

"Why you little… Axel has been worried about you since the beginning why can't you see that?" Nicholas asked.

"Because that's the truth. I have distanced myself and chose to be with Victor because I'm selfish. I have done a lot of bad things and with my decision I know I will be able to pay for all of it."

"Why does it has to cost you your life?" Aiden asked, Axel has been silent he felt confused and suffocated. He doesn't know anymore whether to still try to understand Jeffrey or just totally give up on him.

"I pulled the trigger." Jeffrey whispered, Axel's heart is pounding after hearing that faint confession. He's hoping that it wasn't what he thinks it is.

"What?" Dexter asked.

"I was the one who called the shot to Axel. I was the one who pulled the trigger, I aim it at his Ba….." Jeffrey couldn't finished what he was saying when Axel punch him to his face that caused him to fall down to the ground and his mouth bleed.

"I thought…. I thought you….. you can be rational." Axel's voice is breaking as he said those words. "You know that I'm pregnant and yet you aim for my baby!" Axel shouted his tears are now flowing down his cheeks.

"I lost my baby and I thought you were Henry's wife!" Jeffrey shouted back at Axel. "You always have it all! Always have the love of many people!So after knowing that Henry chose to terminate my pregnancy I loathed you. I want you two to feel what I felt…." Jeffrey cried and for the first time after two decades of Axel have known him he saw him cry. "I have always been crazy for the person I love but I have never been desperate as much as I am now with Henry, only with Henry." Jeffrey sniff as he tried not to choke to his own words.

"But I'm not Henry's wife, and because you jumped to conclusions and see yourself as the victim you almost kill me and my baby." Axel said, Jeffrey remained silent crying on the floor.

"That's what's wrong about you Jeffrey. You always see yourself as the victim, that's why you can only see your pain, how hard and pity your situation without looking at other peoples struggles and pain they are feeling. You always see yourself as the most pitiful person in the world, the saddest and unfortunate that's why you can't see other people's sufferings." Axel wiped his tears away.

"That's why I told you, it is the only way I can pay for everything I did, for all the pain I caused." Jeffrey is just looking at the floor as he uttered those words.

"Yeah you really are hopelessly selfish. Whatever, do whatever you want, I don't care. I stopped caring the moment you told me that you were the one who pulled the trigger. Just know that I'll only cooperate to make sure that this will bring Victor and his father's empire down."

"Yeah I know. I will do my best to carryout the plan successfully." Jeffrey answered.

"I will never going to forgive you and I will never morn for you…. You crossed the line Jeff when you endangered my child and exposed my husband just because you are selfish." Axel fists are both shaking from anger

"I'm sorry." That's the only thing that Jeffrey can say before leaving.

"Don't tell me to reconsider." Axel raised his right hand and stopped them from saying anything.

"We won't, Jeffrey just crossed the line. Endangering an innocent child is unforgivable." Aiden said. "We will do as he suggested, we just need to make sure that Henry won't know."

"Then we should make sure that our husbands won't know about his plan to go down together with Victor." Dexter seconded.

"Easier said than done." Nicholas commented which the rest agreed to.

Axel went home with a heavy heart, he doesn't want to be soft to Jeffrey, no not this time. He forgive him and gave him a chance when he knew clearly the man betrayed him and their friend but even so after everything even with all the anger he has inside for him there's this tiny voice whispering to him to give him one last chance and that is what Axel couldn't understand. After everything. "Maybe because he's the only person I have with that knows the me from beginning till now. Maybe because we grow up together or maybe because more than anyone he's the only one who know what I feel." Axel said talking to himself in the middle of the dark living room waiting for his husband who he doesn't know if will go home tonight. He's not nervous because so far he knows where Jules is and that is more than enough for him. Even if he badly wanted to see him Axel knew he needs to give him the space that he needs.


Nicholas keeps pacing back and forth after him and Dexter got home. Dexter immediately went to the coach and lay down. His pregnancy is so much more sensitive than the previous one that's why Lee is extra worried about him but they can't let their guard down so Dexter is always alert even with the simplest things.

"Hey are you ok?" Nicholas helped Dexter to comfortably lay down.

"Yeah I'm ok." Dexter assured.

"Are you sure?" Nicholas looked at him with worry. "You should have been fine since you are already pass your second trimester but why is that you are having a hard time? Is it the same with Lexter?" Nicholas asked.

"No, Lexter is a strong kid while this one is giving me his Daddy a little hard time but Daddy still loves this little bean." Dexter lovingly said as he caress his stomach that is slightly bigger than what he had when he was carrying Lexter. "You don't you want to give Zay a sibling?"

"I don't know, to be honest is not that I'm not ready it's more like I'm scared…." Nicholas sat across Dexter. " I was alone back then and not even Theo knows because I was so scared. A lot of complications arise when I was carrying Zay and it wasn't easy. I almost lost my life, I mean Zay and I both. The Doctor said I wasn't paying much attention not even one prenatal but we were lucky to survive it….." Nicholas sighed. "Even now that I already have Zeejay I still have this fear. I'm afraid that maybe in the middle of building our family we will realize that he doesn't need me or Zay. I'm afraid that I might be left to raise to kids that will remind me of him every time I sees them. It was difficult with Zay because he resembles a lot of his father's physical features but I lay Zay that's why I was able to handle it."

Dexter sit up and held Nicholas hands. "Nick, it is your body thus your choice now these things…. You need to discuss and open it to your husband. Every fears you have you need to tell him so that he will know what you feel. They are no fortune tellers so they wouldn't be able to know or tell what you feel unless you openly tells it to them. That's how marriage works and that's how me and Lee was able to manage making it this far. I'm not saying that our relationship is perfect but it makes a lot of difference when you are truthful to your feelings. I need to go, Lee is probably waiting for me inside our room."

Nicholas sigh, he wished he has answers to his confused mind but no matter how much he thinks and convinced himself he's still afraid. He's afraid in experiencing all the hardships he had when he was carrying his son even after telling himself that Zeejay is here with them the past trauma couldn't get out of his system.

"Hey." Nicholas opened his eyes when he heard a familiar voice and when he felt that the couch moved. He looked at the face of the man he has been chasing for years. "I heard and you don't have to force yourself. Like I told you before I can wait and if you really can't then I can understand. We already have Zay so there's no need for you to pressure yourself just to please me." Nicholas study Zeejay's expression as the man say those words.

"But you want….."

"Yes I want to but you are far more important to me than my desire to have another child with you." Zeejay hugged Nicholas and kissed the top of his head. "Don't pressure yourself, I'll support whatever decision you have. I'm already contented to what we have besides the number of children is not a measurement of how manly a person can be."

Nicholas laughed and hit Zeejay's chest lightly. The two stayed in the position for a while with both their hearts and minds at ease.


"Where have you been?" Jeffrey was a little surprised to see Victor visiting him for consecutive times but he remained calm like always.

"I had a lot of fun." Jeffrey said, he did had a lot of fun after all he just got married.

"Then who were you with?" Victor continued with his inquisition.

"Adrian." Jeffrey lied.

"Call him." Victor commanded.

"Are you doubting me?" Jeffrey asked.

"If you have nothing to hide then why don't you call him." Jeffrey swallowed, he knows that Victor won't stopped until he gets what he wants. So Jeffrey just dialed Adrian's number, he can only hope for the man to get the signals.

"Put him on a loudspeaker." Victor commanded that Jeffrey followed.

"Hey! So how was the marriage..." Adrian's immediately greeted in which Jeffrey immediately cut off.

"About the marriage preparation, I already manage it don't worry." Adrian went silent on the other line after hearing what he said.

"Where you able to get in your house safely, if you're not in your home yet I think it's better for you to get home." Jeffrey already got Adrian's question message hidden to what he just asked.

"I just got in my house, don't worry." Jeffrey simply answered telling him that he is at the house with Victor." Jeffrey can only hear Adrian's sighed.

"I should have taken you home myself." Jeffrey smiled, he knows that his friend is just worried and a bit disappointed that he won't be spending his first night as married with his husband - his home.

"Then you can do it next time, to make sure I'll be home safe and sound." Jeffrey talked to Adrian casually to the point that people who don't know him and Adrian will mistakenly think that the two really are a couple. Jeffrey and Adrian's good relationship doesn't sit well with Victor. We he agreed to his mother's suggestion to marry Jeffrey off he already had this scenario that Jeffrey will still let him use him because the Omega is head over heals in love with him. His toy has been loving him for years now so Victor is confident that his and Jeffrey's relationship will continue.

"Brother in law." Victor said cutting off the conversation between the two.

(Oh Victor, what's up? I hope I didn't take too much time of my future wife?) Adrian said really acting out his character. Jeffrey almost laugh by what he heard.

"No, not really." Victor said.

(Oh since we are already on this topic, how about I borrow my fiancé for a week?) Adrian asked.

"Adrian I still have lots of things to do, how about you give me 3 days to wrap things up?" Jeffrey suggested, he knew exactly what the Alpha is trying to do.

(Ok, then I better start planning for the place I'll be bringing you then? It's my gift to you.) Adrian said.

"Yeah thank you so much." Jeffrey said. "I think I have to drop the call now, me and my brother still needs to talk about a lot of things." Both friends said their goodbyes.

"You both really are getting along well." Victor commented.

"It's a good thing that we are getting along." Jeffrey smirked.

"But I don't think we should stop sleeping with each other." Victor suddenly said. He leaned in to the crook of his neck to place light kisses that made Jeffrey almost throw up. Being a soul bond carries a lot of burden. Henry has yet to mark him and yet his own body is rejecting any Alphas aside from his husband. It is more so if Henry marks him. As what the Doctor told him, once they stablished the marking even the alpha gets tied up to their omega who is their soul bond. The feelings they have for one another begins to triple causing all those in that category to go crazy or die once their other half dies. Alphas who marked their soul bond omegas can no longer find another pair as long as their mate is still alive unlike other alphas who just naturally marked their Omegas. That's why as much as Jeffrey wanted Henry to mark him, he can't. He doesn't want Henry's health and life to jeopardize specially that now there's no assurance to his life.


3 days had passed and Jeffrey was finally able to sort out all the documents and even footage of all the crimes that Victor and his companies involved with. He closed his laptop and packed it. Now he's just looking forward to spending his honeymoon with his husband. He dialed a number before getting in to a cab that will take him to the airport.

"I already sent you the files." Jeffrey said, the other line was silent.

(Yeah I got it.) Only so little words that Jeffrey heard but nonetheless it made him smile.

"I'll get going now, hey I know once I come back things will get messy. Can you do me a favor and pick my husband up from this place? He might get confused but just tell him that I prepared a surprise to him." Jeffrey said.

(A surprise to break his heart.) Jeffrey gave a bitter smile.

"Yeah but I have to pay the price for all the things I've done, I know I said that I'll hunt him if he ever have someone even after I died but thinking about it now, I still don't want him to end up with anyone else so better shoo away all those sluts who will come after my husband." Jeffrey just heard a clicking of a tongue from the other line.

"But if he truly fell in love with someone again, please check that person - I don't want to give my husband to that person if that person isn't sincere with him." Jeffrey's smile vanished from his pretty face.

(I'll make sure that person will be nothing like you.) Jeffrey didn't hear anything after that because the other person dropped the call.

Jeffrey rode to an airplane alone because Henry was already there.

When Jeffrey got there, he immediately looked for his husband which he didn't get a hard time doing so because the husband of his is getting flocked by both guys and women. So Jeffrey who is filled with Jealousy walked over there to grab and kiss his own husband.

"Darling, I just took my eyes off of you for a couple of days and yet here you are getting swarmed by leeches." Jeffrey said it in a way that people will hear and catch what he was saying. Most people who heard and showed interest to his husband rolled their eyes to him.

Henry just smiled at him sweetly. "Sorry everyone, my jealous wife is here now."

"Sorry everyone but the jealous and possessive wife is going to take the husband away." Jeffrey pulled Henry and they walk away from the lobby where Henry waited for him.

"I thought you already went to our room?" Jeffrey asked.

Henry took Jeffrey's luggage as he leads the way. "I did, I just want to wait for you downstairs."

Jeffrey eyed his husband from head to toe, the man is wearing a floral polo short sleeves that shows his sculpted chest, pairing with his white jean shorts. "Looking like that?" Jeffrey scoffed. "No wonder they are ogling you there.

Henry just laughed and hugged Jeffrey as they entered the elevator. Jeffrey is trying to shake Henry off, he's not used to public display good thing no one was inside the elevator aside from them but either way he still conscious of people that might walk in on them in that position. When the elevator opens, Jeffrey tried to freed himself from Henry's embrace but the later is very stubborn and didn't let go.

Jeffrey never felt that embarrassed his whole life, he had experienced having sex with a stranger in an open alley, in clubs rest room where some even walk on them while he and his one night thing was at it but he never felt embarrassed. Jeffrey never thought that a simple hug at the back can make his face turn red.

"Relax." Henry whispered before burying his face at the crook of his neck. Jeffrey just let the people glance at them and some people smile and laughed enviously on how sweet his husband towards him.

"We just got married." Jeffrey was surprised when Henry suddenly said to the people eyeing them.

"Honeymoon?" Some old married couple asked.

"Yeah, I want to give my wife an experience that he can carry till the day we are old." The old woman and man laughed along with the people inside.

"This is also the place where we spent our honeymoon." The old woman revealed.

"If I got married I also want to come here." The other lady.

"You heard her, I think when we get old we should got back here to celebrate." Henry said before placing a soft kiss to the side of his head. The people inside squeal in happiness.

"I hope my future husband can be as sweet as you." The the other person.

"Hey I'm sweet!" The man she's with protested.

The people inside start exchanging conversations in that short amount of time, Jeffrey didn't know that even strangers can be friendly to one another. When they reached their room Jeffrey didn't waste any more time and jumped his husband. He kissed him deeply.

"Hey what's with the hurry?" Henry asked while carrying Jeffrey.

"Didn't you miss me?" Jeffrey whispered.

"Of course I did, even when you are with me I still miss you." Henry whispered, Jeffrey can clearly see his husband's emotions through his eyes. He didn't answer instead he kissed him like there's no tomorrow, made love to him like it was their last.

"Darling, why don't you lie here with me?" Henry gestured, they just both came out of the shower.

"I don't want to, I want to explore the place." Jeffrey throw Henry a Shirt and shorts that is the same color as his. "Get dress, tonight we will celebrate."

Henry brought the bitter sweat liquid to his mouth while he eyed that one person in the middle of the crowd dancing senselessly of the people around him. He watched him feel his own body while swaying his body to the beat of the song. A man came behind him and put his hands to the side of his arms trying to feel and sway with him but Jeffrey turned around and whispered something to the man and afterwards point his fingers towards him. The man just awkwardly smiled and wave his hand to him and Henry just raised his glass.

"I noticed that you just sit there to watch him." Henry looked at the man beside him, the man reeks of his Alpha pheromones.

"Hhmmmm." Henry simply respond to the man's statement.

"He's beautiful but he doesn't entertain and keeps on pointing at you whenever someone approaches him. "The man continued. "I think he's hitting on you..."

"Why are you telling me this?" Henry asked.

"I like him, if you are not interested you can give him to me or if you are interested we can share." The man suggested.

Henry just laughed then he signaled for Jeffrey to come. "Jeffrey who's sexily wet from sweat and water drizzled earlier on the dance floor walk towards him.

"So are you going to dance with me now?" Jeffrey asked seductively. He didn't even bat an eye to the man beside Henry.

"How about a kiss?" Henry asked, Jeffrey just smiled at him before pulling him to a hot and deep kiss. When Jeffrey let go both of them are panting.

"Wow so hot!" The man beside exclaimed, Jeffrey looked at him and then Henry like he was asking who that man is. "So what's your answer?"

"No, I'll pass. I don't share my wife to anyone and most of all I don't want to give my wife to anyone." Henry proudly said, then Jeffrey smiled triumphantly to the man.

"Why? What did you asked my husband?" Jeffrey lifted himself and sit on Henry's lap.

"You're joking right? I mean he's an Omega." The man looked at Henry.

"So what if I'm an Omega? Is there any law that prohibits Omegas from getting married to Alphas?" It was Jeffrey who answered the man with a question.

"There is none Darling, that's why we are married. So want to dance with me?" Jeffrey asked seductively, brushing his nose and lips to the nook of his neck.

"No, I like it more when I watch you enjoy yourself from the distance just don't dance with anyone else." Henry said before catching Jeffrey's playful lips.

"Then I'll have fun over there and you watch me from here." Was about to go back to when a group of men approached him.

"I have been watching you since earlier, do you want to dance with me?" Jeffrey looked at the man from head to toe.

"I don't dance with kids." Jeffrey said as he turns down his invitation. He passed the man by but the man grabbed his arm.

"Hey you said he's your wife, aren't you going to do anything about it?" The man sitting beside Henry asked.

"My wife will get angry if I go there and hurt myself, so I won't unless I have to." Henry said with not a single worried on his face. "But from what it looks like I'm more worried over those kids than my wife." Henry laughed a little before finishing his drink and walk over to where his wife is.

"Boys, my wife already said he doesn't want to dance with kids." Henry said smoothly, trying to avoid any commotion that might arise anytime soon.

"Uncle, he's your wife?" The kids asked. "And don't call me kid I'm already 24!"

"Yep definitely a kid." Jeffrey commented.

"Hey this kid can make you scream in bed….." Henry was about to say anything but Jeffrey stepped in.

"Kid believed me, I have slept a hundred of men before I met my husband and not one of them were able to make me scream as good as my husband here can do." Jeffrey teasingly said

"H-hundred?" The kid stutter. "Then that makes you a slut? No one sleeps with that many men! And you, you married him even knowing that?"

"His past is irrelevant, I wasn't in the picture when he did all that so who am I to blame my lovely wife?" Henry put his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders and place a kiss to the side of his head.

"Kid if you don't want to sleep with someone who has a lot of experience then excuse yourself, a real man knows when there's a beautiful ripped fruit in front on them." A buff and handsome man suddenly came and cut off what the kid was saying.

"How about you try sleeping with me instead?"

Jeffrey just laughed a little. "I don't know is you're deft or what but I'm married and this man here is my husband."

"He doesn't look like a husband to me. Are you sure he's able to satisfy you?" The man said seductively. "I'm flirting with you in front of him and yet he's just standing there, what a useless alpha." The man said mockingly.

Jeffrey finished his glass and plans to take Henry with him to go home, the man looks like it's ready to use violence just to get what he wants and he doesn't want Henry to get hurt if that happens. But the man was persistent, Henry was held by the man's friends.

"Let him go." Jeffrey said in a calm voice.

"Come on just a quickie, we can do it on the comfort room." The man suggested.

"Let go of him." There's already a warning in Jeffrey's tone.

"You have no choice here, see your husband is not even trying to fight, he's pretty calm…"

"If I struggle you might hurt me and I don't want to deal with the aftermath if that happens so just let go of me before you regret it..." Henry warns them but the man slapped Henry which caused his lips to bleed.

"Shut up! Are you mocking me!?" The man gripped Henry's mouth.

"I'll count 1-3, if you don't let him go then don't regret it." Jeffrey calmly said then he looked at Henry who shake his head no.

" one….."

"What are you going to do" The man asked.


"You're a good comedian. I'll make sure we won't just end with a quickie but with an orgy."

Jeffrey walked at the corner and tear the curtains. He wrapped it to his knuckles and after doing so he looked at them and said. "Three, times up." He quickly run and jumped straddle the man's neck, he tightly wrapped his whole legs to the man's neck as he punched his face which made the man lost balance and fall on the floor, Jeffrey didn't let go, he strangled the man even though his friends are already begging him to stop but he didn't. To their panic they let go of Henry and went to help their friend. Henry on the other hand calmly walked to the island counter and ordered a juice to drink.

"Hey what are you doing? Aren't you going to help your wife?" Says the man who he was talking earlier.

"No, it will only get worse if I but in and get hurt. My wife might break their bones if that happens. I'll just make a call to the ambulance." Henry calmly said.

When the ambulance arrived they were neatly and unconsciously sitting on the table.

"You didn't break any of their bones did you?" Henry asked.

"I didn't go that far, he just slapped you anyway." Henry took Jeffrey's hands and the curtain cloth wrapped around his knuckles are now soak with blood.

"Good thing you didn't get hurt." Henry said as he unwrap his hands from the blooded cloth.

"Yeah you hated it whenever I get hurt so I made sure to protect myself too." Jeffrey said. "Hey I like that man's idea."

"What idea?" Henry asked.

"A quickie, I never had a quickie with you." Jeffrey seductively said as his hand cups Henry's little thing.

Henry finished his drink, before carrying his wife to the comfort room. "We will be back." Henry told the man who he has been talking since earlier. Jeffrey even wave bye bye to the man. The man just gulp at the scene, he just definitely saw a very peculiar and weird married couple.

Inside the comfort room a moaning of someone having a really good time can be heard, the cubicle they are in is quite shaking with all the movements of the two.

"Aaahhhh hhhhhmmm Henry faster ahhhh."

"Darling keep it down hhhhhmm you're so tight."

"Aaahhh let them uuuugghhh hear…. There play with my nipple Darling….."

"Bend even more aahhhh Jeffrey spread your hhhmmm legs even more."

"Yes there aahhh so good, Henry darling faster ahhh faster."

"I'm near Darling aahhhhh"

"Me too, pound on me deeper aahhhh Darling deeper, aaahhhhh."

Henry took it out before he can released it inside. No matter how much he wanted to, he can't and the reason for that is because Jeffrey's condition is not yet fixed. Jeffrey needs to undergo surgery to reconnect his tubes. He doesn't want to go through that same painful decision where he needs to choose between the two people he loves. He can no longer bare to see Jeffrey in pain knowing he loss the chance to be a mother to a child. So he decided that if they want to have a baby then it needs to be when Jeffrey's condition is one hundred percent ok. He doesn't want to risky Jeffrey's health.

"I want one more round darling." Jeffrey said, he's still catching his breath.

"If you want to be banged roughly then we should go back. It's not hygienic to do this kind of thing here." Henry suggested.

Jeffrey wrapped his arms around Henry's neck while his legs on his waist. Then he kissed Henry. "Of course, whatever you want."

"You're saying that after making me hard." Henry said, then the two went on it for the second time before Henry cleaned Jeffrey and the two went home.

It was the amazing thing is Jeffrey's life, having to spend it with someone who he loves and loves him too much. They even went to see an Ob-gyn to check the procedures which can be performed so he can safely carry a child. Jeffrey was beyond happy because for the first time it was like he's living a normal life, for the first time he owned the first place in the priority list of someone who he loves, for the first time he's not competing for a single drop of attention and love. If Jeffrey can wish, he would wish to stop that moment. He doesn't want to go home, he just wants to stay in that place together with his husband but Jeffrey knows how cruel reality is, so he did what he thought would be best for everyone including his husband.

Jeffrey snuggled to his husband as he carefully watches him. "You'll be able to fulfill your wish once I'm gone. It's a little payment for the pain I'm about to cause you but believe me when I say that I'm doing this for you and for myself. After tomorrow you have to be strong Henry." Jeffrey wiped the tears trailed on his face.

Next chapter